MAT 224: Numerical Methods

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Based on the fact that almost realistic engineering problems cannot be solved analytically, industry’s interest in applying numerical methods to simulate engineering applications has sustained a phenomenal growth in order to better understand physical phenomena, reduce cost and time-to-market of products. In this course, students will learn fundamental mathematical techniques to solve many problems numerically that will contribute substantially to the understanding of many of their future courses and to make them successful engineers. Many examples and exercises on application of the methods to simplified/model of real-life and engineering will be included along with their implementation in MATLAB package that combines computation, advanced graphics and visualization, and a high-level programming language. GNU OCTAVE, an open source software, is accepted as an alternative to MALAB, since it has a very similar environment and syntax with the advantage to be free. The numerical techniques students will learn are essentially; numerical methods for solving nonlinear scalar equations, linear systems, initial value problem (ODEs), interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration and estimating eigenvalue and eigenvectors.


