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The American journal of cardiology 72 (14), 1038-1042, 1993
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Slowing of mitral valve annular calcium in systemic hypertension by nifedipine and comparisons with enalapril and atenolol

Professor of Medicine

Citation: 1.Slowing of mitral valve annular calcium in systemic hypertension by nifedipine and comparisons with enalapril and atenolol. The American journal of cardiology 72 (14), 1038-1042, 1993. 1993.

In: The American journal of cardiology 72 (14), 1038-1042, 1993

Published by: F Cacciapuoti, N Perrone, R Diaspro, D Galzerano, S Gentile, B Lapiello , 1993

Cited by: 12