Submitted by bdodin on

Dr. Bajis Dodin joined Alfaisal University in September 2013 as the Interim Dean for its College of Business. Prior to that he served in many academic and administrative positions in the School of Business at the University of California Riverside which is an integral part of the University of California (UC. These include Academic Associate Dean, chair of the faculty; manager of the AACSB accreditation project; Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, manager of the Business Incubator Project for the city and county of Riverside. He has been very instrumental in adding new programs and courses, and revising many others; and in hiring ladder rank faculty with and without tenure in addition to hiring many lecturers and staff members. He was a Fulbright Scholar for the year 1993/94, and the Director of the UC Education Abroad Center in Egypt for the years 2003/06. He also consulted for several organizations such as International Labor Organization of the UN, and worked for Pullman Standards of Chicago for four years. Dr. Dodin earned his Ph.D. from the College of Engineering at North Carolina State University at Raleigh in the area of Production Management and Operations Research. His main areas of research and teaching are Production & Supply Chain Management, Scheduling, and Project Management. He has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in these areas; and has conducted basic and applied research resulting in publications that appeared in the premier journals such as Operations Research, Management Science, IIE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, and The Accounting Review among others. He continued to be active in the leading professional organizations and the related chapters and conferences.