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Dr. Khanfar received his undergraduate degree with first class honor in Pharmacy from University of Jordan. He pursued his graduate studies with a master degree in pharmaceutical sciences and then a Ph.D. in drug design from the University of Louisiana at Monroe, Monroe, USA. Dr. Khanfar completed a postdoctoral research fellowship at Center of Molecular Innovation and Drug Discovery (CMIDD), Northwestern University, IL where he conducted research in the laboratory of Prof. Richard B. Silverman (the inventor of the blockbuster drug LyricaTM). His research is currently funded by several national grants and he is a recipient of several national and international awards for his work on drug design and discovery.

Dr. Khanfar is a recipient of the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Foundation Fellowship for experienced researcher. Dr. Khanfar has published more than 50 articles in high impact peer-reviewed journals and one book chapter. He filed two patents in USA, and he is a member of several national and international organizations. Dr. Khanfar's research involves the use of state-of-the-art pharmaceutical, computational and medicinal chemistry technologies to design, synthesize and evaluate new molecules for the treatment of human disease and to probe biological systems with a particular emphasis on cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.