Submitted by aalbugumi on

Ms.Alanoud earned her MSc degree in Biosciences (Cell&Molecular biology) from KAUST university in Dec 2014 and Bsc in Biochemistry from KAU in 2011. She was appointed as Lab instructor in the COS/ LS department since Aug 2015. She was assigned to establish and teach 8 different practical courses for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year LS students. In 2016, Ms. Alanoud started the partnership with KAUST as ambassador and worked closely with the saudi initiative office to facilitate the recruitment of the students through annual open house visits for Alfaisal COS and COE students. Also, she chaperoned the LS students in different visits to KFSH and SFDA. Beside that, she is part of different committees in the College/department levels. Ms. Alanoud infinite goal is always to empower her brilliant students in learning, research, and motivate them to find their passion.