Year of Publication
Transplantation-Baltimore 67 (12), 1576-1582, 1999
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CLINICAL TRANSPLANTATION-Extracorporeal liver perfusion system for successful hepatic support pending liver regeneration or liver transplantation: A preclinical controlled trial

Professor of Anatomy (HOD)

Citation: CLINICAL TRANSPLANTATION-Extracorporeal liver perfusion system for successful hepatic support pending liver regeneration or liver transplantation: A preclinical controlled trial. Transplantation-Baltimore 67 (12), 1576-1582, 1999. 1999.

In: Transplantation-Baltimore 67 (12), 1576-1582, 1999

Published by: GM Abouna, PK Ganguly, HM Hamdy, SS Jabur, WA Tweed, G Costa , 1999

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