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International Journal of Angiology 21 (02), 077-080, 2012
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How the dissection laboratory facilitates integration of learning: presence of abdominal aortic aneurysm with a large intracardiac thrombus: a rare cadaver finding

Professor of Anatomy (HOD)

Citation: How the dissection laboratory facilitates integration of learning: presence of abdominal aortic aneurysm with a large intracardiac thrombus: a rare cadaver finding. International Journal of Angiology 21 (02), 077-080, 2012. 2012.

In: International Journal of Angiology 21 (02), 077-080, 2012

Published by: MM Alyafi, AA AlAmodi, BHJ Juurlink, P Ganguly , 2012

Cited by: 10