Year of Publication
Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 9 (2), 137-141, 2005
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Granulocyte transfusions in children with chronic granulomatous disease and invasive aspergillosis

Professor of Pediatrics

Citation: Granulocyte transfusions in children with chronic granulomatous disease and invasive aspergillosis. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 9 (2), 137-141, 2005. 2005.

In: Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 9 (2), 137-141, 2005

Published by: A İkincioğulları, F Doḡu, N Solaz, İ Reisli, S Kemahlı, Ş Cin, E Babacan , 2005

Cited by: 46