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Turk J Haematol 17 (3), 133-136, 2000
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Multiple cerebral emboli in a homozygous b-thalassaemia patient due to factor V 1299 (His-Arg) 4070 AG mutation

Professor of Pediatrics

Citation: Multiple cerebral emboli in a homozygous b-thalassaemia patient due to factor V 1299 (His-Arg) 4070 AG mutation. Turk J Haematol 17 (3), 133-136, 2000. 2000.

In: Turk J Haematol 17 (3), 133-136, 2000

Published by: N Akar, S KEMAHLI, G Deda, E Akar, E YILMAZ, Z Uysal, Ş Cin , 2000

Cited by: 1