
The main aim of software development is to develop high quality software and high quality software is developed using enormous amount of software engineering data. The software engineering data can be used to gain empirically based understanding of software development. The meaning full information can be extracted using various data mining techniques. As Data Mining for Secure Software Engineering improves software productivity and quality, software engineers are increasingly applying data mining algorithms to various software engineering tasks. However mining software engineering data poses several challenges, requiring various algorithms to effectively mine sequences, graphs and text from such data. Software engineering data includes code bases, execution traces, historical code changes, mailing lists and bug data bases. They contains a wealth of information about a projectsstatus, progress and evolution. Using well established data mining techniques, practitioners and researchers can explore the potential of this valuable data in order to better manage their projects and do produce higher-quality software systems that are delivered on time and within budget.

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Software Bug Detection Algorithm using Data mining Techniques

Lecturer of Software Engineering

Citation: Yasmeen S. Software Bug Detection Algorithm using Data mining Techniques. 2014. doi:https://www.ijirae.com/images/downloads/vol1issue5/JNCS10096.20.pdf


Published by: , 2014

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