Dr. Abdulrahman Soliman

Assistant Professor of Chemistry


Dr. Abdel-Rahman Soliman received his BS in Chemistry and MS in Physical Chemistry degrees from Cairo University in Egypt. Then he joined El- Shall's research group at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) where he received his PhD in Physical Chemistry on growth mechanisms of complex organics in the gas phase and on metal nanoparticles. After getting his PhD he was appointed a teaching adjunct at VCU for one year then he moved to the gulf area to join King Saud University as an Assistant Professor in 2012. Finally, he joined Alfaisal University working in the Chemistry Department in the College of Science and General Studies. His research interests are in the Ion-Chemistry, Gas-Phase Cluster Polymerization, Catalysis, Corrosion and Nanomaterials for energy applications. Dr. Soliman is the recipient of the highly prestigious Egyptian Academy of Science Scholarship (1998-2000), the Egyptian Government Fellowship (2007-2010) and Alteria (Philip Morris) Fellowship (2010-2011). His research results were published in high impact peer-reviewed international journals such as the Journal of American Chemical Society, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Chemical Physics letters, and the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters and also were presented at national meetings as the American Chemical Society (ACS) and Gordon Research Conferences meetings. His current theme of research is to develop nanocomposite based electrodes to be utilized in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells as well as preparing tailored nanomaterials for energy production.



Observation of covalent and electrostatic bonds in nitrogen-containing polycyclic ions formed by gas phase reactions of the benzene radical cation with pyrimidine

Journal Article ,
Observation of covalent and electrostatic bonds in nitrogen-containing polycyclic ions formed by gas phase reactions of the benzene radical cation with pyrimidine. (2017). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (9), 6422-6432, 2017.

A Facile Method to Synthesis TiO2/Graphene-Metal Nanocomposites via Sol-Gel Technique for Solar Energy Harvesting

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A Facile Method to Synthesis TiO2/Graphene-Metal Nanocomposites via Sol-Gel Technique for Solar Energy Harvesting. (2017). 9th Annual International Workshop of Advanced Materials (IWAM 2017), 2017.

Growth kinetics and formation mechanisms of complex organics by sequential reactions of acetylene with ionized aromatics

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Growth kinetics and formation mechanisms of complex organics by sequential reactions of acetylene with ionized aromatics. (2015). International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 377, 139-151, 2015.

Stepwise Association of Hydrogen Cyanide and Acetonitrile with the Benzene Radical Cation: Structures and Binding Energies of (C6H6•+)(HCN) n, n= 1–6, and (C6H6•+)(CH3CN) n, n …

Journal Article ,
Stepwise Association of Hydrogen Cyanide and Acetonitrile with the Benzene Radical Cation: Structures and Binding Energies of (C6H6•+)(HCN) n, n= 1–6, and (C6H6•+)(CH3CN) n, n …. (2013). The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (6), 1069-1078, 2013.

Formation of nitrogen-containing polycyclic cations by gas-phase and intracluster reactions of acetylene with the pyridinium and pyrimidinium ions

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Formation of nitrogen-containing polycyclic cations by gas-phase and intracluster reactions of acetylene with the pyridinium and pyrimidinium ions. (2013). Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (1), 155-166, 2013, 135, 155–166.

Unconventional ionic hydrogen bonds: CH+⋯ π (CC) binding energies and structures of benzene+ (acetylene) 1–4 clusters

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Unconventional ionic hydrogen bonds: CH+⋯ π (CC) binding energies and structures of benzene+ (acetylene) 1–4 clusters. (2012). Chemical Physics Letters 523, 25-33, 2012.

Assembly of HCN hydrogen bonding chains in the gas phase. Binding energies and structures of phenylacetylene+ (HCN) n clusters, n= 1–4

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Assembly of HCN hydrogen bonding chains in the gas phase. Binding energies and structures of phenylacetylene+ (HCN) n clusters, n= 1–4. (2012). Chemical Physics Letters 543, 23-27, 2012.

Assembly of HCN hydrogen bonding chains in the gas phase. Binding energies and structures of phenylacetylene< sup>+</sup>(HCN)< i> n</i> clusters,< i> n</i>= 1–4

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Assembly of HCN hydrogen bonding chains in the gas phase. Binding energies and structures of phenylacetylene< sup>+</sup>(HCN)< i> n</i> clusters,< i> n</i>= 1–4. (2012). Chemical Physics Letters, 543, 23–27.

Formation of complex organics in the gas phase by sequential reactions of acetylene with the phenylium ion

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Formation of complex organics in the gas phase by sequential reactions of acetylene with the phenylium ion. (2012). The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116 (36), 8925-8933, 2012, 116, 8925–8933.

Unconventional ionic hydrogen bonds: CH< sup>+</sup>... $π$ (CC) binding energies and structures of benzene< sup>+</sup>(acetylene)< sub> 1–4</sub> clusters

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Unconventional ionic hydrogen bonds: CH< sup>+</sup>... $π$ (CC) binding energies and structures of benzene< sup>+</sup>(acetylene)< sub> 1–4</sub> clusters. (2012). Chemical Physics Letters, 523, 25–33.

Electrospinning Synthesis and Electrocatalytic Performance of Cobalt oxide/Carbon Nanofibers Nanocomposite Based PVA for Fuel Cell Applications.

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Electrospinning Synthesis and Electrocatalytic Performance of Cobalt oxide/Carbon Nanofibers Nanocomposite Based PVA for Fuel Cell Applications. (2012). Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 7, 12646-12655, 2012.

Structure of the C8H8•+ Radical Cation Formed by Electron Impact Ionization of Acetylene Clusters. Evidence for a (Benzene•+·Acetylene) Complex

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Structure of the C8H8•+ Radical Cation Formed by Electron Impact Ionization of Acetylene Clusters. Evidence for a (Benzene•+·Acetylene) Complex. (2011). The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2 (19), 2412-2419, 2011.

Formation of Complex Organics by Gas Phase and Intracluster Ion-Molecule Reactions Involving Acetylene and Hydrogen Cyanide

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Formation of Complex Organics by Gas Phase and Intracluster Ion-Molecule Reactions Involving Acetylene and Hydrogen Cyanide. (2011). The Molecular Universe 280, 151, 2011.

Structure of the C8H8•+ Radical Cation Formed by Electron Impact Ionization of Acetylene Clusters. Evidence for a (Benzene•+· Acetylene) Complex

Journal Article ,
Structure of the C8H8•+ Radical Cation Formed by Electron Impact Ionization of Acetylene Clusters. Evidence for a (Benzene•+· Acetylene) Complex. (2011). The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2, 2412–2419.

Growth Mechanisms of Complex Organics in the Gas Phase and on Metal Nanoparticles Generated by a Laser Vaporization Process

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Growth Mechanisms of Complex Organics in the Gas Phase and on Metal Nanoparticles Generated by a Laser Vaporization Process. (2011).

Gas phase sequential reactions of pyridine and pyrimidine radical cations with acetylene: Evidence for nitrogen-containing covalent cyclic adducts

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Gas phase sequential reactions of pyridine and pyrimidine radical cations with acetylene: Evidence for nitrogen-containing covalent cyclic adducts. (2010). ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 240, 2010.

Gas phase hydration of organic ions: Phenylium and benzonitrile cations

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Gas phase hydration of organic ions: Phenylium and benzonitrile cations. (2009). ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 238, 2009.

New pathways for the formation of complex organics by gas phase and intracluster ion-molecule reactions

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New pathways for the formation of complex organics by gas phase and intracluster ion-molecule reactions. (2009). ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 238, 2009.

Formation of complex organics from acetylene catalyzed by ionized benzene

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Formation of complex organics from acetylene catalyzed by ionized benzene. (2008). Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (39), 12848-12849, 2008, 130, 12848–12849.


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