Dr. Federico Fusco

Assistant Professor of Law



PhD Scuola Normale Superiore; Post Doc Lund University; Specialization Courses in EU Law, Forensic & Security and Gender Equality & Social Dialogue (ILO- UN), Attorneys at Law (Italy)


Dr. Federico Fusco, Assistant Professor of Law at Alfaisal University, Riyadh, epitomizes a rare synergy of academic brilliance and real-world legal practice. With 13 years of professional and teaching experience, Dr. Fusco brings an unprecedented blend of expertise to the discipline of law, substantiated by an impeccable academic portfolio from globally renowned universities.

Academic Credentials

Dr. Fusco holds a Ph.D. in Law and Economics from Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa/Florence, Italy, and a Post-doc in Business Law from Lund University, Sweden, with both institutions belonging to the élite league of the world's top 100 universities. His other academic qualifications include a Master's in Law from University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy, and specialization courses in EU Law, in Forensic & Security and in gender Equality & Social Dialogue, attended in prestigious institutions like the United Nations’ Training Center and Bar Association of Naples. Additionally, he has acquired pedagogical skills from top-tier courses on Teaching Techniques.

Professional Tenure

Dr. Fusco’s professional career spans across multiple continents, with teaching and research stints in Italy, Sweden, and currently, Saudi Arabia. Prior to Alfaisal University, he served in Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University, Saudi Arabia, in Lund University, Sweden and in Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Italy. Concurrently, Dr. Fusco is a partner at Fusco & Associates Law Firm in Italy, focusing on cutting-edge legal solutions for businesses.

Administrative and Organizational Acumen

Dr. Fusco possesses a distinct flair for academic administration and has been pivotal in elevating academic standards through his roles as Chair of various committees and spearheading student enrichment programs. His prowess extends to international conferences where he often plays key roles, and into the sphere of academic publishing where he also serves on editorial boards of esteemed legal journals.

Pioneering Research

Dr. Fusco's research endeavors primarily focus on Labour Law, Artificial Intelligence & Law, Privacy Law, and Business Law. He has presented his research at global conferences, contributed to SCOPUS publications, and serves on international research bodies.

Global Affiliations and Memberships

A licensed lawyer in the European Union, Dr. Fusco also boasts an exceptional network of academic contacts worldwide and is a distinguished member of several professional organizations including the Bar Association of Napoli, Italy, and the World Future Studies Federation MENA Region Chapter.

Leadership and Public Engagement

A charismatic public speaker, Dr. Fusco has presented at world-leading conferences, further enriched by his significant leadership roles in community organizations like ROTARACT and ELSA. Creating bridges between academia and business reality, he served as guest speaker at ARAMCO, discussing the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the World of Work.

Main projects

  • KJO Knowledge Transfer Program – Oil & Gas, Saudi Arabia, 2022
  • Multilateral Leadership Program, Saudi Arabia, 2020 - 2022
  • European Union: Youth Guarantee Program, Italy, 2015 - 2016
  • International Panel of Experts: Assessment of the Labour Code of Georgia, 2013 - 2014
  • European Law Moot Court Competition, Columbia University, New York, USA 2009 - 2010
  • United Nations: Commission on the Status of Women, 2008

Scientific Conferences (where Dr. Fusco has presented his research outputs. Only the main ones are listed)

  • 6th LLRN World Conference, Warsaw, Poland, June 2023
  • International Conference in Futures Studies, Al Khobar, KSA, December 2022
  • 24th World Future Studies Federation Conference, Berlin, Germany, October 2021
  • 19th World Congress of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association, Lund, Sweden, June 2021
  • 5th LLRN World Conference, Warsaw, Poland, June 2021
  • XVIII-IXX Marco Biagi International Conference, Modena, Italy, March 2021
  • International Conference on Industrial Revolution 4.0, Al Khobar, KSA, December 2020
  • Labour Relations after Covid19 Pandemic Superior School of Brazilian Bar Association, San Paolo, Brazil, July 2020
  • Global Dispute Resolution Conference, Pepperdine University, California, USA, November 2019
  • 4th Labour Law Research Network World Conference, Valparaiso, Chile, June 2019
  • XVII Marco Biagi International Conference, Modena, Italy, March 2019
  • XXII World Congress of the International Society of Labour and Social Security Law, Turin, Italy, September 2018
  • 18th World Congress of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association, Seoul, South Korea, July 2018
  • XVI Marco Biagi International Conference, Modena, Italy, March 2018
  • 3rd Marco Garofalo Conference, Bari, Italy, November 2016

Publications (Dr. Fusco is the only author, unless otherwise specified)

  1. Employee privacy in the context of EU regulation n. 2016/679: some comparative remarks. Book chapter, SCOPUS. VV. AA., Performance Appraisal in Modern Employment Relations. An Interdisciplinary Approach, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, pp. 111-136 ISBN: 978-3-030-26537-3
  2. Artificial Intelligence and Fake News: Criminal Aspects in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Paper, SCOPUS. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 2022, vol. 14, Issue 4, pp 19 – 33 ISSN: 22226648
  3. Is the conflict a value? Different perspectives between Italian and Swedish labour law. Paper, SCOPUS. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues , n.2/2020 ISSN: 1544-0036 and 1544-0044 (online)
  4. Artificial Intelligence and Security: some reflections concerning the freedom of expression, information and democracy. Paper, under publication in SCOPUS. International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics (publication in progress) ISSN: 1751-9128
  5. Betting on the future: a comparison between trade unions’ strategy in the restructuring of Fiat and Volvo cars. Paper, Emerging Sources Citation Index. E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, 2020, n.2 ISSN: 2280-4056
  6. The Role of Collective Bargaining in Establishing Minimum Wages: Challenges and Prospects in Italy. Conference paper. 6th LLRN World Conference, Warsaw, Poland June 2023
  7. The right to strike: the ILO and ECHR legal frameworks and the potential non-compliance with those standards of the new Swedish legislation. Book chapter. VV. AA., The Collective Dimensions of Employment Relations, Palgrave Mcmillan, 2021 ISBN: 978-3-030-75531-7
  8. The Battle Against AI-Generated Fake News in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia: Challenges and Legal Approaches, Law Blog Article. Blog of the College of Law, Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University, May 2023
  9. The transformation in the Swedish industrial relation system caused by the economic crisis and the role played by Government and trade unions. Book chapter. S Bellomo & A Preteroti (eds), Recent Labour Law Issues: A Multilevel Perspective. Giappichelli, Torino - Italy, 2019, pp. 322-335 ISBN: 9788892129153
  10. The role of the Swedish government and trade unions in managing the Volvo cars crisis in 2008-2010 and its impact on the Swedish system. Book chapter. A. Perulli, S. Bellomo (Eds.), New industrial relations in the era of globalization: a multilevel analysis, Wolters Kluwer – Cedam, 2018 ISBN: 9788813371203
  11. The links between the different levels of collective bargaining: open issues. Paper. Rivista Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro (Italian Labour Law Review), 2018, n.4, part. II, p. 989 ss. ISSN: 2280-4056 (in Italian) ISSN: 03932494
  12. The effectiveness of the peace clauses and enforceability of the collective agreement. Paper. Rivista Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro (Italian Labour Law Review), 2016, n.3, part I, p. 457 ss (in Italian) ISSN: 03932494
  13. Industrial relations and enterprises’ competitiveness: a comparative study. PhD Thesis. University: Scuola Normale Superiore – Pisa & Florence Supervisor: Prof. Raffaele De Luca Tamajo Defended on: 14 July 2015 (in Italian)
  14. Comment to art. 41 of the Labour Code of Georgia – the collective agreement. Book chapter. VV. AA., Commentary on the Labour Code of Georgia, Tbilisi, Lawyers World, 2014, 545-582 ISBN: 978-9941-9354-3-5
  15. Gig work: employees or independent contractors? Data and regulatory challenges in the Swedish experience. Book chapter. A. Perulli, T. Treu (Eds.), The Future of Work: Labour Law and Labour Market Regulation in the Digital Era, Wolters Kluwer, 2020 ISBN: 9789403528533
  16. The Future of Legal research: some reflections concerning the role of the Artificial Intelligence in relation to the legal reasoning. Conference paper. Presented at the 24th World Future Studies Federation Conference “The Openness of Futures”, Berlin, October 2021
  17. Rethinking The Allocation Criteria Of The Labour Law Rights And Protections: A Risk-Based Approach. Paper. European Labour Law Journal, 2020, n.2 ISSN: 2031-9525
  18. COVID-19 and Labour Law: Saudi Arabia. Paper. Italian Labour Law e-Journal (n. 1s/2020) ISSN: 1561-8048
  19. Employee’s privacy between the reform of the art. 4 of the Employment Protection Act and EU General Data Protection Regulation. Paper. Diritti Lavori Mercati n. 2-3/2019 (in Italian) ISSN: 1722-7666
  20. Gig work in Sweden: classification of the work relationship and its economic and normative consequences. Conference paper. Presented at the 2nd ASTRIL International Conference, Rome, 13-14, Dec. 2018
  21. Right to strike and freedom of association: how far can we push their regulation? The case of the Göteborg harbor. Conference paper. Presented at INTRAlaw colloquium, Aarhus, Denmark, 2018/11/26 - 2018/11/28
  22. Public procurements and social clauses after the Laval quartet some comparative remarks. Conference paper. Presented at the 4th International Seminar on International and Comparative Labour Law, Venice, 18-24, June 2017
  23. Is it still necessary that the part of undertaking must preexist to transfer? Paper. Argomenti di Diritto del Lavoro (Labour Law Issues), 2012, n. 2, part II, p. 501 ss (in Italian) ISSN: 1126-5760
  24. Transfers of parts of undertakings: right to take action, violation of the information and consultation procedure and retention of the identity. Paper. Rivista Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro (Italian Labour Law Review), 2011, n. 4, part II, p. 1107 ss (in Italian) ISSN: 03932494
  25. The apple of discord: the badge as a remote control instrument? Paper. Rivista Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro (Italian Labour Law Review), 2011, n. 1, part II, p. 31 ss (in Italian) ISSN: 03932494




Artificial Intelligence and Fake News: Criminal Aspects in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia

Journal Article ,
Artificial Intelligence and Fake News: Criminal Aspects in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. (2022). Pakistan Journal of Criminology 14 (4), 19-33, 2022.

Quick notes on the Saudi Arabian Labour Law during the COVID-19 pandemic

Journal Article ,
Quick notes on the Saudi Arabian Labour Law during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2021). Postcards from Abroad, Https: www.labourlawcommunity.org ?S=fu, 2021.

The Right to Strike: The ILO and ECHR Legal Frameworks and the Potential Non-compliance with Those Standards of the New Swedish Legislation

Journal Article ,
The Right to Strike: The ILO and ECHR Legal Frameworks and the Potential Non-compliance with Those Standards of the New Swedish Legislation. (2021). The Collective Dimensions of Employment Relations, 183-204, 2021.

COVID-19 and Labour Law: Saudi Arabia

Journal Article ,
COVID-19 and Labour Law: Saudi Arabia. (2020). Italian Labour Law E-Journal 13 (1s), 2020.

Is the conflict a value? Different perspectives between Italian and Swedish labour law

Journal Article ,
Is the conflict a value? Different perspectives between Italian and Swedish labour law. (2020). Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues - Online ISSN: 1544-0044 23 (3), 2020.

Betting on the future: a comparison between trade unions' strategy in the re-structuring of Fiat and Volvo cars

Journal Article ,
Betting on the future: a comparison between trade unions’ strategy in the re-structuring of Fiat and Volvo cars. (2020). E-Journal of International and Comparative LABOUR STUDIES 9 (2), 2020.

Employee Privacy in the Context of EU Regulation 2016/679: Some Comparative Remarks

Journal Article ,
Employee Privacy in the Context of EU Regulation 2016/679: Some Comparative Remarks. (2020). Performance Appraisal in Modern Employment Relations, 111-136, 2020.

Can we sacrifice the freedom of association for the sake of productivity? The case of the Göteborg harbor in Sweden and the upcoming changes in the Swedish legislation.

Journal Article ,
Can we sacrifice the freedom of association for the sake of productivity? The case of the Göteborg harbor in Sweden and the upcoming changes in the Swedish legislation. (2019). XVII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEIN COMMEMORATION OF PROF MARCO BIAGI: THE …, 2019.

La privacy del lavoratore tra riforma dell’art. 4 St. lav. e regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati personali

Journal Article ,
La privacy del lavoratore tra riforma dell’art. 4 St. lav. e regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati personali. (2019). Diritti Lavori Mercati 2, 2019.

Gig work: employees or independent contractors?: Data and regulatory challenges in the Swedish experience

Journal Article ,
Gig work: employees or independent contractors?: Data and regulatory challenges in the Swedish experience. (2019). 6th International Seminar on International and Comparative Labour Law: The …, 2019.

The transformation in the Swedish industrial relation system caused by the economic crisis and the role played by government and trade unions

Journal Article ,
The transformation in the Swedish industrial relation system caused by the economic crisis and the role played by government and trade unions. (2019). Recent Labour Law Issues: A Multilevel Perspective, Edited by S Bellomo & A …, 2019.

The role of the Swedish government and trade unions in managing the Volvo cars crisis in 2008-2010 and its impact on the Swedish system

Journal Article ,
The role of the Swedish government and trade unions in managing the Volvo cars crisis in 2008-2010 and its impact on the Swedish system. (2018). New Industrial Relations in the Era of Globalization: A Multilevel Analysis …, 2018.

Session proposal-Technical progress and its challenges for the labour law: wages, work organization and new forms of job.

Journal Article ,
Session proposal-Technical progress and its challenges for the labour law: wages, work organization and new forms of job. (2018). ASTRIL Second International Conference, 2018.

I rapporti tra contratti collettivi di diverso livello: problemi aperti

Journal Article ,
I rapporti tra contratti collettivi di diverso livello: problemi aperti. (2018). Rivista Italiana Di Diritto Del Lavoro, 2018.

Gig work in Sweden: classification of the work relationship and its economic and normative consequences

Journal Article ,
Gig work in Sweden: classification of the work relationship and its economic and normative consequences. (2018). ASTRIL Second International Conference, 2018.

Roundtable-" What is strike? Definition and challenges of an “old” right in a futuristic world."

Journal Article ,
Roundtable-" What is strike? Definition and challenges of an “old” right in a futuristic world.". (2018). 4th Labour Law Research Network Conference: A Global Conversation on Labour Law, 2018.


Journal Article ,

Right to strike and freedom of association: how far can we push their regulation? The case of the Göteborg harbor.

Journal Article ,
Right to strike and freedom of association: how far can we push their regulation? The case of the Göteborg harbor. (2018). INTRAlaw Colloquium: Fundamental Rights at Work, 2018.


Journal Article ,

Public procurements and social clauses after the Laval quartet some comparative remarks

Journal Article ,
Public procurements and social clauses after the Laval quartet some comparative remarks. (2017). 4th International Seminar on International and Comparative Labour Law, 2017.

L’efficacia delle clausole di tregua e l’esigibilità del contratto collettivo

Journal Article ,
L’efficacia delle clausole di tregua e l’esigibilità del contratto collettivo. (2016). Rivista Italiana Di Diritto Del Lavoro 2016 (3), 2016.

Relazioni industriali e competitività delle imprese: un quadro comparato

Journal Article ,
Relazioni industriali e competitività delle imprese: un quadro comparato. (2015). Scuola Normale Superiore, 2015.

Comment to art. 41 of the Labour Code of Georgia

Journal Article ,
Comment to art. 41 of the Labour Code of Georgia. (2014). Commentary on the Labour Code of Georgia, 545-545, 2014.

É ancora necessario che il ramo d'azienda preesista al trasferimento?

Journal Article ,
É ancora necessario che il ramo d’azienda preesista al trasferimento?. (2012). Argomenti Di Diritto Del Lavoro 17 (2), 503-507, 2012.

Il trasferimento di ramo d’azienda: interesse ad agire, violazione della procedura sindacale e autonomia del ramo

Journal Article ,
Il trasferimento di ramo d’azienda: interesse ad agire, violazione della procedura sindacale e autonomia del ramo. (2011). Rivista Italiana Di Diritto Del Lavoro, 2011.

Il pomo della discordia: il badge come strumento di controllo a distanza?

Journal Article ,
Il pomo della discordia: il badge come strumento di controllo a distanza?. (2011). Rivista Italiana Di Diritto Del Lavoro, 2011.


No Event Found



Dr. Federico Fusco, Assistant Professor of Law at Alfaisal University, has completed a certification course on the EU Regulation on Artificial Intelligence (AI Act), offered by the Fondazione Marco Biagi at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. This course, focused on the governance and compliance requirements for businesses and organizations, provided an in-depth analysis of the AI Act's principles, risk-based approach, and its implications for labor relations and corporate governance. The program emphasized practical solutions for adapting to the new legal framework, further enhancing Dr. Fusco's expertise in AI-related legal issues.

Dr. Federico Fusco, Assistant Professor of Law at Alfaisal University, has been awarded a certification from the ITC of International Labour Organization (ILO) for completing a specialized course on Artificial Intelligence's Workplace Revolution. This certification recognizes Dr. Fusco’s expertise in the rapidly evolving relationship between AI and labor markets.

Dr. Federico Fusco, Assistant Professor at the College of Law and International Relations, made a striking contribution at the prestigious XXIV World Congress of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law, held in Rome from September 17-20, 2024. He organized a special session titled "Digitalization and AI at Work," which assembled a distinguished panel of international scholars to explore the transformative role of artificial intelligence in reshaping labor markets and employment practices.


In his own presentation, "Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace: The European Union’s AI Act and Saudi Arabia’s Legal Framework," Dr. Fusco highlighted the pioneering strides Saudi Arabia has made in AI regulation, comparing it to the EU's recently enacted AI Act. His insightful analysis of these regulatory frameworks underscored Saudi Arabia’s pivotal role in advancing AI regulation, highlighting the Kingdom's influence in shaping global AI policies and driving the broader evolution of technology governance in an increasingly automated world.


The session featured contributions from leading scholars representing institutions in Italy, Spain, Germany, Brazil, and Peru. Together, they tackled a range of pressing issues, from algorithmic bias and workplace automation to the evolving regulatory landscape. Dr. Fusco’s leadership and vision in curating this special session underscored Saudi Arabia’s regulatory advancements and showcased Alfaisal University’s growing influence on the global academic stage.


This appearance at the Congress reinforces Dr. Fusco’s burgeoning reputation as an expert in the intersection of AI and labor law. It follows his participation in the GAIN Summit on AI in Riyadh, his certification from the International Labour Organization on Artificial Intelligence's Workplace Revolution, and his qualification on EU AI regulation from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. These achievements firmly position Dr. Fusco as a key figure in the global dialogue on the future of AI and law.


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