Hayat Khan

Associate Professor, Department of Finance


Dr Hayat Khan (Gold Medalist)

Dr. Hayat Khan (Gold Medalist) is Vice Dean of Undergraduate Programs and Associate  Professor of Economics at the College of Business at Alfaisal University. He graduated with a PhD from the University of Melbourne in 2006 and started his full-time career as a Lecturer at La Trobe University. Dr. Khan has won numerous academic awards including the Kilmany Prize for outstanding performance in PhD coursework, a Gold Medal in MSc Economics. and various awards for teaching innovations and outstanding contribution to student learning at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Dr Khan co-designed an award-winning graduate and executive program at La Trobe and acted as Director of the Islamic Finance programs. He developed training material on contemporary issues for CPA Australia which is one of the world's largest accounting bodies that offers specialist training with a global membership of more than 150,000 members (with about 25,000 working in senior leadership positions) in 120 countries around the world. Dr Khan has also made a valuable contribution to the BBA program at Alfaisal and is a winner of the Oustanding Service award.


Dr. Khan’s current research focuses on welfare economics, corporate governance, and behavioral economics/finance with a particular interest in issues related to optimal contracting/incentives and in Islamic economics and finance.

Dr Hayat Khan


CV_Hayat.pdf (267.04 KB)



G-Donic Happiness: An Alternative to Hedonic and Eudemonic Happiness for Sustainable Consumption

Journal Article ,
G-Donic Happiness: An Alternative to Hedonic and Eudemonic Happiness for Sustainable Consumption. (2021). Sustainability 13 (11), 6096, 2021, 13(11).

Multiple directorships and the extent of loan loss provisions: Evidence from banks in South Asia

Journal Article ,
Multiple directorships and the extent of loan loss provisions: Evidence from banks in South Asia. (2021). Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics 17 (3), 100277, 2021, 17(3).

A Nontechnical guide on optimal incentives for Islamic insurance operators

Journal Article ,
A Nontechnical guide on optimal incentives for Islamic insurance operators. (2019). Journal of Risk and Financial Management 12 (3), 127, 2019, 13(3), 127.

Optimal Incentives Under Gift Exchange

Journal Article ,
Optimal Incentives Under Gift Exchange. (2019). The BE Journal of Theoretical Economics, 2019, (SSN (Online) 1935-1704), 20180041.

Bank performance and risk-taking—Does directors' busyness matter?

Journal Article ,
Bank performance and risk-taking—Does directors’ busyness matter?. (2018). Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 50, 184-199, 2018.

Islamic economics and a third fundamental theorem of welfare economics

Journal Article ,
Islamic economics and a third fundamental theorem of welfare economics. (2018). The World Economy 41 (3), 723-737, 2018, 21(3), 723-737. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1111/twec.12508

Consumption patterns and demand elasticities of selected horticulture products in Pakistan

Journal Article ,
Consumption patterns and demand elasticities of selected horticulture products in Pakistan. (2018). WORKING PAPER 04 18, 2018.

Vertical Integration and Cross-Country Price Transmission in Pakistan’s Agriculture Market

Journal Article ,
Vertical Integration and Cross-Country Price Transmission in Pakistan’s Agriculture Market. (2018). Policy and Institutional Reforms to Improve Horticulture Markets in Pakistan, 2018.

Bank Performance and Risk-Taking–Does Directors’ Busyness Matter?

Journal Article ,
Bank Performance and Risk-Taking–Does Directors’ Busyness Matter?. (2018). Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 50, 184-199. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927538X17300756

Social preferences and values. an experimental analysis for religiosity

Book Chapter ,
Social preferences and values. an experimental analysis for religiosity. (2017). test. Retrieved from https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/handbook-of-empirical-research-on-islam-and-economic-life

Social preferences and values: an experimental analysis for religiosity

Journal Article ,
Social preferences and values: an experimental analysis for religiosity. (2017). Handbook of Empirical Research on Islam and Economic Life, 23-46, 2017.

CPA Australia Islamic Finance Short Course

Journal Article ,
CPA Australia Islamic Finance Short Course. (2016). Https://learn.cpaaustralia.com.au/Lmt/clmsCatalogDetails.prMain?Site=cpapd/…,/2016.

Some Implications of Debt versus Equity-Based Financing in the Backdrop of Financial Crises

Journal Article ,
Some Implications of Debt versus Equity-Based Financing in the Backdrop of Financial Crises. (2015). JKAU: Islamic Economics 28 (1), 179-195, 2015, 28(1), 179-195.

Do Sen's capabilities determine happiness? Evidence from a unique survey data

Journal Article ,
Do Sen’s capabilities determine happiness? Evidence from a unique survey data. (2015). International Journal of Happiness and Developmen, 2(2), 160-181.

Islamic Finance

Book Chapter ,
Islamic Finance. (2015). In CPA-Contemporary Business Issue. Deakin University on behalf of CPA Australia.

Do sen’s capabilities determine happiness? Evidence from a unique survey data

Journal Article ,
Do sen’s capabilities determine happiness? Evidence from a unique survey data. (2015). International Journal of Happiness and Development 2 (2), 160-181, 2015.

Optimal incentives for takaful (Islamic insurance) operators

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Optimal incentives for takaful (Islamic insurance) operators. (2015). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 109, 135-144, 2015, 109, 135-144.

Gift exchange anomaly: evidence from incentives vis-à-vis performance of Islamic insurance operators

Journal Article ,
Gift exchange anomaly: evidence from incentives vis-à-vis performance of Islamic insurance operators. (2015). Applied Economics Letters, 1175-1178, 2015, 1175-1178.

Islamic Finance: IN CPA Contemporary Business Issues

Journal Article ,
Islamic Finance: IN CPA Contemporary Business Issues. (2014). CPA Program Study Guide: Contemporary Business Issues 2, 2014.

The underlying cause of the global financial Crisis: An islamic perspective

Journal Article ,
The underlying cause of the global financial Crisis: An islamic perspective. (2014). Economic Papers: A Journal of Applied Economics and Policy 33 (1), 45-54, 2014, 33(1), 45-54.

Examining models of social preferences and a generalized model of inequity aversion: An analysis and application

Journal Article ,
Examining models of social preferences and a generalized model of inequity aversion: An analysis and application. (2014). Corporate Ownership and Control 12 (1), 211-230, 2014.

Testing the Existence of Hedonic Adaptation and Inertia to Income with implications for Islamic economics: a case of Pakistan

Journal Article ,
Testing the Existence of Hedonic Adaptation and Inertia to Income with implications for Islamic economics: a case of Pakistan. (2013).

Private intergenerational transfers and their ability to offset the fiscal burden of ageing

Journal Article ,
Private intergenerational transfers and their ability to offset the fiscal burden of ageing. (2010). Pacific Economic Review 15 (1), 116-151, 2010, 15(1), 116-151.


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