Dr. Mohamed A. Bahloul

Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering



Dr. Mohamed Bahloul is an Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering at Alfaisal University and the Director of the Translational Biomedical Engineering Research Lab. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia in 2022, and holds three Master of Science degrees from the University of Montpellier, France, the University of Sfax, Tunisia, and KAUST, in Microelectronic Systems, Embedded Systems, and Electrical Engineering-Electro-physics, respectively. He also earned a B.Sc. degree in Emerging Technologies in Electronics from the National School of Engineering of Sfax-Tunisia in 2015.

Dr. Bahloul's research interests are multidisciplinary and include biomedical and bioinformatic research, with a particular focus on cardiovascular system modeling, stroke, and coronary. He integrates multi-scale modeling and artificial intelligence techniques to develop smart health monitoring systems that can adapt to the complex variability of biological signals. Dr. Bahloul's expertise spans across estimation and systems control theory, data analysis, numerical modeling, and real-world applications and industries.

A common thread in Dr. Bahloul's research lies in combining different model classes, including data-driven, physics-based, and optimization-based models, into hybrid modeling frameworks. He has a strong interest in the real hardware implementation of these solutions and in designing, selecting, and optimizing the most appropriate target platform. This approach is particularly important given the ever-increasing scale and complexity of real-life phenomena in physics, engineering, chemistry, transportation, and healthcare.

Dr. Bahloul's interdisciplinary research expertise is well-suited to expedite the technology transfer to a wide range of real-world applications and industries, particularly in the biomedical and bioinformatic domains. His work on cardiovascular system modeling, stroke, and coronary artery disease has significant implications for improving health outcomes and developing new medical technologies. Through his research, Dr. Bahloul is contributing to a better understanding of complex biological processes and is developing innovative solutions to help address some of the most pressing challenges in healthcare today.




Physics-based modeling and data-driven algorithm for prediction and diagnosis of atherosclerosis

Journal Article ,
Physics-based modeling and data-driven algorithm for prediction and diagnosis of atherosclerosis. (2022). Biophysical Journal 121 (3), 419a-420a, 2022.

Human Hypertension Blood Flow Model using Fractional Calculus

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Human Hypertension Blood Flow Model using Fractional Calculus. (2022). Frontiers in Physiology 13 (1664-042X), 441, 2022.

Initialization of fractional order systems for the joint estimation of parameters and fractional differentiation orders

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Initialization of fractional order systems for the joint estimation of parameters and fractional differentiation orders. (2022). 2022 American Control Conference (ACC), 3943-3948, 2022.

A Multiple Linear Regression Model for Carotid-to-Femoral Pulse Wave Velocity Estimation Based on Schrodinger Spectrum Characterization

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A Multiple Linear Regression Model for Carotid-to-Femoral Pulse Wave Velocity Estimation Based on Schrodinger Spectrum Characterization. (2022). 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2022.

Contributions to Data-driven and Fractional-order Model-based Approaches for Arterial Haemodynamics Characterization and Aortic Stiffness Estimation

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Contributions to Data-driven and Fractional-order Model-based Approaches for Arterial Haemodynamics Characterization and Aortic Stiffness Estimation. (2022).

Parameter Sensitivity and Experimental Validation for Fractional-Order Dynamical Modeling of Neurovascular Coupling

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Parameter Sensitivity and Experimental Validation for Fractional-Order Dynamical Modeling of Neurovascular Coupling. (2022). IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology 3, 69-77, 2022.

Design of 3–5 GHz tunable memristor-based OOK-UWB transmitter

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Design of 3–5 GHz tunable memristor-based OOK-UWB transmitter. (2021). AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 132, 153664, 2021.

Variability analysis of resistive ternary content addressable memories

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Variability analysis of resistive ternary content addressable memories. (2021). International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 49 (2), 453-475, 2021.

Finite-time simultaneous estimation of aortic blood flow and differentiation order for fractional-order arterial Windkessel model calibration

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Finite-time simultaneous estimation of aortic blood flow and differentiation order for fractional-order arterial Windkessel model calibration. (2021). IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (15), 538-543, 2021.

Mathematical Biomarker for Arterial Viscoelasticity Assessment

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Mathematical Biomarker for Arterial Viscoelasticity Assessment. (2021). US Patent US-2021-0353160- A, 2021.

Fractional-order model representations of apparent vascular compliance as an alternative in the analysis of arterial stiffness: an in-silico study

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Fractional-order model representations of apparent vascular compliance as an alternative in the analysis of arterial stiffness: an in-silico study. (2021). Physiological Measurement, 2021.

Towards Characterization of the Complex and Frequency-dependent Arterial Compliance based on Fractional-order Capacitor

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Towards Characterization of the Complex and Frequency-dependent Arterial Compliance based on Fractional-order Capacitor. (2021). 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2021.

Combining Machine Learning and Blind Estimation for Central Aortic Blood Pressure Reconstruction

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Combining Machine Learning and Blind Estimation for Central Aortic Blood Pressure Reconstruction. (2021). 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2021.

A Multilayer Perceptron-based Carotid-to-Femoral Pulse Wave Velocity Estimation using PPG Signal

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A Multilayer Perceptron-based Carotid-to-Femoral Pulse Wave Velocity Estimation using PPG Signal. (2021). 2021 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics …, 2021.

Aortic blood pressure estimation: A hybrid machine-learning and cross-relation approach

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Aortic blood pressure estimation: A hybrid machine-learning and cross-relation approach. (2021). Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 68, 102762, 2021.

Fractional-order Modeling of the Complex and Frequency-dependent Arterial Compliance: In Human and Animal Validation

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Fractional-order Modeling of the Complex and Frequency-dependent Arterial Compliance: In Human and Animal Validation. (2021). APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, T15. 012, 2021.

Fractional-order Approach to Modeling and Characterizing the Complex and Frequency-dependent Apparent Arterial Compliance: In Human and Animal Validation

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Fractional-order Approach to Modeling and Characterizing the Complex and Frequency-dependent Apparent Arterial Compliance: In Human and Animal Validation. (2021). BioRxiv, Https: www.biorxiv.org Content 10.1101 , 2021.

Fractional-order Modeling of the Arterial Compliance: An Alternative Surrogate Measure of the Arterial Stiffness

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Fractional-order Modeling of the Arterial Compliance: An Alternative Surrogate Measure of the Arterial Stiffness. (2020). ArXiv Preprint arXiv:2010.10058, 2020.

Artificial Intelligence-based Method for Carotid-to-Femoral Pulse Wave Velocity Estimation from Photoplethysmogram Signal

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Artificial Intelligence-based Method for Carotid-to-Femoral Pulse Wave Velocity Estimation from Photoplethysmogram Signal. (2020).

Fractional-Order SEIQRDP Model for Simulating the Dynamics of COVID-19 Epidemic

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Fractional-Order SEIQRDP Model for Simulating the Dynamics of COVID-19 Epidemic. (2020). IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology 1, 249-256, 2020.

Assessment of Fractional-Order Arterial Windkessel as a Model of Aortic Input Impedance

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Assessment of Fractional-Order Arterial Windkessel as a Model of Aortic Input Impedance. (2020). IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2020.

Blind Estimation of Central Blood Pressure using Least-Squares with Mean Matching and Box Constraints

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Blind Estimation of Central Blood Pressure using Least-Squares with Mean Matching and Box Constraints. (2020). 42 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, Engineering in Medicine and …, 2020.

Finite-time joint estimation of the arterial blood flow and the arterial Windkessel parameters using modulating functions

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Finite-time joint estimation of the arterial blood flow and the arterial Windkessel parameters using modulating functions. (2020). IFAC World Congress, Berlin, July 2020, Accepted, 2020.

Two-Element Fractional-Order Windkessel Model to Assess the Arterial Input Impedance

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Two-Element Fractional-Order Windkessel Model to Assess the Arterial Input Impedance. (2019). 41 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, Engineering in Medicine and …, 2019.

Compact memristor‐based ultra‐wide band chirp pulse generator

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Compact memristor‐based ultra‐wide band chirp pulse generator. (2019). International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2019.

Fractional Order Models of Arterial Windkessel as an Alternative in the Analysis of the Left Ventricular Afterload

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Fractional Order Models of Arterial Windkessel as an Alternative in the Analysis of the Left Ventricular Afterload. (2019). ArXiv Preprint arXiv:1908.05239, 2019.

Investigation of viscoelastic properties of arterial vessel wall within the framework of fractional-order modeling

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Investigation of viscoelastic properties of arterial vessel wall within the framework of fractional-order modeling. (2018). Workshop on Advances in Modulating Functions, 2018.

Classification of Cardiovascular Measurements Using Machine Learning: Distinction between physiological and non-physiological measurement

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Classification of Cardiovascular Measurements Using Machine Learning: Distinction between physiological and non-physiological measurement. (2018). KAUST Summer Internship 2018, 2018.

Three-element fractional-order viscoelastic arterial windkessel model

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Three-element fractional-order viscoelastic arterial windkessel model. (2018). 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, Engineering in Medicine …, 2018.

Fractional Dynamical Model for Neurovascular Coupling

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Fractional Dynamical Model for Neurovascular Coupling. (2018). 13th IEEE EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging Saint-Jacut …, 2018.

Arterial viscoelastic model using lumped parameter circuit with fractional-order capacitor

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Arterial viscoelastic model using lumped parameter circuit with fractional-order capacitor. (2018). 2018 IEEE 61st International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems …, 2018.

Memristor Based Programmable Current Reference Generator

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Memristor Based Programmable Current Reference Generator. (2018). Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), 2018 15th International Multi-Conference On, 2018.

Arterial Fractional Order Model

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Arterial Fractional Order Model. (2017). 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, Engineering in Medicine …, 2017.

Design and Analysis of 2T-2M Ternary Content Addressable Memories

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Design and Analysis of 2T-2M Ternary Content Addressable Memories. (2017).

Hardware emulation of memristor based ternary content addressable memory

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Hardware emulation of memristor based ternary content addressable memory. (2017). 2017 14th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD …, 2017.


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Digital Logic Systems, EE-210

Course Description: The course teaches theoretical foundations and concepts of digital systems and applies these concepts with design problems and projects. Students are exposed to the design and engineering of digital computers and subsystems.

Internet of Things, EE-411

Course Description: This course is a hands-on introduction to microcontrollers using the Arduino platform. Fundamentals of computer programming will be covered, as students will learn to program the Arduino microcontroller platform. Students will be able to create a variety of projects by using analog and digital I/O and interfacing electronics and computers. Course experiments are designed to explore microcontroller basics, covering LEDs, transistors, motors, integrated circuits, pushbuttons, variable resistors, photo resistors, temperature sensors, and relays. In addition, the course explains the concept of real-time systems and why such systems are usually implemented as concurrent processes. The course describes the process for real-time systems and overviews the role of a real-time OS. It introduces the generic process architectures for monitoring and control and data acquisition systems.

Foundations of Electrical Engineering, EE-207

Course Description: The course teaches fundamental concepts of electrical circuits, students will be familiarized with the essential principles of electrical circuit analysis, the composition of components into systems and networks, and understanding the trade-offs and limits imposed by energy and noise.

Computer Architecture, EE-307

Course Description: The course introduces the architecture of digital systems, with an emphasis on the structural principles common to a wide range of computer technologies. Multilevel implementation strategies, the definition of new primitives (e.g., gates, instructions, procedures, and processes) and their mechanization using lower-level elements, the organization and operation of digital computers and the hardware/software interface are addressed.

Signals and Systems, EE-301

Course Description: Mathematical description and classification of various signals and systems: introduction to mathematical software packages (e.g. MATLAB), continuous linear time-invariant systems, convolution and correlation, Fourier series, Laplace and z-transform, impulse and pulse responses, step responses, frequency responses.