Dr. Muhammad Zafar

Professor of Anatomy/Skill Lab



Ph.D. (ANATOMY)              2002-03                 Baqai Medical University, Karachi.
Basic Medical Sciences Institute,(BMSI)

M. Phil. (ANATOMY)          1994

Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Centre, (JPMC), Karachi, Pakistan.

M.B; B.S.                               1989                       Liaquat Medical College, Jamshoro, Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan.
Appointments/position Held
• Associate Professor of Anatomy/Skill Lab: Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Al-Faisal University Riyadh from September10 - present
•  Professor of Anatomy & Histology in the Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, King Fahad Medical City, K.S.A., from June26, 2007 to July 12,2011
•   Director of Clinical Skills Center, Faculty of Medicine, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, K.S.A., from 04-10-2008 to July 12, 2011
•   Associate Professor of Anatomy & Histology, Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Qasim University, K.S.A., from September 2003 to June 2007
•    Vice Principal, Baqai Medical College, Karachi from 14/03/2002 to August 2003
•     Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, Baqai Medical College, Karachi from 01/03/2002 to August 2003
•   Vice Dean, Postgraduate Medical Institute (P.G.M.I.), Baqai Medical University, Karachi from 14/04/2001 to August 2003
•      Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Baqai Medical College, Karachi from 01/04/1999 to 28/02/2002
•     Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Baqai Medical College, Karachi from January 1995 to 31/03/1999

Distinctions & Honors:
•      “TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD”; 2009 - 2010. At Faculty of Medicine, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh.

•      “BEST TEACHER EVALUATION” : Department of Continuing Medical Education (CME), College of Physicians & Surgeon, Pakistan (CPSP) 1998-2003
•      Position holder in M. Phil. examination




Practical Examinations-OSPE, OSCE and SPOT

Book ,
Practical Examinations-OSPE, OSCE and SPOT. (2014). Nova Sciences Publisher INC.

What is an Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)

Journal Article ,
What is an Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE). (2014). Anatomical Sciences Education.

What is an objective structured practical examination in anatomy?

Journal Article ,
What is an objective structured practical examination in anatomy?. (2013). Anatomical Sciences Education 6 (2), 125-133, 2013, 6, 125-133.

Practical Examinations-OSPE, OSCE and Spot

Book ,
Practical Examinations-OSPE, OSCE and Spot. (2013). New York, USA. (M): Education in Anatomical Sciences, Nova Publishers.

 What is an Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) in Anatomy?

Journal Article ,
 What is an Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) in Anatomy?. (2013). Anat Sci Edu, 6, 125-133.

Effects of STZ-induced diabetes on the relative weights of kidney, liver and pancreas in albino rats: a comparative study

Journal Article ,
Effects of STZ-induced diabetes on the relative weights of kidney, liver and pancreas in albino rats: a comparative study. (2010). International Journal of Morphology 28 (1), 135-142, 2010.

Efectos de la Diabetes Inducida por STZ en los Pesos Relativos de Riñón, Hígado y Páncreas en Ratas Albinas: un Estudio Comparativo

Journal Article ,
Efectos de la Diabetes Inducida por STZ en los Pesos Relativos de Riñón, Hígado y Páncreas en Ratas Albinas: un Estudio Comparativo. (2010). International Journal of Morphology 28 (1), 135-142, 2010.

Múltiples Variaciones Arteriales en el Miembro Superior Derecho de un Cadáver Caucásico Masculino

Journal Article ,
Múltiples Variaciones Arteriales en el Miembro Superior Derecho de un Cadáver Caucásico Masculino. (2010). International Journal of Morphology 28 (3), 659-665, 2010.

Effects of STZ-induced diabetes on the relative weights of kidney, liver and pancreas of albino rats

Journal Article ,
Effects of STZ-induced diabetes on the relative weights of kidney, liver and pancreas of albino rats. (2010). Int. J. Of Morphol., 28, 135-142.

Multiple arterial variations in the right upper limb of a caucasian male cadaver

Journal Article ,
Multiple arterial variations in the right upper limb of a caucasian male cadaver. (2010). Int. J. Morphol 28 (3), 659-665, 2010, 28, 659-65.

Effect of neem oil on the structure and function of mature male albino rat testes

Journal Article ,
Effect of neem oil on the structure and function of mature male albino rat testes. (2009). Braz. J. Morphol. Sci., 26, 49-54.

Altered Liver Morphology and Enzymes in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats.

Journal Article ,
Altered Liver Morphology and Enzymes in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats. (2009). International Journal of Morphology 27 (3), 2009.

Altered Kidney Morphology and Enzymes in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats.

Journal Article ,
Altered Kidney Morphology and Enzymes in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats. (2009). International Journal of Morphology 27 (3), 2009.

Does the existing traditional undergraduate Anatomy curriculum satisfy the senior medical students? A retrospective evaluation

Journal Article ,
Does the existing traditional undergraduate Anatomy curriculum satisfy the senior medical students? A retrospective evaluation. (2009). Einstein (Säo Paulo) 7 (3), 2009.

Morfología y Enzimas Renales Alteradas en Ratas con Diabetes Inducida por Estreptozotocin

Journal Article ,
Morfología y Enzimas Renales Alteradas en Ratas con Diabetes Inducida por Estreptozotocin. (2009). International Journal of Morphology 27 (3), 783-790, 2009.

Altered kidney Morphology and Enzymes in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic rats

Journal Article ,
Altered kidney Morphology and Enzymes in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic rats. (2009). Int. J. Of Morphol., 27, 783-90.

Altered Liver morphology and enzymes in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic rats

Journal Article ,
Altered Liver morphology and enzymes in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic rats. (2009). Int. J. Of Morphol., 27 (3), 719-25.

Does the existing traditional undergraduate Anatomy curriculum satisfy the senior medical students?

Journal Article ,
Does the existing traditional undergraduate Anatomy curriculum satisfy the senior medical students?. (2009). South-East Asian Journal of Medical Education 3 (2), 20-26, 2009, 7, 341-46.

Distribution of cell types of islets of Langerhans in the pancreas of albino rats

Journal Article ,
Distribution of cell types of islets of Langerhans in the pancreas of albino rats. (2002). The Professional, 09, 71-77.





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Phase-I, Semester-II

1. Cardiovascular Block ( CVS 121): Histology of Heart, arteries, veins and microcirculation

Phase-I, Semester-I

1. Introductory Block (INT 111): General Anatomy, General Histology and Genaral Embryology 2. MSK 112: Muscular tissue, Histology of Bones, cartilages, joints and ossification 3. GIT 113: Histology of oral tissues, foregut, mid gut and hind gut and associated glands like liver, pancreas and gall bladder