Dr Ameer is a physio-pharmacologist researcher. He trained initially as a pharmacist, and after a number of years of working as a clinical pharmacist in hospitals & community pharmacies, went on to do an MSc in pharmacology, followed by a PhD in Advanced Medicine from at the Australian School of Advanced Medicine, and a post-doc at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland. During his career, Dr Ameer, developed a real passion for teaching and research within various international universities ranging from Malaysia, Australia, the US and KSA. Dr Ameer has significant research records of accomplishment and awards within the area of physiology, pharmacology and neuroscience from countries like Malaysia, South Korea, Germany, Australia and the US. Currently, he is a faculty member at the College of Pharmacy and the Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Alfaisal University. Dr Ameer's research interests and areas of expertise fall within the mechanisms of antihypertensive drugs, blood pressure and heart rate and their relation to kidney function, arterial function, engineering elastic modulus and stiffness with its connection to overall cardiovascular health. The influence of sympathetic and parasympathetic control of arterial pressure, endothelium-dependent and independent vascular mechanisms, in health and metabolic syndrome and finally, the neurocircuitry involvement in salivary gland secretion and modulations by the cervical sympathetic chain. Dr Ameer's scientific track records involves a published book and over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, scored over 1000 citations (Google Scholar) and accumulated over 30.000 reads on (Research Gate).