Dr. Rahma Lahyani

Assistant Professor, Department of Operations and Project Management



Dr Rahma Lahyani is an Assistant Professor of Operations Management and Quantitative Methods at the College of Business at Alfaisal University in Riyadh. She has obtained her Ph.D. degree in the field of Operations Research from École Centrale de Lille, France and has held postdoctoral fellowships at the Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT) at Laval University, Quebec, Canada, and at École Centrale de Lille, France.

Dr. Lahyani taught several courses for the graduate engineering program at École Centrale de Lille and several graduate and undergraduate courses at Alfaisal University in quantitative methods, operations management, supply chain management, quality management and project risk management. Her research interests are in the broad field of logistics. Particularly, she has developed research on mathematical programming, and developing meta- and mat-heuristics, as well as exact algorithms to solve theoretical and rich practical problems arising in the supply chain management. She has published book chapters and scientific papers in high quality peer-reviewed journals such as Omega, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Research and Euro Journal on Combinatorial Optimization, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. She has received international academic awards, excellence grants and research grants. She currently co-supervises graduate and undergraduate students from Laval University, and she is qualified for Associate Professor positions in France in the fields of Computer Engineering and Automation. She serves as referee for international conferences and peer reviewed scientific journals. 


CV_rahma_AU.pdf (207.32 KB)



Dynamic interactions of actual stock returns with forecasted stock returns and investors’ risk aversion: empirical evidence interplaying the impact of Covid-19 pandemic

Journal Article ,
Dynamic interactions of actual stock returns with forecasted stock returns and investors’ risk aversion: empirical evidence interplaying the impact of Covid-19 pandemic. (2023). Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 61 (3), 1129-1149, 2023.

Traffic Disturbance Mining and Feedforward Neural Network to enhance the Immune Network Control Performance

Journal Article ,
Traffic Disturbance Mining and Feedforward Neural Network to enhance the Immune Network Control Performance. (2022). ICICT 2022 1, 99-106, 2022.

Price forecasting for real estate using machine learning: a case study on Riyadh city

Journal Article ,
Price forecasting for real estate using machine learning: a case study on Riyadh city. (2022). Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 34 (6), e6748, 2022.

Supply chain resilience vs. COVID-19 disruptions during the second wave.

Journal Article ,
Supply chain resilience vs. COVID-19 disruptions during the second wave. (2021). Elsevier Proceedings, Procedia CIRP 103, 42-48, 2021.

Mixed integer linear programming models to solve a real-life vehicle routing problem with pickup and delivery

Journal Article ,
Mixed integer linear programming models to solve a real-life vehicle routing problem with pickup and delivery. (2021). Applied Sciences 11 (20), 9551, 2021.

Assessment of Supply Chain Management Resilience within Saudi Medical Laboratories during Covid-19 Pandemic

Journal Article ,
Assessment of Supply Chain Management Resilience within Saudi Medical Laboratories during Covid-19 Pandemic. (2021). Elsevier Proceedings, Procedia CIRP 103, 32-36, 2021.

Supply chain resilience vs. COVID-19 disruptions during the second wave

Journal Article ,
Supply chain resilience vs. COVID-19 disruptions during the second wave. (2021). Procedia Cirp 103, 42-48, 2021.

A hybrid adaptive large neighbourhood search for multi-depot open vehicle routing problems

Journal Article ,
A hybrid adaptive large neighbourhood search for multi-depot open vehicle routing problems. (2019). International Journal of Production Research, 1-14, 2019.

Matheuristics for solving the Multiple Knapsack Problem with Setup

Journal Article ,
Matheuristics for solving the Multiple Knapsack Problem with Setup. (2019). Computers & Industrial Engineering 129, 76-89, 2019.

Alternative formulations and improved bounds for the multi-depot fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem

Journal Article ,
Alternative formulations and improved bounds for the multi-depot fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem. (2018). OR Spectrum 40 (1), 125-157, 2018.

For solving the multi-depot fleet size and mix open vehicle routing problem

Journal Article ,
For solving the multi-depot fleet size and mix open vehicle routing problem. (2018). 7th International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing …, 2018.

The Multi-Depot Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem: Formulations and Branch-and-Cut Algorithms

Journal Article ,
The Multi-Depot Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem: Formulations and Branch-and-Cut Algorithms. (2017). MOPGP 2017, 2017.

Alternative heuristics for solving the multi-constrained order picking problem

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Alternative heuristics for solving the multi-constrained order picking problem. (2017). 2017 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCCCE), 1-5, 2017.

Order Picking Problems under Weight, Fragility and Category Constraints

Journal Article ,
Order Picking Problems under Weight, Fragility and Category Constraints. (2016). International Journal of Production Research, 2016.

A unified matheuristic for solving multi-constrained traveling salesman problems with profits (http://rdcu.be/nh17)

Journal Article ,
A unified matheuristic for solving multi-constrained traveling salesman problems with profits (http://rdcu.be/nh17). (2016). EURO Journal on Computational Optimization Http: rdcu.be Nh17, 1-30, 2016.

Alternative Formulations and Improved Bounds for the Multi-Depot Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing

Journal Article ,
Alternative Formulations and Improved Bounds for the Multi-Depot Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing. (2015). CIRRELT-2015-36/FSA-2015-009,/2015.

A Multi-compartment vehicle routing problem arising in the collection of olive oil in Tunisia

Journal Article ,
A Multi-compartment vehicle routing problem arising in the collection of olive oil in Tunisia. (2015). OMEGA, The International Journal of Management Science 51, 1-10, 2015.

Vehicle routing problems with scheduling constraints

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Vehicle routing problems with scheduling constraints. (2014). Metaheuristics for Production Scheduling, 433-463, 2014.

Unified matheuristic for solving rich vehicle routing problems

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Unified matheuristic for solving rich vehicle routing problems. (2014). 4OR, 1-2, 2014.

Une matheuristique unifiée pour résoudre des problèmes de tournées de véhicules riches

Journal Article ,
Une matheuristique unifiée pour résoudre des problèmes de tournées de véhicules riches. (2014). Ecole Centrale De Lille, 2014.

Unified mathheuristic framework for multiconstraint traveling salesman problems with profits

Journal Article ,
Unified mathheuristic framework for multiconstraint traveling salesman problems with profits. (2014). VeRoLog 2014, the Third Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing …, 2014.

On unified solution approach for solving multi-constraint travelling salesman problems with profits

Journal Article ,
On unified solution approach for solving multi-constraint travelling salesman problems with profits. (2014). ROADEF-15ème congrès Annuel De La Société française De Recherche …, 2014.

Variable neighborhood search for solving rich profitable tour problems

Journal Article ,
Variable neighborhood search for solving rich profitable tour problems. (2013). ROADEF’13, 14 éme conférence De La société Française De Recherche …, 2013.

Solving rich profitable tour problems

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Solving rich profitable tour problems. (2013). TRISTAN VIII, Eight Triennal Symposium on Transportation Analysis, 2013.

Heuristics for rich profitable tour problems

Journal Article ,
Heuristics for rich profitable tour problems. (2013). IEEE ICMSAO 2013, the 5th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation …, 2013.

Problèmes d'élaboration de tournées avec contraintes d'ordonnancement

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Problèmes d’élaboration de tournées avec contraintes d’ordonnancement. (2013). Métaheuristiques Pour l’ordonnancement De La Production, 251-281, 2013.

General variable neighborhood search for a rich orienteering problem

Journal Article ,
General variable neighborhood search for a rich orienteering problem. (2012). META 2012, International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired …, 2012.

Taxonomy for rich vehicle routing problems

Journal Article ,
Taxonomy for rich vehicle routing problems. (2012). IEEE GOL 2012, the 1st International Conference on Logistics Operations …, 2012.

Design factors analysis for instances of rich vehicle routing problem

Journal Article ,
Design factors analysis for instances of rich vehicle routing problem. (2011). IEEE LOGISTIQUA 2011, the 4th International Conference on Logistics, 209-215, 2011.

Rich vehicle routing problem: model and experimental design analysis

Journal Article ,
Rich vehicle routing problem: model and experimental design analysis. (2011). I4e2 IESM 2011, the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and …, 2011.

A multi-compartment heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem with time windows: new variants and formulations

Journal Article ,
A multi-compartment heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem with time windows: new variants and formulations. (2010). MOPGP 2010, the 9th International Conference on Multiple Objective …, 2010.

MajecSTIC 2012

Journal Article ,
MajecSTIC 2012.

Order picking under weight, fragility and category constraints

Journal Article ,
Order picking under weight, fragility and category constraints.


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