Dr. Areej Suleiman Al-Wabil

Vice Dean for Research and Graduate Studies (GS)


Areej Al-Wabil, PhD
Vice Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, College of Engineering
Director of Alfaisal's AI Research Center and the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Lab
Faculty in the Software Engineering Department, College of Engineering
Dr. Areej is a faculty member in the College of Engineering at Alfaisal University, and the Director of Alfaisal's AI Center and the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Design Lab, a multidisciplinary research and development center, specializing in emerging technologies. Her human-centered approach to developing emerging AI technologies focuses on improving everyday workflows and quality of life.


From brain-sensing to eye-tracking interactive technologies, the HCI Lab's award-winning technologies are changing the way people with disabilities work, live and learn. Through such experience, Dr. Areej has developed a deep knowledge of trends in emerging technologies, innovation ecosystems, medtech, intellectual property (IP) creation and IP commercialization. Towards this end, Dr. Areej served in the role of Executive Director of IP Enablement at the Saudi Arabian Authority for Intellectual Property (SAIP) in 2019 and led the team which spearheaded KSA’s network for WIPO’s Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISC). Dr. Areej spent her formative years primarily in the United States and worked in the US, UK, and Saudi Arabia. She attended the George Washington University, the University of Texas, City University of London and MIT’s School of Engineering.


More recently, she joined MIT’s Ideation Lab in the School of Engineering as an Ibn Khaldun Fellow, and was an Honorary Fellow at the University of Kent’s School of Engineering and Design. She then proceeded with MIT’s Executive Education programs at the Sloan School of Management, where she focused on Innovation, Management and Leadership.


Prior to joining Alfaisal University, Dr. Areej held several leadership roles in Saudi Arabian academic institutions including King Saud University, Prince Sultan University, Princess Noura University and King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). She is a prolific author and keynote speaker and was awarded SAP’s Visionary Leadership award in 2015, Dell-EMC’s Envision the Future Award in 2018, and has spearheaded the Women in Data Science community in Saudi Arabia as Stanford’s WiDS Ambassador for Saudi Arabia, serving in this role since 2017. Dr. Areej currently chairs the ACM Chartered Chapter for HCI in Saudi Arabia, ACM SIGCHI and serves as the Vice Chair for Saudi Arabia’s ACM Chartered Chapter for Accessible Computing, SIGAccess.





The Co-design Process for Interactive Tools for Predicting Polygenic Risk Scores

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The Co-design Process for Interactive Tools for Predicting Polygenic Risk Scores. (2023). International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 199-206, 2023.

Usability evaluation of optimized single-pointer Arabic keyboards using eye tracking

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Usability evaluation of optimized single-pointer Arabic keyboards using eye tracking. (2021). Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 2021, 1-14, 2021.

A retrospective analysis of the COVID-19 infodemic in Saudi Arabia

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A retrospective analysis of the COVID-19 infodemic in Saudi Arabia. (2021). Future Internet 13 (10), 254, 2021.

Empowering Assistive Technology Communities to Make Strategic Use of Intellectual Property: Three Case Studies from the CoCreate Program

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Empowering Assistive Technology Communities to Make Strategic Use of Intellectual Property: Three Case Studies from the CoCreate Program. (2020). HCI International 2020–Late Breaking Papers: Universal Access and Inclusive …, 2020.

# COVID-19 Misinformation: Saudi Arabia as a Use Case

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# COVID-19 Misinformation: Saudi Arabia as a Use Case. (2020). UMBC Student Collection, 2020.

Accelerating healthcare innovation in time-bound multidisciplinary hackathons

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Accelerating healthcare innovation in time-bound multidisciplinary hackathons. (2019). 2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications & Information …, 2019.

Assessing Student Engagement in Localizing NASA's Eyes on the Earth Application in a HCI Course

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Assessing Student Engagement in Localizing NASA’s Eyes on the Earth Application in a HCI Course. (2019). 2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications & Information …, 2019.

Intelligent gaze-based screening system for autism

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Intelligent gaze-based screening system for autism. (2019). 2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications & Information …, 2019.

Evaluating and Validating Emotion Elicitation using English and Arabic Video Clips

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Evaluating and Validating Emotion Elicitation using English and Arabic Video Clips. (2019). Sensors, 19(10), 2218.

Evaluating and validating emotion elicitation using English and Arabic movie clips on a Saudi sample

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Evaluating and validating emotion elicitation using English and Arabic movie clips on a Saudi sample. (2019). Sensors 19 (10), 2218, 2019.

Co-creation in the Localization of Interactive Systems Designed for Communicating Science to the Public: An Experience Report

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Co-creation in the Localization of Interactive Systems Designed for Communicating Science to the Public: An Experience Report. (2019). HCI International 2019–Late Breaking Posters: 21st HCI International …, 2019.

Recognition of affective states via electroencephalogram analysis and classification

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Recognition of affective states via electroencephalogram analysis and classification. (2018). Intelligent Human Systems Integration: Proceedings of the 1st International …, 2018.

Measuring and monitoring emotional changes in children who stutter

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Measuring and monitoring emotional changes in children who stutter. (2018). Computers in Biology and Medicine 102, 138-150, 2018, 102, 138-150.

Measuring and Monitoring Emotional Changes in Children who Stutter

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Measuring and Monitoring Emotional Changes in Children who Stutter. (2018). Computers in Biology and Medicine, 102, 138-150.

UX Design in the Localization and Internationalization of NASA’s Eyes on the Earth

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UX Design in the Localization and Internationalization of NASA’s Eyes on the Earth. (2018). Intelligent Human Systems Integration: Proceedings of the 1st International …, 2018.

Behavioral Archetypes for Stroke Rehabilitation Technologies

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Behavioral Archetypes for Stroke Rehabilitation Technologies. (2018). HCI International 2018–Posters’ Extended Abstracts: 20th International …, 2018.

Applied Semiotics in the Context of Open Government Data (OGD) Portals in the Arab Gulf

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Applied Semiotics in the Context of Open Government Data (OGD) Portals in the Arab Gulf. (2018). Intelligent Human Systems Integration: Proceedings of the 1st International …, 2018.

HCI Practices in Software-Development Environments in Saudi Arabia

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HCI Practices in Software-Development Environments in Saudi Arabia. (2018). Cross-Cultural Design. Methods, Tools, and Users: 10th International …, 2018.

The Rise of Hackathon-Led Innovation in the MENA Region: Visualizing Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Time-Bounded Events

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The Rise of Hackathon-Led Innovation in the MENA Region: Visualizing Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Time-Bounded Events. (2017). Social Computing and Social Media. Applications and Analytics: 9th …, 2017.

Review and Classification of Emotion Recognition Based on EEG Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Systematic Review

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Review and Classification of Emotion Recognition Based on EEG Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Systematic Review. (2017). Applied Sciences, 7(12), 1239.

Review and classification of emotion recognition based on EEG brain-computer interface system research: a systematic review

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Review and classification of emotion recognition based on EEG brain-computer interface system research: a systematic review. (2017). Applied Sciences 7 (12), 1239, 2017.

Classification of human emotions from electroencephalogram (EEG) signal using deep neural network

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Classification of human emotions from electroencephalogram (EEG) signal using deep neural network. (2017). Int. J. Adv. Comput. Sci. Appl 8 (9), 419-425, 2017.

Visual analysis of dyslexia on search

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Visual analysis of dyslexia on search. (2017). Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Conference Human Information …, 2017.

Virtual reality-based surgical simulation training usability heuristics

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Virtual reality-based surgical simulation training usability heuristics. (2017). Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 7 (6), 1338-1345, 2017.

Understanding gendered spaces using social media data

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Understanding gendered spaces using social media data. (2017). Social Computing and Social Media. Applications and Analytics: 9th …, 2017.

Prototyping Complex Systems: A Diary Study Approach to Understand the Design Process

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Prototyping Complex Systems: A Diary Study Approach to Understand the Design Process. (2016). Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design Thinking and Methods: 5th …, 2016.

Towards Urban Tribes in Saudi Arabia: Social Subcultures Emerging from Urban Analytics of Social Media

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Towards Urban Tribes in Saudi Arabia: Social Subcultures Emerging from Urban Analytics of Social Media. (2016). Social Computing and Social Media: 8th International Conference, SCSM 2016 …, 2016.

Usability heuristics for the design of interactive attention assessment and rehabilitation technologies

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Usability heuristics for the design of interactive attention assessment and rehabilitation technologies. (2015). Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Learning, Health …, 2015.

An observational study of usability in collaborative tangible interfaces for complex planning systems

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An observational study of usability in collaborative tangible interfaces for complex planning systems. (2015). Procedia Manufacturing 3, 1974-1980, 2015.

Augmenting speech-language rehabilitation with brain computer interfaces: an exploratory study using non-invasive electroencephalographic monitoring

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Augmenting speech-language rehabilitation with brain computer interfaces: an exploratory study using non-invasive electroencephalographic monitoring. (2015). Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Learning, Health …, 2015.

Coding Schemes for Observational Studies of Usability in Collaborative Tangible User Interfaces

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Coding Schemes for Observational Studies of Usability in Collaborative Tangible User Interfaces. (2015). HCI International 2015-Posters’ Extended Abstracts: International Conference …, 2015.

Requirements engineering of ambient assisted living technologies for people with Alzheimer’s

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Requirements engineering of ambient assisted living technologies for people with Alzheimer’s. (2015). HCI International 2015-Posters’ Extended Abstracts: International Conference …, 2015.

Design and development of an educational Arabic sign language mobile application: collective impact with Tawasol

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Design and development of an educational Arabic sign language mobile application: collective impact with Tawasol. (2015). Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Interaction: 9th …, 2015.

Spatial modeling factors in sensor-based ambient assisted living technologies designed for ageing populations

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Spatial modeling factors in sensor-based ambient assisted living technologies designed for ageing populations. (2015). Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Everyday Life: First …, 2015.

Human factors in the design and evaluation of bioinformatics tools

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Human factors in the design and evaluation of bioinformatics tools. (2015). Procedia Manufacturing 3, 2003-2010, 2015.

Socio-cultural aspects in the design of multilingual banking interfaces in the arab region

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Socio-cultural aspects in the design of multilingual banking interfaces in the arab region. (2015). Human-Computer Interaction: Users and Contexts: 17th International …, 2015.

Usability and performance measure of a consumer-grade brain computer interface system for environmental control by neurological patients

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Usability and performance measure of a consumer-grade brain computer interface system for environmental control by neurological patients. (2015). International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation (IJETI) 5 (3 …, 2015.

Comparison of user responses to English and Arabic emotion elicitation video clips

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Comparison of user responses to English and Arabic emotion elicitation video clips. (2015). Cross-Cultural Design Methods, Practice and Impact: 7th International …, 2015.

Human factors in the design of Interactive Multimedia Art Installations (IMAIs)

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Human factors in the design of Interactive Multimedia Art Installations (IMAIs). (2015). Procedia Manufacturing 3, 4572-4577, 2015.

A usability evaluation of Arabic mobile applications designed for children with special needs--Autism

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A usability evaluation of Arabic mobile applications designed for children with special needs--Autism. (2015). Lecture Notes on Software Engineering 3 (3), 203, 2015.

Collaborative Tangible Interface (CoTI) for Complex Decision Support Systems

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Collaborative Tangible Interface (CoTI) for Complex Decision Support Systems. (2015). Design, User Experience, and Usability: Users and Interactions: 4th …, 2015.

Multimedia surveillance in event detection: crowd analytics in Hajj

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Multimedia surveillance in event detection: crowd analytics in Hajj. (2014). Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience Design for Diverse …, 2014.

Using brain signals patterns for biometric identity verification systems

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Using brain signals patterns for biometric identity verification systems. (2014). Computers in Human Behavior 31, 224-229, 2014.

Design of an emotion elicitation framework for arabic speakers

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Design of an emotion elicitation framework for arabic speakers. (2014). Human-Computer Interaction. Advanced Interaction Modalities and Techniques …, 2014.

Human factors in the design of BCI-controlled wheelchairs

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Human factors in the design of BCI-controlled wheelchairs. (2014). Human-Computer Interaction. Advanced Interaction Modalities and Techniques …, 2014.

The design and development of empathetic serious games for dyslexia: BCI arabic phonological processing training systems

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The design and development of empathetic serious games for dyslexia: BCI arabic phonological processing training systems. (2014). Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience Design Practice …, 2014.

Interaction design in a tangible collaborative decision support system: the city schema DSS

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Interaction design in a tangible collaborative decision support system: the city schema DSS. (2014). HCI International 2014-Posters’ Extended Abstracts: International Conference …, 2014.

Human Factors Engineering in Interactive Urban Planning Decision Support Systems

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Human Factors Engineering in Interactive Urban Planning Decision Support Systems. (2014). HCI International 2014-Posters’ Extended Abstracts: International Conference …, 2014.

Human factors in the design of arabic-language interfaces in assistive technologies for learning difficulties

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Human factors in the design of arabic-language interfaces in assistive technologies for learning difficulties. (2014). Human-Computer Interaction. Advanced Interaction Modalities and Techniques …, 2014.

The Design and Development of an Online Multimedia Language Assistant for Web Users with Dyslexia

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The Design and Development of an Online Multimedia Language Assistant for Web Users with Dyslexia. (2014). INTED2014 Proceedings, 4536-4536, 2014.


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