Dr Amina Raza Malik

Associate Professor, Management


Dr Amina Raza Malik

Dr Amina Raza Malik is an Associate Professor of Management in the College of Business, Alfaisal University. She holds a PhD in Human Resource Management (HRM) from York University, Canada, and an MBA from Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada.


Dr. Malik held a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the School of Business at Trent University, Canada, from July 2016 to June 2021, and then a tenured Associate Professor position from July 2021 to August 2024. During her tenure at Trent, Dr. Malik was a program coordinator for the HR specialization and was nominated twice for excellence in teaching. At Trent, she developed several HR courses, contributing to developing the undergraduate and graduate programs. She also received the Trent University’s Merit Award for excellence in research. Her doctoral research was awarded the Best PhD Dissertation Award from the Human Resource Research Institute (HRRI) Canada. She has been the recipient of several awards for best research papers. She served as a divisional officer (HR program coordinator, HR divisional editor, and HR program chair) for three consecutive years (2015-2017) at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC).


She has presented her research on topics related to HRM at numerous national and international academic conferences, such as the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada and the Academy of Management conference. Her work, published in top-tier journals such as Human Resource Management Review, Human Resource Management, Career Development International, Personnel Review, Organizational Dynamics, and European Business Review, among others, has made a profound impact in the field of HRM.



• Lozie, D., Omosa, R., Hesami, S, Zaman, S., Kajbaf, M, & Malik, A.R. (2024) Examining the impact of generative artificial intelligence on work dynamics. Human Resource Management and Services. 6(2), 3420. Masters Student Research Paper

Journal Article ,
• Lozie, D., Omosa, R., Hesami, S, Zaman, S., Kajbaf, M, & Malik, A.R. (2024) Examining the impact of generative artificial intelligence on work dynamics. Human Resource Management and Services. 6(2), 3420. Masters Student Research Paper. (2024). Human Resource Management and Services. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18282/hrms.v6i2.3420

• Manroop, L., Malik, A.R., & Milner, M. (2024). The ethical implications of big data in human resource management. Human Resource Management Review

Journal Article ,
• Manroop, L., Malik, A.R., & Milner, M. (2024). The ethical implications of big data in human resource management. Human Resource Management Review. (2024). Human Resource Management Review, 34(2). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrmr.2024.101012

• Manroop, L., Zheng, H1, Malik, A.R.1, Milner, M., Schulz, E., & Banerji, K. (2024). Human resource management in times of crisis: Strategies for a post COVID-19 workplace. Organizational dynamics. (1 shared second authorship)

Journal Article ,
• Manroop, L., Zheng, H1, Malik, A.R.1, Milner, M., Schulz, E., & Banerji, K. (2024). Human resource management in times of crisis: Strategies for a post COVID-19 workplace. Organizational dynamics. (1 shared second authorship). (2024). Organizational Dynamics. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orgdyn.2024.101060

• Malik, A.R., Manroop, L. & Harrison, J. (2024). Bouncing back: HR professionals' experiences during times of disruption.

Journal Article ,
• Malik, A.R., Manroop, L. & Harrison, J. (2024). Bouncing back: HR professionals’ experiences during times of disruption . (2024). Personnel Review. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-07-2023-0555

• Manroop, L., Malik, A.R., Camp, R., Schulz, E. (2022). Applicant reactions to social media assessment: A review and conceptual framework.

Journal Article ,
• Manroop, L., Malik, A.R., Camp, R., Schulz, E. (2022). Applicant reactions to social media assessment: A review and conceptual framework . (2022). Human Resource Management Review, 32(3). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrmr.2021.100853

• Malik, A.R., & Singh, P. (2022). Outcomes of Talent Management: The role of Perceived Equity.

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• Malik, A.R., & Singh, P. (2022). Outcomes of Talent Management: The role of Perceived Equity . (2022). Employee Relations, 44(2). https://doi.org/10.1108/ER-04-2020-0153.

• Malik, A.R., & Singh, P. (2020). The role of employee attributions in the burnout of ‘talented’ employees.

Journal Article ,
• Malik, A.R., & Singh, P. (2020). The role of employee attributions in the burnout of ‘talented’ employees . (2020). Personnel Review, 49(1). https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-02-2018-0064.

• Shantz, A., Wang, J., & Malik, A.R. (2018). Disability status, individual variable pay, and pay satisfaction: Does relational and institutional trust make a difference?

Journal Article ,
• Shantz, A., Wang, J., & Malik, A.R. (2018). Disability status, individual variable pay, and pay satisfaction: Does relational and institutional trust make a difference? . (2018). Human Resource Management, 57(1). https://doi.org/10.1002/hrm.21845.

• Malik, A.R., Singh, P, & Chan, C. (2017). ‘High potential’ programs and employee outcomes: The roles of organizational trust and attributions

Journal Article ,
• Malik, A.R., Singh, P, & Chan, C. (2017). ‘High potential’ programs and employee outcomes: The roles of organizational trust and attributions. (2017). Career Development International, 22(7). https://doi.org/10.1108/CDI-06-2017-0095

Recent immigrant newcomers’ socialization in the workplace: Roles of organizational socialization tactics and newcomer strategies.

Journal Article ,
Recent immigrant newcomers’ socialization in the workplace: Roles of organizational socialization tactics and newcomer strategies . (2017). Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal, 36(5). https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-11-2016-0083.

• Malik A.R., Manroop. L., & Singh, P. (2017). Self-initiated international career transition: A qualitative case study of Pakistani immigrants to Canada.

Journal Article ,
• Malik A.R., Manroop. L., & Singh, P. (2017). Self-initiated international career transition: A qualitative case study of Pakistani immigrants to Canada . (2017). European Business Review, 29(5).

• Malik, A.R., & Singh, P. (2017). Transformational Leadership and cultural minorities: A conceptual model.

Journal Article ,
• Malik, A.R., & Singh, P. (2017). Transformational Leadership and cultural minorities: A conceptual model . (2017). European Business Review, 29(5). https://doi.org/10.1108/EBR-12-2015-0181

• Hofaidhllaoui, M., Malik, A.R., Swalhi, A., & Frimousse, S. (2014). Exhaustion of employees in SMEs: The role of employability.

Journal Article ,
• Hofaidhllaoui, M., Malik, A.R., Swalhi, A., & Frimousse, S. (2014). Exhaustion of employees in SMEs: The role of employability. (2014). Revue De Gestion Des Ressources Humaines (Human Resource Management Review), 94(4). https://doi.org/10.3917/grhu.094.0071

• Malik, A.R., & Singh, P. (2014). ‘High potential’ programs: Let’s hear it for ‘B’ players.

Journal Article ,
• Malik, A.R., & Singh, P. (2014). ‘High potential’ programs: Let’s hear it for ‘B’ players . (2014). Human Resource Management Review, 24(4).

• Malik, A.R., Cooper-Thomas, H., & Zikic, J. (2014). The neglected role of cultural intelligence in recent immigrant newcomers’ socialization.

Journal Article ,
• Malik, A.R., Cooper-Thomas, H., & Zikic, J. (2014). The neglected role of cultural intelligence in recent immigrant newcomers’ socialization . (2014). International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/1470595813507245.\


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Graduate and Undergraduate Courses

MGT 370 HR planning, Recruitment and Selection Fall 2024

MGT 390 Total Reward Approach Fall 2024

MBA518 Human Resource Management Fall 2024