Dr. Mohammad Hasan Rajab

Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics (HOD)




Effects of local variation, specialty, and beliefs on antiviral prescribing for influenza

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Effects of local variation, specialty, and beliefs on antiviral prescribing for influenza. (2006). Clinical Infectious Diseases 42 (1), 95-99, 2006.

Local Anesthesia with Monitored Anesthesia Care vs. General Anesthesia in Thyrodecoty: A Randomized Study.

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Local Anesthesia with Monitored Anesthesia Care vs. General Anesthesia in Thyrodecoty: A Randomized Study. (2006). Arch Surg.

Intensive Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation:A Prospective Study

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Intensive Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation:A Prospective Study. (2006). Intl. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 54 (3), 303-315, 2006.

Pediatric obesity in Texas: does the Texas Public School Nutrition Policy affect child nutrition?

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Pediatric obesity in Texas: does the Texas Public School Nutrition Policy affect child nutrition?. (2006). Texas Medicine 102 (10), 47-57, 2006.

Local anesthesia with monitored anesthesia care vs general anesthesia in thyroidectomy

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Local anesthesia with monitored anesthesia care vs general anesthesia in thyroidectomy. (2006). Arch Surg 141 (2), 167-73, 2006.

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS): Management trends at a single institution over a 30 year period

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Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS): Management trends at a single institution over a 30 year period. (2006). ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY 13 (2), 70-70, 2006.

Treatment of carcinoid tumors should be based on improvement in quality of life and not overall survival

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Treatment of carcinoid tumors should be based on improvement in quality of life and not overall survival. (2006). Journal of Surgical Research 130 (2), 311, 2006.

Antibiotic Treatment in Nontraumatic Abdominal Sepsis: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial Héctor Orozco, MD; Jorge Arch, MD, PhD

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Antibiotic Treatment in Nontraumatic Abdominal Sepsis: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial Héctor Orozco, MD; Jorge Arch, MD, PhD. (2006).

Local anesthesia with monitored anesthesia care vs general anesthesia in thyroidectomy: a randomized study

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Local anesthesia with monitored anesthesia care vs general anesthesia in thyroidectomy: a randomized study. (2006). Archives of Surgery 141 (2), 167-173, 2006.

Dolasetron versus Ondansetron for the Treatment of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting.

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Dolasetron versus Ondansetron for the Treatment of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting. (2005). Anesth Analg.

Complementary and alternative therapy use by psychotherapy clients.

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Complementary and alternative therapy use by psychotherapy clients. (2005). Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 42 (2), 232-235, 2005.

Dolasetron versus ondansetron for the treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting

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Dolasetron versus ondansetron for the treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting. (2005). Anesthesia & Analgesia 100 (2), 373-377, 2005.

Should the Centor and McIsaac Criteria Be Used to Predict the Probability of Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis in Children Aged 2-12 Years?

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Should the Centor and McIsaac Criteria Be Used to Predict the Probability of Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis in Children Aged 2-12 Years?. (2005). Academic Emergency Medicine 12 (5 Supplement 1), 108, 2005.

A retrospective study of hypnosis for hot flashes and chemotherapy induced menopausal symptoms

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A retrospective study of hypnosis for hot flashes and chemotherapy induced menopausal symptoms. (2005). PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY 14 (1), S74-S75, 2005.

Does the addition of chocolate milk reduce the adsorption capacity of orally administered activated charcoal for GI decontamination of acetaminophen ingestion?

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Does the addition of chocolate milk reduce the adsorption capacity of orally administered activated charcoal for GI decontamination of acetaminophen ingestion?. (2005). Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology 43 (6), 672, 2005.


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Complementary and alternative medicine use by psychiatric inpatients

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Complementary and alternative medicine use by psychiatric inpatients. (2005). Psychological Reports 96 (1), 163-166, 2005.

Hypnosis to Reduce Pain in Cancer Survivors with Advanced Disease: A Prospective Study

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Hypnosis to Reduce Pain in Cancer Survivors with Advanced Disease: A Prospective Study. (2005). Psycho-Oncology 14, 2005.

Nonclinical factors associated with primary care physicians’ ordering patterns of magnetic resonance imaging/computed tomography for headache

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Nonclinical factors associated with primary care physicians’ ordering patterns of magnetic resonance imaging/computed tomography for headache. (2004). Academic Radiology 11 (7), 735-740, 2004.

Treating suicidal behavior: An effective, time-limited approach

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Treating suicidal behavior: An effective, time-limited approach. (2004). New York: Guilford, 2004.

Clinical hypnosis for smoking cessation: Preliminary results of a three-session intervention

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Clinical hypnosis for smoking cessation: Preliminary results of a three-session intervention. (2004). International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 52 (1), 73-81, 2004.

Prevalence of anxiety among patients undergoing colorectal surgery

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Prevalence of anxiety among patients undergoing colorectal surgery. (2004). Psychological Reports 95 (2), 657-658, 2004.

Nonclinical factors associated with primary care physicians’ ordering patterns of magnetic imaging/ computed tomography for headache

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Nonclinical factors associated with primary care physicians’ ordering patterns of magnetic imaging/ computed tomography for headache. (2004). Nonclinical Factors Associated With Primary Care physicians’ Ordering Patterns of Magnetic Imaging Computed Tomography for Headache.

Use of a numeric visual analog anxiety scale among patients undergoing colorectal surgery

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Use of a numeric visual analog anxiety scale among patients undergoing colorectal surgery. (2004). Clinical Nursing Research 13 (3), 237-244, 2004.

Safety and efficacy of intrapleural alteplase (t-PA) for empyema and loculated pleural effusion

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Safety and efficacy of intrapleural alteplase (t-PA) for empyema and loculated pleural effusion. (2004). Chest 126 (4), 725S, 2004.

Can genetic algorithms aid primary care physicians in decision making for genetic conditions?

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Can genetic algorithms aid primary care physicians in decision making for genetic conditions?. (2004). GENETICS IN MEDICINE 6 (4), 332-332, 2004.

Can a family history form work as a genetic screening tool?

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Can a family history form work as a genetic screening tool?. (2004). GENETICS IN MEDICINE 6 (4), 333-333, 2004.

Effectiveness and safety of manual hemostasis facilitated by the SyvekPatch with one hour of bedrest after coronary angiography using six-French catheters

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Effectiveness and safety of manual hemostasis facilitated by the SyvekPatch with one hour of bedrest after coronary angiography using six-French catheters. (2004). The American Journal of Cardiology 93 (1), 96-97, 2004.

Consenting for randomized, clinical effectiveness, controlled trials: Protection or added burden?

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Consenting for randomized, clinical effectiveness, controlled trials: Protection or added burden?. (2003). CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIALS 24, 140S-141S, 2003.

Survey of preoperative patients’ use of herbal products and other selected dietary supplements.

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Survey of preoperative patients’ use of herbal products and other selected dietary supplements. (2002). Hosp Pharm.

A time-limited approach to treating suicidal behavior

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A time-limited approach to treating suicidal behavior. (2002). New York: Guilford Press, 2002.

Survey of preoperative patients' use of herbal products and other selected dietary supplements

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Survey of preoperative patients’ use of herbal products and other selected dietary supplements. (2002). Hospital Pharmacy 37 (12), 1301-1306, 2002.

[BOOK REVIEW] Treating suicidal behavior, an effective, time-limited approach

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[BOOK REVIEW] Treating suicidal behavior, an effective, time-limited approach. (2002). Death Studies 26 (5), 439-444, 2002.

Handbook of Theory and Practice 115 By Carlo Perris and Patrick D. McGorry (Eds.)

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Handbook of Theory and Practice 115 By Carlo Perris and Patrick D. McGorry (Eds.). (2002).

One personal copy may be printed

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One personal copy may be printed. (2001). J Clin Psychiatry 62 (12), 997, 2001.

Treatment manuals for practitioners

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Treatment manuals for practitioners. (2001). Treating Suicidal Behavior. An Effective, Time-Limited Approach, 126, 2001.

BOOKS-Treating Suicidal Behavior. An Effective, Time-Limited Approach.

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BOOKS-Treating Suicidal Behavior. An Effective, Time-Limited Approach. (2001). Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 189 (9), 645, 2001.

Treating suicidal behavior: A time-limited approach

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Treating suicidal behavior: A time-limited approach. (2001). Guilford: New York, NY, USA, 2001.

Treating suicidal behavior

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Treating suicidal behavior. (2001). New York: Guilford, 2001.

Treating suicidal behavior: An effective, time-limited approach (Treatment Manuals for Practitioners)

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Treating suicidal behavior: An effective, time-limited approach (Treatment Manuals for Practitioners). (2001). New York: Guilford, 2001.

Personality types and suicidal behavior: An exploratory study

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Personality types and suicidal behavior: An exploratory study. (2000). Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 30 (3), 199-212, 2000.

Treating suicidal behavior: An effective, time-limited approach.

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Treating suicidal behavior: An effective, time-limited approach. (2000). New York: Guilford.

Assessing suicide risk

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Assessing suicide risk. (2000). Treatment Manuals for Practitioners. Treating Suicidal Behavior. An …, 2000.

IV dolasetron vs ondansetron for the treatment of PONV in ambulatory surgery patients

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IV dolasetron vs ondansetron for the treatment of PONV in ambulatory surgery patients. (1999). Anesthesiology 91 (3 A), U115-U115, 1999.

Can Patients Who Refuse Randomization Be Considered?

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Can Patients Who Refuse Randomization Be Considered?. (1999). CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIALS 20, P47-P47, 1999.

Hypnosis for Pain Management in Cancer Patients: Design and Methods

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Hypnosis for Pain Management in Cancer Patients: Design and Methods. (1999). CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIALS 20, P-30, 1999.

The Effectiveness Registry: An Expansion of the Tumor Registry

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The Effectiveness Registry: An Expansion of the Tumor Registry. (1999). Journal of Registry Management 26 (3), 99-101, 1999.


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THE CASE FORA HIERARCHICAL, OBLIQUE. (1999). Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 18 (1), 47-75, 1999.

Agreement between self-and clinician-rated suicidal symptoms in a clinical sample of young adults: Explaining discrepancies.

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Agreement between self-and clinician-rated suicidal symptoms in a clinical sample of young adults: Explaining discrepancies. (1999). Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 67 (2), 171-176, 1999.

Long-term tracking of randomized comparison groups

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Long-term tracking of randomized comparison groups. (1998). Controlled Clinical Trials 19 (3), S52-S53, 1998.


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Community Medicine - Primary Healthcare in the KSA

This course is planned and developed by a cooperative multi-disciplinary partnership of the College of Medicine faculty and the community-based health services providers.  The course is responsive to the evolving social and health systems of Saudi Arabia. It serves medical students by providing community-centered learning experiences. Community medicine at Alfaisal College of Medicine is a longitudinal program consisting of several courses. This first course includes field visits to some of the community medical centers.  Also, integral to the course is the Community Oriented Research Project, wherein students undertake a field research project that explores relevant community health issues, such as prevalence of disease and illness, factors affecting such illness, and community attitudes to and knowledge of the problems affecting them. In our everyday clinic we start to see patterns and trends:  epidemics of heart disease, obesity, depression, substance abuse. Using the tools and basic principles of community medicine/public health and epidemiology, we can take the next step of learning about the factors that lie behind these illnesses and deal appropriately with them.  This course is designed to teach students the basic principles of community medicine/public health and confirm what they already know:  that, through community involvement, physicians have the knowledge and the opportunity to change our society/communities for the better.

Occupational and Environmental Medicine - COM 237

Occupational and Environmental Medicine is the area of family medicine devoted to prevention and management of occupational and environmental injury, illness, and disability and the promotion of health and productivity of workers, their families and communities. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is industrializing rapidly. It is imperative that the primary care and other physicians have a practical working knowledge on the range of occupational hazards in the Kingdom, especially how to recognize, evaluate, treat or prevent them.  Many Saudi and expat workers are employed by small or mid-size companies that may not have a full-time occupational physician on site. Thus, the importance of occupational medicine training becomes evident when considering the incidence of work-place induced illnesses and injuries. This course is usually offered in the third or fourth semester, teaching the medical students general and basic principles of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. It consists of 16 weekly lectures of fundamental topics in Occupational and Environmental Medicine. In addition, we usually conduct filed trips and encourage students to participate is filed work to give student exposure to and some experience in this important area of family medicine. 

Rural Health - COM 356

This course provides an overview of the factors affecting healthcare delivery in rural regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the region; exploration of the significance of poverty, low population density, and geographic mal-distribution of providers for the development of policy and practice in healthcare and administration. In the second part of the course student will learn to identify main groups of communicable diseases in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, identify the links in the chain of infection and means of breaking the chain. Student will also learn the signs and symptoms, causative agent, reservoir, means of transmission, for these locally known communicable diseases. During this course students will be asked to conduct a community research project addressing one of the course objectives and present findings to the class.