Dr. Raja Chinnappan

Lecturer Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine




Exploring the utility of ssDNA aptamers directed against snake venom toxins as new therapeutics for tropical snakebite envenoming

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Exploring the utility of ssDNA aptamers directed against snake venom toxins as new therapeutics for tropical snakebite envenoming. (2022). BioRxiv, 2022.

Aptamers: Potential Diagnostic and Therapeutic Agents for Blood Diseases

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Aptamers: Potential Diagnostic and Therapeutic Agents for Blood Diseases. (2022). Molecules 27 (2), 383, 2022.

Highly sensitive and selective lateral flow aptasensor for anti-coagulant dabigatran etexilate determination in blood

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Highly sensitive and selective lateral flow aptasensor for anti-coagulant dabigatran etexilate determination in blood. (2022). Talanta 236, 122887, 2022.

Exploring the Utility of ssDNA Aptamers Directed against Snake Venom Toxins as New Therapeutics for Snakebite Envenoming

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Exploring the Utility of ssDNA Aptamers Directed against Snake Venom Toxins as New Therapeutics for Snakebite Envenoming. (2022). Toxins 14 (7), 469, 2022.

Low-cost colorimetric diagnostic screening assay for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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Low-cost colorimetric diagnostic screening assay for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. (2021). Talanta 225, 121946, 2021.

Simple and rapid peptide nanoprobe biosensor for the detection of Legionellaceae

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Simple and rapid peptide nanoprobe biosensor for the detection of Legionellaceae. (2021). Analyst 146 (11), 3568-3577, 2021.

Aptamer selection and aptasensor construction for bone density biomarkers

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Aptamer selection and aptasensor construction for bone density biomarkers. (2021). Talanta 224, 121818, 2021.

Determination of minimal sequence for zearalenone aptamer by computational docking and application on an indirect competitive electrochemical aptasensor

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Determination of minimal sequence for zearalenone aptamer by computational docking and application on an indirect competitive electrochemical aptasensor. (2021). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 413 (15), 3861-3872, 2021.

Peptide substrate screening for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay

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Peptide substrate screening for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay. (2021). Microchimica Acta 188 (4), 1-10, 2021.

Electrochemical determination of zearalenone using a label-free competitive aptasensor

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Electrochemical determination of zearalenone using a label-free competitive aptasensor. (2020). Microchimica Acta 187 (5), 1-10, 2020.

Aptameric biosensor for the sensitive detection of major shrimp allergen, tropomyosin

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Aptameric biosensor for the sensitive detection of major shrimp allergen, tropomyosin. (2020). Food Chemistry 314, 126133, 2020.

In vitro selection of DNA aptamers and their integration in a competitive voltammetric biosensor for azlocillin determination in waste water

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In vitro selection of DNA aptamers and their integration in a competitive voltammetric biosensor for azlocillin determination in waste water. (2020). Analytica Chimica Acta 1101, 149-156, 2020.

Selection, characterization, and electrochemical biosensing application of DNA aptamers for sepiapterin

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Selection, characterization, and electrochemical biosensing application of DNA aptamers for sepiapterin. (2020). Talanta 216, 120951, 2020.

Development of a simple, fast, and cost-effective nanobased immunoassay method for detecting Norovirus in food samples

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Development of a simple, fast, and cost-effective nanobased immunoassay method for detecting Norovirus in food samples. (2020). Acs Omega 5 (21), 12162-12165, 2020.

Probing high-affinity aptamer binding region and development of aptasensor platform for the detection of cylindrospermopsin

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Probing high-affinity aptamer binding region and development of aptasensor platform for the detection of cylindrospermopsin. (2020). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 412 (19), 4691-4701, 2020.

Full-length and truncated anti-coagulant Dabigatran etexilate specific DNA aptamers for electrochemical and fluorescence sensing applications

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Full-length and truncated anti-coagulant Dabigatran etexilate specific DNA aptamers for electrochemical and fluorescence sensing applications. (2020). US Patent 10,788,488, 2020.

Anti-VCAM-1 and Anti-IL4Rα aptamer-conjugated super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for enhanced breast cancer diagnosis and therapy

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Anti-VCAM-1 and Anti-IL4Rα aptamer-conjugated super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for enhanced breast cancer diagnosis and therapy. (2020). Molecules 25 (15), 3437, 2020.

Mapping the binding region of aptamer targeting small molecule: Dabigatran etexilate, an anti-coagulant

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Mapping the binding region of aptamer targeting small molecule: Dabigatran etexilate, an anti-coagulant. (2020). Talanta 218, 121132, 2020.

Fluorometric determination of okadaic acid using a truncated aptamer

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Fluorometric determination of okadaic acid using a truncated aptamer. (2019). Microchimica Acta 186 (7), 1-9, 2019.

Studies on the dynamics of fluorophore bound macromolecules and their self organisation behaviour in aqueous solutions

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Studies on the dynamics of fluorophore bound macromolecules and their self organisation behaviour in aqueous solutions. (2019). University of Madras, Chennai, India, 2019.

Early detection of lung cancer biomarkers through biosensor technology: A review

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Early detection of lung cancer biomarkers through biosensor technology: A review. (2019). Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 164, 93-103, 2019.

Electrochemical SELEX technique for the selection of DNA aptamers against the small molecule 11-deoxycortisol

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Electrochemical SELEX technique for the selection of DNA aptamers against the small molecule 11-deoxycortisol. (2019). ACS Applied Bio Materials 2 (6), 2624-2632, 2019.

An aptamer based fluorometric microcystin-LR assay using DNA strand-based competitive displacement

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An aptamer based fluorometric microcystin-LR assay using DNA strand-based competitive displacement. (2019). Microchimica Acta 186 (7), 1-10, 2019.

Highly sensitive multiplex detection of microRNA by competitive DNA strand displacement fluorescence assay

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Highly sensitive multiplex detection of microRNA by competitive DNA strand displacement fluorescence assay. (2019). Talanta 200, 487-493, 2019.

Electrochemical selection of a DNA aptamer, and an impedimetric method for determination of the dedicator of cytokinesis 8 by self-assembly of a thiolated aptamer on a gold …

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Electrochemical selection of a DNA aptamer, and an impedimetric method for determination of the dedicator of cytokinesis 8 by self-assembly of a thiolated aptamer on a gold …. (2019). Microchimica Acta 186 (12), 1-9, 2019.

Electrochemical screening for the selection of DNA aptamers

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Electrochemical screening for the selection of DNA aptamers. (2019). US Patent 10,520,462, 2019.

A rapid colorimetric immunoassay for the detection of pathogenic bacteria on poultry processing plants using cotton swabs and nanobeads

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A rapid colorimetric immunoassay for the detection of pathogenic bacteria on poultry processing plants using cotton swabs and nanobeads. (2018). Microchimica Acta 185 (3), 1-10, 2018.

Development of Novel Nanobiosensor for Direct Measurement of the Oral Anticoagulant Agent: Dabigatran Etexilate

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Development of Novel Nanobiosensor for Direct Measurement of the Oral Anticoagulant Agent: Dabigatran Etexilate. (2018). Blood 132 (Suppl 1), 1247-1247, 2018.

In vitro selection of specific dna aptamers against the anti-coagulant dabigatran etexilate

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In vitro selection of specific dna aptamers against the anti-coagulant dabigatran etexilate. (2018). Scientific Reports 8 (1), 1-8, 2018.

Rapid colorimetric lactoferrin-based sandwich immunoassay on cotton swabs for the detection of foodborne pathogenic bacteria

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Rapid colorimetric lactoferrin-based sandwich immunoassay on cotton swabs for the detection of foodborne pathogenic bacteria. (2018). Talanta 185, 275-280, 2018.

Fluorometric graphene oxide-based detection of Salmonella enteritis using a truncated DNA aptamer

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Fluorometric graphene oxide-based detection of Salmonella enteritis using a truncated DNA aptamer. (2018). Microchimica Acta 185 (1), 1-9, 2018.

Development of magnetic nanoparticle based calorimetric assay for the detection of bovine mastitis in cow milk

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Development of magnetic nanoparticle based calorimetric assay for the detection of bovine mastitis in cow milk. (2017). Analytical Biochemistry 523, 58-64, 2017.

Ultrasensitive Label‐free Electrochemical Immunosensors for Multiple Cell Surface Biomarkers on Liver Cancer Stem Cells

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Ultrasensitive Label‐free Electrochemical Immunosensors for Multiple Cell Surface Biomarkers on Liver Cancer Stem Cells. (2017). Electroanalysis 29 (8), 1994-2000, 2017.

Development of rapid immuno-based nanosensors for the detection of pathogenic bacteria in poultry processing plants

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Development of rapid immuno-based nanosensors for the detection of pathogenic bacteria in poultry processing plants. (2017). Procedia Technology 27, 23-26, 2017.

Label-free impedimetric immunosensors for liver cancer stem cells

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Label-free impedimetric immunosensors for liver cancer stem cells. (2017). Procedia Technology 27, 287-289, 2017.

Advances in Biosensor Technologies for Food Allergen Monitoring and Diagnosis

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Advances in Biosensor Technologies for Food Allergen Monitoring and Diagnosis. (2017). Food Allergy, 289-310, 2017.

High affinity truncated DNA aptamers for the development of fluorescence based progesterone biosensors

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High affinity truncated DNA aptamers for the development of fluorescence based progesterone biosensors. (2017). Analytical Biochemistry 525, 78-84, 2017.

Fluorescence monitoring of riboswitch transcription regulation using a dual molecular beacon assay

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Fluorescence monitoring of riboswitch transcription regulation using a dual molecular beacon assay. (2013). Nucleic Acids Research 41 (10), e106-e106, 2013.

Label-free bacteria detection using evanescent mode of a suspended core terahertz fiber

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Label-free bacteria detection using evanescent mode of a suspended core terahertz fiber. (2012). Optics Express 20 (5), 5344-5355, 2012.

Selection, characterization, and biosensing application of high affinity congener-specific microcystin-targeting aptamers

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Selection, characterization, and biosensing application of high affinity congener-specific microcystin-targeting aptamers. (2012). Environmental Science & Technology 46 (19), 10697-10703, 2012.

Detection of bacteria using bacteriophages as recognition elements immobilized on long-period fiber gratings

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Detection of bacteria using bacteriophages as recognition elements immobilized on long-period fiber gratings. (2011). Optics Express 19 (9), 7971-7978, 2011.

Highly robust array of nanosensing platform for biosensing application

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Highly robust array of nanosensing platform for biosensing application. (2011). TechConnect Briefs 3, 16-19, 2011.

Folding of the lysine riboswitch: importance of peripheral elements for transcriptional regulation

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Folding of the lysine riboswitch: importance of peripheral elements for transcriptional regulation. (2011). Nucleic Acids Research 39 (8), 3373-3387, 2011.

On stabilization of a neutral aromatic ligand by π–cation interactions in monoclonal antibodies

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On stabilization of a neutral aromatic ligand by π–cation interactions in monoclonal antibodies. (2011). Biophysical Chemistry 154 (1), 35-40, 2011.

Pirenzepine promotes the dimerization of muscarinic M1 receptors through a three-step binding process

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Pirenzepine promotes the dimerization of muscarinic M1 receptors through a three-step binding process. (2009). Journal of Biological Chemistry 284 (29), 19533-19543, 2009.

Inhibition of HIV‐1 by a Peptide Ligand of the Genomic RNA Packaging Signal Ψ

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Inhibition of HIV‐1 by a Peptide Ligand of the Genomic RNA Packaging Signal Ψ. (2008). ChemMedChem: Chemistry Enabling Drug Discovery 3 (5), 749-755, 2008.

Spectral Differentiation and Immunoaffinity Capillary Electrophoresis Separation of Enantiomeric Benzo(a)pyrene Diol Epoxide-Derived DNA Adducts

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Spectral Differentiation and Immunoaffinity Capillary Electrophoresis Separation of Enantiomeric Benzo(a)pyrene Diol Epoxide-Derived DNA Adducts. (2007). Chemical Research in Toxicology 20 (8), 1192-1199, 2007.

During the early phase of HIV-1 DNA synthesis, nucleocapsid protein directs hybridization of the TAR complementary sequences via the ends of their double-stranded stem

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During the early phase of HIV-1 DNA synthesis, nucleocapsid protein directs hybridization of the TAR complementary sequences via the ends of their double-stranded stem. (2006). Journal of Molecular Biology 356 (5), 1180-1192, 2006.

A tryptophan-rich hexapeptide inhibits nucleic acid destabilization chaperoned by the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein

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A tryptophan-rich hexapeptide inhibits nucleic acid destabilization chaperoned by the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein. (2006). Biochemistry 45 (30), 9254-9265, 2006.

Studies on the photophysical characteristics of poly (carboxylic acid) s bound protoporphyrin IX and metal complexes of protoporphyrin IX

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Studies on the photophysical characteristics of poly (carboxylic acid) s bound protoporphyrin IX and metal complexes of protoporphyrin IX. (2006). European Polymer Journal 42 (3), 495-506, 2006.


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Biosensors is an International, peer-reviewed journal focusing on recent research in the science and technology of biosensors.  Dr.  Raja Chinnappan is serving as a Guest Editor  of a special issue "Aptasensor for Biomarker Detection: From Design to Applications" https://www.mdpi.com/si/139699


Dr. Chinnappan is one of the Editorial members of  Frontiers in Sensor's special issue " Microfluidics-based Sensors for One Health" Microfluidics-based Sensors for One Health | Frontiers Research Topic (frontiersin.org)