My interview with time higher education (THE): Computational modelling for discovering antiviral treatments

Alfaisal University’s College of Science is using computational modelling and artificial intelligence in the search for clinical treatments for Covid-19

June 2021: Recipient of college of science research

I’m so honored and grateful to be the recipient of college of science research award for 2021 for my research activities during the last 6 years at Alfaisal University. I thank…

Dr. Souraya Goumri-Said named Advisory Editorial Board Member, Computational Condensed Matter

Dr. Souraya Winner of Faculty Awards for Research Excellence 2018 for college of Science

Faculty Awards for Research Excellence are made to recognize, encourage, and reward those individuals whose research or creative endeavours have been particularly successful and are so…




The Biosensors BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology Lab Lab always looking for motivated graduate students and postdocs to join. Please contact Prof. Zourob at   …