GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Breast Feeding as Analgesia in Neonates: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (2016). Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society 36 (3), 2016.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Developing a conceptual framework on ecopreneurs and sustainability using ISM and MICMAC methodology. (2016). Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 15 (4), 2016.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Restoration of degraded gray images using genetic algorithm. (2016). International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 8 (3), 28, 2016.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Hypo/unmethylated promoter status of Cdk2 gene correlates with its over-expression in ovarian cancer in north Indian population. (2016). Cellular and Molecular Biology 62 (1), 67-72, 2016.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Effect of chemicals and bio-agent on spot blotch disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). (2016). International Journal of Bio-Resource and Stress Management 7 (4), 712-715, 2016.