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Impact of body weight on anaerobic power of inter-varsity level Indian weight lifters. (2016). IJAR 2 (2), 682-685, 2016.
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Strategies for Accelerated Adoption of Improved Farm Technologies and Allied Enterprises for Income Enhancement. (2016). Indian Journal of Economics and Development 12 (1a), 519-524, 2016.
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Role of Voluntary Organizations in Promoting House Hold Livelihoods. (2016). Indian Journal of Extension Education 52 (3and4), 192-195, 2016.
GarwinKim Sing,,
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Effectiveness of Model Training Course (MTC) on advances in seed podruction, processing and certification in rabi field crops. (2016). Indian Research Journal of Extension Education 16 (3), 10-15, 2016.
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Execution of Civil Works of Koteshwar Adopting an Innovative Arrangement. (2016). INCOLD Journal (A Half Yearly Technical Journal of Indian Committee on Large …, 2016.