GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Development, optimization and evaluation of solid dosage form of Thiocolchicoside by using absorption enhancers. (2013). Der Pharmacia Lettre 5 (3), 405-14, 2013.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Oral health in pregnancy: Old problem, new findings yet more predicaments. (2013). Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research 3 (3), 2013.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Comparative study of Alliin containing different Varieties of Garlics (Allium sativum L.). (2013). International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 3 (12), 1-2, 2013.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Studies on suitable blending ratio for the preparation Of aonla based quality beverages. (2013). Annals of Horticulture 6 (2), 198-204, 2013.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Familial Power Relations, Popularity of Female Sterilization and Fertility Decline in Andhra Pradesh: A Cultural Understanding. (2013).
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Engineering geological evaluation of the spillway of dam (II-B) of Bunakha Hydroelectric Project, Chukha Dzong, Bhutan. (2013). Journal of the Geological Society of India 81 (6), 835-843, 2013.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Optimal Spreading Mechanism with different modulation techniques using Random Interleaver in IDMA system. (2013). 2013 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network …, 2013.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Design of two multiband frequency selective surfaces with novel shaped slots on circular patch. (2013). Proc. IJCA Special Issue Int. Conf. Comput., Commun. Sensor Netw., 32-34, 2013.