Dr. Garwin Kim Sing

Associate Professor of Microbiology & Immunology


Postgrad. Dip. Ed.                            2010                       Queensland Institute of Technology, Australia
Postdoctoral Training                     1985                       National Cancer Institute, USA
PhD                                                        1984                       University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
BSc                                                         1974                       University of Cape Town, South Africa
Awards and Honours:

Poliomyelitis Foundation PhD Scholar
CSIR Postdoctoral Fellowship
Fogarty International Postdoctoral Fellowship
Viertel  Foundation Award
Best Poster Award – Texas UK Collaborative Bioscientific Program, London, UK                 
Visiting Scientist, Rijeka Medical School, Croatia.


Research Officer, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.  1976
Fogarty Visiting Fellow, National Cancer Institute, Maryland, USA.   1985
Senior Research Officer, Queensland Institute for Medical  Research, Brisbane, Australia.  1989
Senior Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.   2001
Visiting Fellow, Queensland Institute for Medical Research, Brisbane, Australia.  2011
Associate Professor, Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia.  2012 – present.

Research Interests:

The immunopathology of acute and chronic virus-host interactions (cytomegalovirus, hepatitis B virus, human immunodeficiency virus) in the context of cytokine production, cytotoxic  and  regulatory T lymphocytes and macrophages.
The role of cytokines in blood cell development.
The effects of Interferon gamma on lipid metabolism in the macrophage.
The biology and function of neutrophils in cystic fibrosis.


University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. (1981 – 1984).  Undergraduate Program.


University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia  (1989 – 2001).  Undergraduate Program


University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (1989 – 2001).  Postgraduate Program

Superviser and examiner of Honours, Masters and PhD students.

Griffiths University, Brisbane, Australia (1989 – 2001).  Postgraduate Program.

Superviser of Honours, Masters and PhD students

Griffiths University, Brisbane, Australia (1998 – 2001).  Undergraduate Program.

Medical Microbiology.

University of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. (2001-2009). 

Guest lectures to undergraduates in Virology.  Supervision of PhD students.

Postgraduate Diploma in High School Education, Queensland Institute of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 2010.





ROR-gamma modulators and uses thereof

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ROR-gamma modulators and uses thereof. (2021). US Patent 11,084,784, 2021.

Generating dynamic communication threads based on user interaction with sponsored digital content

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Generating dynamic communication threads based on user interaction with sponsored digital content. (2021). US Patent 11,062,362, 2021.

Development and evaluation of lateral flow assay for sero-diagnosis of Japanese encephalitis in swine

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Development and evaluation of lateral flow assay for sero-diagnosis of Japanese encephalitis in swine. (2020). Animal Biotechnology 31 (4), 350-356, 2020.

Omega-3 rich high yielding cultivar of Perilla frutescens ‘CAP HEMA’

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Omega-3 rich high yielding cultivar of Perilla frutescens ‘CAP HEMA’. (2020). US Patent 10,595,484, 2020.

Laparoscopic repair of recurrent traumatic diaphragmatic hernia

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Laparoscopic repair of recurrent traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. (2020). Journal of Minimal Access Surgery 16 (2), 166, 2020.


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Predictive analytics & modeling for modern health care system for cerebral palsy patients

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Predictive analytics & modeling for modern health care system for cerebral palsy patients. (2020). Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (15), 10285-10307, 2020.

Opioid agonists and uses thereof

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Opioid agonists and uses thereof. (2020). US Patent 10,865,186, 2020.

Investigating the impact of data normalization on classification performance

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Investigating the impact of data normalization on classification performance. (2020). Applied Soft Computing 97, 105524, 2020.

Maintenance of downlink throughput

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Maintenance of downlink throughput. (2020). US Patent 10,601,721, 2020.

Development and pre-clinical evaluation of a synthetic oligosaccharide-protein conjugate vaccine against Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C

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Development and pre-clinical evaluation of a synthetic oligosaccharide-protein conjugate vaccine against Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C. (2019). Vaccine 37 (36), 5297-5306, 2019.

Safety and feasibility of three port procedure in laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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Safety and feasibility of three port procedure in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. (2019). International Surgery Journal 6 (6), 1975-1980, 2019.

Study of Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) on Varying Austempering Temperatures

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Study of Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) on Varying Austempering Temperatures. (2019). Advances in Materials and Metallurgy, 325-334, 2019.

Enhanced conventional method is as precise as navigation for distal femur resection during total knee replacement: a randomized controlled trial

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Enhanced conventional method is as precise as navigation for distal femur resection during total knee replacement: a randomized controlled trial. (2019). F1000Research 8, 360, 2019.

Functional outcome of transtibial versus transportal drilling technique for arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

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Functional outcome of transtibial versus transportal drilling technique for arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. (2019). Open Access J Trans Med Res 3 (1), 1-3, 2019.

Incomplete endothelialization of WatchmanTM device: predictors and implications from two cases

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Incomplete endothelialization of WatchmanTM device: predictors and implications from two cases. (2019). Journal of Atrial Fibrillation 11 (5), 2019.

Cross device companion application for phone

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Cross device companion application for phone. (2019). US Patent 10,424,290, 2019.

Methods of software performance evaluation by run-time assembly code execution and devices thereof

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Methods of software performance evaluation by run-time assembly code execution and devices thereof. (2019). US Patent 10,318,400, 2019.

Analysis of Power Pack for Autonomous-Underwater-Vehicle: Potential of Super-Critical CO2 Brayton Cycle

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Analysis of Power Pack for Autonomous-Underwater-Vehicle: Potential of Super-Critical CO2 Brayton Cycle. (2019). SAE Technical Paper, 2019.

Acute and Long-term Efficacy of Interleukin-1 Inhibitor Anakinra in Idiopathic and Secondary Pericarditis in Patients Refractory or Intolerant to Conventional Therapy

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Acute and Long-term Efficacy of Interleukin-1 Inhibitor Anakinra in Idiopathic and Secondary Pericarditis in Patients Refractory or Intolerant to Conventional Therapy. (2019). Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 12 (Suppl_1), A273-A273, 2019.

Carcinoma Transverse Colon Masquerading Anterior Abdominal Wall Abscess: A Case Study

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Carcinoma Transverse Colon Masquerading Anterior Abdominal Wall Abscess: A Case Study. (2019). Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research 7 (1), 134-135, 2019.

Influence of cryogenic treatment on micro-structural characteristics of some Indian spices: X-ray micro-tomography investigation

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Influence of cryogenic treatment on micro-structural characteristics of some Indian spices: X-ray micro-tomography investigation. (2019). Journal of Food Engineering 243, 39-48, 2019.

Opioid-free anaesthesia in children with severe mandibular hypoplasia and TMJ ankylosis with sleep apnoea for mandibular distraction osteogenesis

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Opioid-free anaesthesia in children with severe mandibular hypoplasia and TMJ ankylosis with sleep apnoea for mandibular distraction osteogenesis. (2019). Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 63 (5), 412, 2019.

Evaluation of dry eye disease in patients with diabetic retinopathy

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Evaluation of dry eye disease in patients with diabetic retinopathy. (2019). Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 5, 193-197, 2019.

A rare case of peritoneo-cutaneous fistula after laparoscopy converted to open failed cholecystectomy: meticulously managed by laparoscopy

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A rare case of peritoneo-cutaneous fistula after laparoscopy converted to open failed cholecystectomy: meticulously managed by laparoscopy. (2019). International Surgery Journal 6 (4), 1405-1407, 2019.

Chemical compositions, properties, and standards for different generation biodiesels: A review

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Chemical compositions, properties, and standards for different generation biodiesels: A review. (2019). Fuel 253, 60-71, 2019.

Genetic resources: collection, conservation, characterization and maintenance

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Genetic resources: collection, conservation, characterization and maintenance. (2019). Lentils, 21-41, 2019.

Purification of a trypsin inhibitor from Psoralea corylifolia seeds and its influence on developmental physiology of Bactrocera cucurbitae

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Purification of a trypsin inhibitor from Psoralea corylifolia seeds and its influence on developmental physiology of Bactrocera cucurbitae. (2019). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 139, 1141-1150, 2019.

Microbes, their metabolites, and effector molecules: a pharmacological perspective for host-microbiota interaction

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Microbes, their metabolites, and effector molecules: a pharmacological perspective for host-microbiota interaction. (2019). Pharmaceuticals from Microbes, 155-206, 2019.

Difference between Mechanical Alignment in Navigation and Scanogram during Total Knee Arthroplasty

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Difference between Mechanical Alignment in Navigation and Scanogram during Total Knee Arthroplasty. (2019). Advances in Orthopedics 2019, 2019.

Thermal Analysis of Aircraft Auxiliary Power Unit: Application of Chemical Looping Combustion

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Thermal Analysis of Aircraft Auxiliary Power Unit: Application of Chemical Looping Combustion. (2019). SAE Technical Paper 1 (2019-01-1390), 2019.

Role and performance of different traditional classification and nature-inspired computing techniques in major research areas

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Role and performance of different traditional classification and nature-inspired computing techniques in major research areas. (2019). EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems 6 (21), 2019.

First report of edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus from India with potential to kill plant parasitic nematodes

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First report of edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus from India with potential to kill plant parasitic nematodes. (2019). Indian Phytopathology 72 (1), 173-176, 2019.

To study the factors responsible for causing complications of arteriovenous fistula surgery: a retrospective observational study

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To study the factors responsible for causing complications of arteriovenous fistula surgery: a retrospective observational study. (2019). International Surgery Journal 6 (2), 537-541, 2019.

Candle soot derived carbon nanoparticles: Assessment of physico-chemical properties, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity

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Candle soot derived carbon nanoparticles: Assessment of physico-chemical properties, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. (2019). Chemosphere 214, 130-135, 2019.

Dissemination of salt tolerant mustard varieties through frontline demonstrations approach for sustainable mustard production in Pali district of Rajasthan

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Dissemination of salt tolerant mustard varieties through frontline demonstrations approach for sustainable mustard production in Pali district of Rajasthan. (2019). Journal of Oilseed Brassica 10 (2), 122-129, 2019.

The response of cauliflower var. Snowball affected by different day stages level and spacing distances

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The response of cauliflower var. Snowball affected by different day stages level and spacing distances. (2019). Technology, 2019.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Presenting as a Subcortical Watershed Infarct

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Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Presenting as a Subcortical Watershed Infarct. (2019). Case Reports in Hematology 2019, 2019.

Studies on success rate of grafting methods on walnut (Juglans regia L.) at different time under polyhouse condition

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Studies on success rate of grafting methods on walnut (Juglans regia L.) at different time under polyhouse condition. (2019). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8 (4), 2657-2659, 2019.

An Optimizating the Software Metrics for UML Structural and Behaviourl Diagrams using Metrics Tool: Optimizating the Software Metrics for UML Structural and Behaviourl Diagrams …

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An Optimizating the Software Metrics for UML Structural and Behaviourl Diagrams using Metrics Tool: Optimizating the Software Metrics for UML Structural and Behaviourl Diagrams …. (2019). INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science 18 (1), 09-19, 2019.

Self customized lingual orthodontics-simplified

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Self customized lingual orthodontics-simplified. (2019). Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research 7 (2), 107-110, 2019.

Standardization of recipe, processing and storage stability of aonla based tomato sauce

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Standardization of recipe, processing and storage stability of aonla based tomato sauce. (2019). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8 (2), 1878-1881, 2019.

Impact of genetic polymorphisms on human immune cell gene expression

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Impact of genetic polymorphisms on human immune cell gene expression. (2019). The Journal of Immunology 202 (1 Supplement), 182.27-182.27, 2019.

Non-communicable diseases risk factors and their determinants: A cross-sectional state-wide STEPS survey, Haryana, North India

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Non-communicable diseases risk factors and their determinants: A cross-sectional state-wide STEPS survey, Haryana, North India. (2019). PLoS One 14 (11), e0208872, 2019.

Computationally efficient variational Bayesian method for PAPR reduction in multiuser MIMO‐OFDM systems

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Computationally efficient variational Bayesian method for PAPR reduction in multiuser MIMO‐OFDM systems. (2019). ETRI Journal 41 (3), 298-307, 2019.

Adsorption Study for Removal of COD from Waste Water Using Sustainable Adsorbent: Experimental and Modelling

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Adsorption Study for Removal of COD from Waste Water Using Sustainable Adsorbent: Experimental and Modelling. (2019).

Management of pasture soils: biochar stability, carbon storage potential and its effect on production and quality

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Management of pasture soils: biochar stability, carbon storage potential and its effect on production and quality. (2019).

A comprehensive review on hybrid electric vehicles: architectures and components

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A comprehensive review on hybrid electric vehicles: architectures and components. (2019). Journal of Modern Transportation 27 (2), 77-107, 2019.

Hybridization of feature selection and feature weighting for high dimensional data

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Hybridization of feature selection and feature weighting for high dimensional data. (2019). Applied Intelligence 49 (4), 1580-1596, 2019.

A framework for developing and projecting GHG emission inventory and preparing mitigation plan: A case study of Delhi City, India

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A framework for developing and projecting GHG emission inventory and preparing mitigation plan: A case study of Delhi City, India. (2019). Urban Climate 28, 100462, 2019.


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