Dr. Muhammad Raihan Sajid

Assitant Professor of Pathology


FCPS (Haematology) 2003 College of Physicians and Surgeons
MBBS 1994 Dow Medical College Karachi, Pakistan
MMED 2021 University of Dundee Appointments:
• Pathologist Aga Khan University November 2003
• Lecturer, Aga Khan University Jan 2006
• Lecturer II Aga Khan University Karachi Pakistan Jan 2008
• Assistant Professor Aga Khan University, Karachi Pakistan June 2008
• Senior Lecturer Alfaisal University 2011-2015
• Assistant Professor Alfaisal University 2015-today
. Chair curriculum Committee, college of medicine, Alfaisal University, June 2024-today Research Interests:
• Medical Education
• Thalassemia syndromes
• Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia
Membership of Professional Societies:
• Life member Pakistan Association of Pathologists
• Life member Pakistan society of haematology
Aga Khan University (2008-2011) (undergraduate program)
• Haematology, Introductory module, blood and Inflammation Module
Aga Khan University (2008-2011) Post Graduate Program
• Residency Coordinator haematology residency program
Alfaisal University, Riyadh, KSA (since September 2011)
• Director PBL from June 2014 to September 2016
• Director Mentorship program from February 2014 to September 2016
• Director Year 3 Alfaisal University2016- 2017
• Director Year 2 2017-2018
Assessment coordinator for the department of Pathology and Pharmacology
Block director for blood block semester 2
Block director for semester 6 Haematology Block
Block director for Multisystem block semester 5
List of Publications:
Khurshid Anwar, Muhammad Raihan Sajid, Peter Cahusac, Abdul Ahad Shaikh, Ahmad Elgammal, Ahlam Alshedoukhy, and Junaid Kashir. Can Facebook pages be a mode of blended learning to supplement in-class teaching in Saudi Arabia? Adv Physiol Educ 41: 472–477, 2017.
Ghawji M, Sajid MR, Shaikh AA, Sheriff R, Cahusac P, Alkattan K. Perspectives of students and mentors on a formal mentorship program in Saudi Arabia. Int J Med Educ. 2017;8:25-27. doi:10.5116/ijme.587a.06f8.
Shaikh AA, Raihan Sajid M, Hasanein HS and Yaqinuddin A. Audience Response System (Clickers) in Team Based Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Feedback. Austin J Anat. 2017; 4(2): 1069.
Hamzah Naji, Jumana Sarraj, Ibrahim Muhsen, Shouq Kherallah, Raihan Sajid. Enhanced Problem-based Learning: Integrating Research Objectives in Regular Problem based Learning. Abstract published in Journal of Health specialties Mar 2017.
Naji H, Sarraj J, Muhsen I, Kherallah S, Qannita A, Obeidat A, Sajid MR. Faculty perspective on competency-based research education: A multi-centre study from Saudi Arabia. J Health Spec 2017;5:129-34
Muhammad R. Sajid, Abrar F. Laheji, Fayha Abothenain, Yezan Salam, Dina AlJayar and Akef Obeidat. Can blended learning and the flipped classroom improve student learning and satisfaction in Saudi Arabia?, Int J Med Educ. 2016; 7:281-285; doi: 10.5116/ijme.57a7.83d4

Anwar K, Shaikh AA, Sajid MR, Cahusac P, Alarifi NA, Al Shedoukhy A. Tackling student neurophobia in neurosciences block with team-based learning. 2015. Med Educ Online 2015-07-29; 20. doi. 10.3402/meo.v20.28461

Sajid, MR, Shaikh AA. 2015. Using Gagne’s model in hematology residency. Journal of Health Specialities. 3(1):47-49.


Siddiqui, S, Ishtiaq R, Sajid F, Sajid R. 2014. Quality of life in patients with thalassemia major in a developing country. Journal of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Pakistan. 24(7):477-480.


Waseem, F, Khemomal KA, Sajid R. 2011. Antioxidant status in beta thalassemia major: A single-center study. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 54(4):761-4.

Sajid, R, Qureshi A. 2011. Overwhelming bone marrow Leishmaniasis. Turkish Journal of Hematology. 28:357-358.


Sajid, R, Khalid S, Mazari N, Azhar WB, Khurshid M. 2010. Clinical audit of inherited bleeding disorders in a developing country. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 53(1):50-53.

Sajid, R, Siddiqui SH, Shaikh U, Adil S. 2010. Clinicopathologic spectrum of Waldenström's macroglobulinemia: A single center experience. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 53(3):490-493.

Qureshi, A, Sajid RM. 2010. Involvement of bone marrow with intravascular large B-cell lymphoma.. Hematology/oncology and stem cell therapy. 3(1):39-41.

Sajid, R, Moiz B, Kamran N, Adil SN. 2010. Pleural fluid plasmacytosis in a patient with plasma cell leukemia. : Turk J Hematol, 27: 135-6.

Sajid, R, Moiz B, Ali N, Kamran N, Adil S, Shaikh U, Khurshid M. 2010. Therapeutic outcomes of older patients with acute myeloid leukemia.. Saudi medical journal. 31(5):533–538.

Sajid, R, Moiz B, Adil S, Khurshid M. 2009. Calcium oxalate crystals in the bone marrow. British journal of Hematology. 146(1):1.

Sajid, R, Ghani F, Adil S, Khurshid M. 2009. Oral iron chelation therapy with deferiprone in patients with Thalassemia Major. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. 59(6):388-390.,

Syed, NN, Adil S, Sajid R, Usman M, Moiz B, Kakepoto GN, Khurshid M. 2007. Chronic ITP: Analysis of various factors at presentation which predict failure to first line treatment and their response to second line therapy. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. 57(3):126-129.

Khalid, S, Sajid R, Adil SN, Khurshid M. 2004. Frequency of Hereditary Thrombophilia: an AKUH experience. Journal-Pakistan Medical Association. 54(8):427–429.

Usman, M, Kakepoto GN, Adil S, Sajid R, Arain S, Khurshid M. 2004. Hematologic and Cytogenetic findings in eleven Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Patients treated with Imatinib Mesylate at a Tertiary Care Hospital. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. 54(1):17-20.
Usman, M, Bilwani F, Kakepoto GN, Adil SN, Sajid R, Khurshid M. 2004. Polycythemia vera and idiopathic erythrocytosis: comparison of clinical and laboratory parameters. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, 54(5):249–250.

Usman, M, Adil SN, Sajid R, Khurshid M. 2003. Fludarabine induced immune thrombocytopenia in a patient with CD5 positive B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, 53(10):496–497.

Sajid, R, Adil S, Fadoo Z, Sabir S, Khurshid M. 2003. Use of intravenous anti-D in patients with refractory and relapsed immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. 53(11):537-539.

Teaching actvities:

Teaching of Undergraduate students through lectures, team based learning and problem based learning sessions of phase I and phase II students
Director of Hematology /oncology block, blood block and multisystem block
PBL Director and head of PBL development committee. Development of PBL cases for all blocks
Checking of examination papers

Lectures in Haematology/oncology block, renal block and endocrine block. Lectures in General pathology course.
Appointed as assessment organizer of the department and responsible for preparation and setting of examination of Phase II students. Involved in the development and modification of MCQs and SAQs of various blocks and courses

Active participation in PBL curriculum and contributed in development of learning objectives, tutor guides, clinical cases and practicals that integrates concepts of hematology with other disciplines and sessions on facilitation skills.
Students evaluations are consistently Excellent and Outstanding (a score of 4.5 on a scale of 1-5)




The Perceptions of Non-native Medical Students Towards Language Barrier on Clinical Teaching and Learning: a Qualitative Study from Saudi Arabia

Journal Article ,
The Perceptions of Non-native Medical Students Towards Language Barrier on Clinical Teaching and Learning: a Qualitative Study from Saudi Arabia. (2022). Medical Science Educator, 1-8, 2022.

Prevalence of bleeding symptoms among young adults in Saudi Arabia, a national survey

Journal Article ,
Prevalence of bleeding symptoms among young adults in Saudi Arabia, a national survey. (2021). Medicine 100 (43), 2021.

Depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia

Journal Article ,
Depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia. (2021). Cureus 13 (1), 2021.

Evaluation of COVID-19 myths in Saudi Arabia

Journal Article ,
Evaluation of COVID-19 myths in Saudi Arabia. (2021). Saudi Medical Journal 42 (4), 377, 2021.

Students’ and Faculty Perspectives Toward the Role and Value of the Hidden Curriculum in Undergraduate Medical Education: a Qualitative Study from Saudi Arabia

Journal Article ,
Students’ and Faculty Perspectives Toward the Role and Value of the Hidden Curriculum in Undergraduate Medical Education: a Qualitative Study from Saudi Arabia. (2021). Medical Science Educator 31 (2), 753-764, 2021.

Frequency of dietary supplements usage in the Saudi Arabian public and gym users

Journal Article ,
Frequency of dietary supplements usage in the Saudi Arabian public and gym users. (2020). J Contemp Med Sci| Vol 6 (6), 300-305, 2020.

Prevalence of Coagulation Factors Deficiency among Young Adults in Saudi Arabia: A National Survey

Journal Article ,
Prevalence of Coagulation Factors Deficiency among Young Adults in Saudi Arabia: A National Survey. (2020). TH Open 4 (04), e457-e462, 2020.

Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia are common epidemiological conditions in Saudi Arabia: report of the national epidemiological survey

Journal Article ,
Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia are common epidemiological conditions in Saudi Arabia: report of the national epidemiological survey. (2020). Anemia 2020, 2020.

Faculty perspective on competency-based research education: A multi-centre study from Saudi Arabia.

Journal Article ,
Faculty perspective on competency-based research education: A multi-centre study from Saudi Arabia. (2017). Journal of Health Specialities, 5, 129-134.

Enhanced Problem-based Learning: Integrating Research Objectives in Regular Problem based Learning

Journal Article ,
Enhanced Problem-based Learning: Integrating Research Objectives in Regular Problem based Learning. (2017). Journal of Health Specialities.

Audience Response System (Clickers) in Team Based Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Feedback.

Journal Article ,
Audience Response System (Clickers) in Team Based Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Feedback. (2017). Austin Journal of Anatomy, 4(2), 1069.

Perspectives of students and mentors on a formal mentorship program in Saudi Arabia.

Journal Article ,
Perspectives of students and mentors on a formal mentorship program in Saudi Arabia. (2017). International Journal of Medical Education, 8, 25-27.

Can Facebook pages be a mode of blended learning to supplement in-class teaching in Saudi Arabia?

Journal Article ,
Can Facebook pages be a mode of blended learning to supplement in-class teaching in Saudi Arabia?. (2017). Advances in Physiology Education 41 (3), 472-477, 2017, 41, 472-477.

The first application of team based learning in a Saudi Arabian medical school: A single centre experience of teaching pathology course of neurosciences

Journal Article ,
The first application of team based learning in a Saudi Arabian medical school: A single centre experience of teaching pathology course of neurosciences. (2016). Pathology 48, S118, 2016.

Tackling student neurophobia in neurosciences block with team-based learning

Journal Article ,
Tackling student neurophobia in neurosciences block with team-based learning. (2015). Medical Education Online 20, 2015.

Using Gagne’s model in hematology residency

Journal Article ,
Using Gagne’s model in hematology residency. (2015). Journal of Health Specialties January 3 (1), 47, 2015, 3, 47-49.

Tackling student neurophobia in neurosciences block with team-based learning.

Journal Article ,
Tackling student neurophobia in neurosciences block with team-based learning. (2015). Medical Education Online, 20.

Quality of life in patients with thalassemia major in a developing country

Journal Article ,
Quality of life in patients with thalassemia major in a developing country. (2014).

Quality of life in patients with thalassemia major in a developing country.

Journal Article ,
Quality of life in patients with thalassemia major in a developing country. (2014). JCPSP: Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan 24 (7), 477, 2014, 24, 477-480.

Overwhelming bone marrow Leishmaniasis

Journal Article ,
Overwhelming bone marrow Leishmaniasis. (2011). Turkish Journal of Hematology, 28, 357-358.

Overwhelming bone marrow Leishmaniasis/Kemik iliginde yogun Leishmaniasis

Journal Article ,
Overwhelming bone marrow Leishmaniasis/Kemik iliginde yogun Leishmaniasis. (2011). Turkish Journal of Haematology 28 (4), 357, 2011.

Quality of life in Thalassemia patients

Journal Article ,
Quality of life in Thalassemia patients. (2011). International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine and …, 2011.

Antioxidant status in beta thalassemia major: a single-center study

Journal Article ,
Antioxidant status in beta thalassemia major: a single-center study. (2011). Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 54 (4), 761, 2011, 54, 761.

Clinical audit of inherited bleeding disorders in a developing country

Journal Article ,
Clinical audit of inherited bleeding disorders in a developing country. (2010). Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 53 (1), 50, 2010, 53, 50.

Clinicopathologic spectrum of Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia: A single center experience

Journal Article ,
Clinicopathologic spectrum of Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia: A single center experience. (2010). Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 53, 490.

Involvement of bone marrow with intravascular large B-cell lymphoma.

Journal Article ,
Involvement of bone marrow with intravascular large B-cell lymphoma. (2010). Hematology/Oncology/and/Stem/Cell/Therapy, 3, 39.

Pleural fluid plasmacytosis in a patient with plasma cell leukemia

Miscellaneous ,
Pleural fluid plasmacytosis in a patient with plasma cell leukemia. (2010). AVES YAYINCILIK IBRAHIM KARA, KIZILELMA CAD 5-3, FINDIKZADE, ISTANBUL 34096, TURKEY.

Therapeutic outcomes of older patients with acute myeloid leukemia.

Journal Article ,
Therapeutic outcomes of older patients with acute myeloid leukemia. (2010). Saudi Medical Journal 31 (5), 533-538, 2010, 31, 533–538.

Therapeutic outcomes of older patients with acute myeloid leukemia

Journal Article ,
Therapeutic outcomes of older patients with acute myeloid leukemia. (2010).

Clinicopathologic spectrum of Waldenström's macroglobulinemia: A single center experience

Journal Article ,
Clinicopathologic spectrum of Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia: A single center experience. (2010). Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 53 (3), 490, 2010.

Pleural fluid plasmacytosis in a patient with plasma cell leukemia/Plazma hücreli lösemi hastasinda plevral sivi plazmasitozu

Journal Article ,
Pleural fluid plasmacytosis in a patient with plasma cell leukemia/Plazma hücreli lösemi hastasinda plevral sivi plazmasitozu. (2010). Turkish Journal of Haematology 27 (2), 135, 2010.

Involvement of bone marrow with intravascular large B-cell lymphoma

Journal Article ,
Involvement of bone marrow with intravascular large B-cell lymphoma. (2010).

Calcium oxalate crystals in the bone marrow

Journal Article ,
Calcium oxalate crystals in the bone marrow. (2009). British Journal of Haematology 146 (1), 1, 2009, 146, 1.

Oral iron chelation therapy with deferiprone in patients with Thalassemia Major

Journal Article ,
Oral iron chelation therapy with deferiprone in patients with Thalassemia Major. (2009). Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association 59 (6), 388, 2009, 59, 388-390.

Chronic ITP: analysis of various factors at presentation which predict failure to first line treatment and their response to second line therapy

Journal Article ,
Chronic ITP: analysis of various factors at presentation which predict failure to first line treatment and their response to second line therapy. (2007). Journal of Pakistan Medical Association 57 (3), 126, 2007, 57, 126-129.

Frequency of hereditary thrombophilia: an AKUH experience.

Journal Article ,
Frequency of hereditary thrombophilia: an AKUH experience. (2004). Journal of Pakistan Medical Association 54 (8), 427, 2004.

Frequency of Hereditary Thrombophilia: an AKUH experience

Journal Article ,
Frequency of Hereditary Thrombophilia: an AKUH experience. (2004). JOURNAL-PAKISTAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 54, 427–429.

Hematologic and cytogenetic findings in eleven chronic myelogenous leukemia patients treated with imatinib mesylate at a tertiary care hospital

Journal Article ,
Hematologic and cytogenetic findings in eleven chronic myelogenous leukemia patients treated with imatinib mesylate at a tertiary care hospital. (2004). Journal of Pakistan Medical Association 54 (1), 17, 2004, 54, 17-20.

Polycythemia vera and idiopathic erythrocytosis: comparison of clinical and laboratory parameters

Journal Article ,
Polycythemia vera and idiopathic erythrocytosis: comparison of clinical and laboratory parameters. (2004). Journal of Pakistan Medical Association 54 (5), 249, 2004, 54, 249–250.

Fludarabine induced immune thrombocytopenia in a patient with CD5 positive B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Journal Article ,
Fludarabine induced immune thrombocytopenia in a patient with CD5 positive B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. (2003). Journal of Pakistan Medical Association 53 (10), 1, 2003, 53, 496–497.

Use of intravenous anti-D in patients with refractory and relapsed immune thrombocytopenic purpura

Journal Article ,
Use of intravenous anti-D in patients with refractory and relapsed immune thrombocytopenic purpura. (2003). Journal of Pakistan Medical Association 53 (11), 537, 2003, 53, 537-539.

Erythrocytosis versus Polycythemia

Journal Article ,
Erythrocytosis versus Polycythemia.

Oral Iron chelation therapy with Deferiprone in patients with Thalassemia

Journal Article ,
Oral Iron chelation therapy with Deferiprone in patients with Thalassemia.



Presentations of Dr Sajid


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Basic Pathology

Classes for Basic Pathology

Haematology block

Classes for Haematology Block