A Note on a Stochastic Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items

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Kocapınar pomzasi ile uretilen hafif betonlarin isi iletkenliklerinin araştirilmasi [Investigation of the thermal conductivity of lightweight concrete made with Kocapınar’s …

RamazanDemirboga, Journal Article, , Kocapınar pomzasi ile uretilen hafif betonlarin isi iletkenliklerinin araştirilmasi [Investigation of the thermal conductivity of lightweight concrete made with Kocapınar’s …. (1997). Kocapınar pomzasi ile uretilen hafif betonlarin isi iletkenliklerinin araştirilmasi [Investigation of the thermal conductivity of lightweight concrete made with Kocapınar’s …. Advanced In Civil Engineering: Iii. Technical Congress 2, 553-562, 1997.


Investigation of the thermal conductivity of lightweight concrete made with Kocapınar’s pumice aggregate

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A hidden Markov model for an inventory system with perishable items

LotfiTadj, Journal Article, , A hidden Markov model for an inventory system with perishable items. (1997). A hidden Markov model for an inventory system with perishable items. Journal Of Applied Mathematics And Stochastic Analysis 10 (4), 423-430, 1997.


La ville nouvelle de Mahelma, en Algérie

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Recherche et projets.

M. EssamHallak, Journal Article, , Recherche et projets. (1995). Recherche et projets. Numéro Rélisé Dans Le Cadre De La Coopération Universitaire Epau, 23-26, 1995.


Waiting in line [queuing theory]

LotfiTadj, Journal Article, , Waiting in line [queuing theory]. (1995). Waiting in line [queuing theory]. Ieee Potentials 14 (5), 11-13, 1995.


Queues with random server capacity and system dependent service delay.

LotfiTadj, Journal Article, , Queues with random server capacity and system dependent service delay. (1994). Queues with random server capacity and system dependent service delay.


Stadt und land in Syrien

M. EssamHallak, Journal Article, , Stadt und land in Syrien. (1994). Stadt und land in Syrien. Karlsruher Städtebauliche Schriften, 144-147, 1994.


A queueing system with random server capacity and multiple control

LotfiTadj, Journal Article, , A queueing system with random server capacity and multiple control. (1993). A queueing system with random server capacity and multiple control. Queueing Systems 14 (3), 369-384, 1993.