GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Analysis of Power Pack for Autonomous-Underwater-Vehicle: Potential of Super-Critical CO2 Brayton Cycle. (2019). SAE Technical Paper, 2019.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Difference between Mechanical Alignment in Navigation and Scanogram during Total Knee Arthroplasty. (2019). Advances in Orthopedics 2019, 2019.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
First report of edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus from India with potential to kill plant parasitic nematodes. (2019). Indian Phytopathology 72 (1), 173-176, 2019.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
The response of cauliflower var. Snowball affected by different day stages level and spacing distances. (2019). Technology, 2019.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Adsorption Study for Removal of COD from Waste Water Using Sustainable Adsorbent: Experimental and Modelling. (2019).
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Significance of medicinal plants against typhoid fever: Possible mechanism, effectiveness and outcomes. (2019). Journal of Biological Sciences and Medicine 5 (1), 2019.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Prognosis for Crop Yield Production by Data Mining Techniques in Agriculture. (2019). Applications of Image Processing and Soft Computing Systems in Agriculture …, 2019.
GarwinKim Sing,,
Journal Article,
Persistence of different insecticides in Chilli fruits. (2019). International Journal of Chemical Studies 7 (3), 2132-2135, 2019.