Foundations of Electrical Engineering, EE-207

Course Description: The course teaches fundamental concepts of electrical circuits, students will be familiarized with the essential principles of electrical circuit analysis, the composition of components into systems and networks, and understanding the trade-offs and limits imposed by energy and noise.

Computer Architecture, EE-307

Course Description: The course introduces the architecture of digital systems, with an emphasis on the structural principles common to a wide range of computer technologies. Multilevel implementation strategies, the definition of new primitives (e.g., gates, instructions, procedures, and processes) and their mechanization using lower-level elements, the organization and operation of digital computers and the hardware/software interface are addressed.

Signals and Systems, EE-301

Course Description: Mathematical description and classification of various signals and systems: introduction to mathematical software packages (e.g. MATLAB), continuous linear time-invariant systems, convolution and correlation, Fourier series, Laplace and z-transform, impulse and pulse responses, step responses, frequency responses.