Dr. Abdul Ahad Shaikh

Senior Lecturer of Neurophysiology


Abdul Ahad Shaikh
Biographical Sketch: Dr. Abdul Ahad Shaikh
Position: Senior lecturer Neurophysiology
Alfaisal University, Riyadh
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)

Educational background:
M. Phil. (Physiology) – Ziauddin Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan, 2004
M.B.B.S. – University of Karachi, Pakistan, 1992
FTBL–Fellowship in Team Based Learning, DUKE-NUS, Singapore 2017
Team-Based Learning:
I have been instrumental in the development and conduction of Team-Based Learning instructional strategy at Sharjah University. I joined Alfaisal University in September 2012, after the decision of curriculum committee to implement TBL my name was proposed as TBL coordinator and later on as TBL Director. I gathered like minded dedicated core faculty members and after briefing and basic training we implemented TBL completely replacing PBLs in all the system based blocks of year one. We also introduced it in parallel b
locks and in second and third year regular blocks. We are using state of the art facility of ExamSoft for more than three hundred students. We are also conducting on line quantitative peer evaluation and using Michaelsen and Fink course multiplier method to engage and involve accountability of group members. I have published papers regarding my experience at Sharjah and Alfaisal University. I have successfully completed Fellowship in Team Based Learning (FTBL) from the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore and have facilitated TBL workshops and helped other faculty members to adopt this teaching and learning strategy. I am a registered member of Team-Based Learning Collaborative, Canada.     

Problem Based Learning Tutoring:
I have more than 20 years of experience in problem based learning methodologies and modes of teaching. I have been a core member of PBL Curriculum development committee at Ziauddin University Karachi, King Saud bin Abdul Aziz University for Health Sciences Riyadh, Sharjah University UAE and Alfaisal University Riyadh.
In this capacity I have been instrumental in the development of PBL cases, facilitation and assessment of PBL mode of teaching. I have made sure that there is both horizontal and vertical integration in the PBL cases. I have also conducted formal workshops for the training of the new faculty in the PBL system.
Unit/block Coordination:
I have coordinated many of the units, blocks and semesters in traditional as well as PBL curriculum.  From introduction to medical education to system based like: the cell and general physiology; membrane physiology, nerve and muscle; the cardiovascular system; the respiratory system; the endocrine system; the special senses, central nervous system and exercise physiology.
I have been involved in the development of assessment tools at different universities for MCQs, SAQs, OSPE and OSCE.
Curriculum Development:
I was actively involved in the development of physiology curriculum for MBBS, in horizontal integration for problem based learning (PBL) with basic subjects like Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry and vertically with clinical sciences and Community Health sciences.
I have ten publications in peer reviewed journals and seven abstracts in educational conferences.
Educational Workshops Attended:
Problem Based Learning, on June 17th ,18th and 19th  1995 at Baqai Postgraduate Institute, Karachi-Pakistan
MCQ writing, on June 20th ,21st and 22nd 1995 at Baqai University, Karachi-Pakistan
Educational Planning and Evaluation, on May 1st and 2nd 1998 at Ziauddin Medical University, Karachi-Pakistan
Problem Based Learning for Tutors, January 9th  and 14th December 2005 at King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia
Research Methodology on 29th March 2006,King Abdul Aziz Medical City, National Guard Health Affairs, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia
Student Assessment Workshop, on March 26th and 27th 2006 at King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia
Effective Learning Workshop, on November 14th  2007, University of Sharjah, UAE
Implementation of Team-Based Learning (TBL) in a PBL Curriculum, on January 24th 2008, University of Sharjah, UAE
Quality Standards a Accreditation in Health Professions Education, on March 21st 2009, University of Sharjah, UAE
Quality in Medical Education “Assessment , Social Accountability, and Accreditation” AMEEMR Conference 6-10 April 2013 Riyadh Saudi Arabia
Fellowship in Team Based Learning, Series-1 Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore from 13th -17th April, 2015.
Fellowship in Team Based Learning, Series-2 Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore from 18th -22nd April, 2016.
Fellowship in Team Based Learning, Series-3 Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore from 17th -21st April, 2017.




Common Hematological Abnormalities in patients with Malaria presenting at Saidu Teaching Hospital, Swat Pakistan

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Common Hematological Abnormalities in patients with Malaria presenting at Saidu Teaching Hospital, Swat Pakistan. (2022). Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences 16 (04), 298-298, 2022.

Effectiveness of Ciprofloxacin and Levofloxacin in treatment of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa infection

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Effectiveness of Ciprofloxacin and Levofloxacin in treatment of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa infection. (2020). Journal of Saidu Medical College, Swat 10 (1), 2020.

Implementation of structured team-based review enhances knowledge consolidation and academic performance of undergraduate medical students studying neuroscience.

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Implementation of structured team-based review enhances knowledge consolidation and academic performance of undergraduate medical students studying neuroscience. (2020). Adv Physiol Educ , 44(1), 232-238.

Implementation of structured team-based review enhances knowledge consolidation and academic performance of undergraduate medical students studying neuroscience.

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Implementation of structured team-based review enhances knowledge consolidation and academic performance of undergraduate medical students studying neuroscience. (2020). Adv Physiol Educ , 44(1), 232-238.

Comparative Analysis of Effectiveness Between Flipped Classroom and Lecture-Based Classroom in Undergraduate Medical Education at Alfaisal University.

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Comparative Analysis of Effectiveness Between Flipped Classroom and Lecture-Based Classroom in Undergraduate Medical Education at Alfaisal University . (2020). Cureus , 12(11), e11408.

Team-based learning in an undergraduate pathology curriculum and its effects on student performance

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Team-based learning in an undergraduate pathology curriculum and its effects on student performance. (2018). Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences 13 (5), 496-501, 2018.

Audience Response System (Clickers) in Team Based Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Feedback

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Audience Response System (Clickers) in Team Based Learning: The Good, the Bad and the Feedback. (2017). Austin Journal of Anatomy, 4(2), 1069.

Can Facebook pages be a mode of blended learning to supplement in-class teaching in Saudi Arabia

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Can Facebook pages be a mode of blended learning to supplement in-class teaching in Saudi Arabia. (2017). Advances in Physiology Education, 41, 472-477.

Standardization of proton-induced x-ray emission technique for analysis of thick samples

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Standardization of proton-induced x-ray emission technique for analysis of thick samples. (2015). Chinese Physics B 24 (9), 090601, 2015.

Tackling student neurophobia in neurosciences block with team-based learning.

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Tackling student neurophobia in neurosciences block with team-based learning. (2015). Medical Education Online, 20(1), 28461.

LPS Ligation of TLR4 on Alveolar Macrophages Promotes PMN and CDR+ T Cell Transendothelial Migration

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LPS Ligation of TLR4 on Alveolar Macrophages Promotes PMN and CDR+ T Cell Transendothelial Migration. (2015). The FASEB Journal 29, 763.2, 2015.

Using Gagne’s model in hematology residency

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Using Gagne’s model in hematology residency. (2015). Journal of Health Specialties, 3(1), 47-49.

Comparing the efficacy of team based learning strategies in a problem based learning curriculum.

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Comparing the efficacy of team based learning strategies in a problem based learning curriculum. (2012). APMIS, 120, 718-723.

Comparing the efficacy of team based learning strategies in a problem based learning curriculum

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Comparing the efficacy of team based learning strategies in a problem based learning curriculum. (2012). Apmis 120 (9), 718-723, 2012.

Prevalence of exercise-induced bronchospasm in national hockey players of Pakistan

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Prevalence of exercise-induced bronchospasm in national hockey players of Pakistan. (2004). JOURNAL-PAKISTAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 54 (2), 96-98, 2004.

Prevalence of Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm in National Hockey Players of Pakistan.

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Prevalence of Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm in National Hockey Players of Pakistan. (2004). Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, 54, 96-99.

Exercise-induced bronchospasm in male athletes at Karachi

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Exercise-induced bronchospasm in male athletes at Karachi. (2003). Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad 15 (4), 2003.

Exercise -Induced Bronchospasm in male athletes at Karachi.

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Exercise -Induced Bronchospasm in male athletes at Karachi. (2003). Journal of Ayub Medical College, 15, 29-33.

An objective structured practical examination to test students in experimental physiology

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An objective structured practical examination to test students in experimental physiology. (2001). Journal-Pakistan Medical Association 51 (6), 207-209, 2001, 51, 207-210.

Continuous quality assessment; development of a simple computer based model for audit

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Continuous quality assessment; development of a simple computer based model for audit. (2001). Journal of Pakistan Medical Association 51 (9), 317, 2001.

Carcinoma of the Gallbladder

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Carcinoma of the Gallbladder. (1989). Proceeding SZPGMJ Vol 3, 4-6, 1989.


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