Dr. Akef Obeidat

Vice Dean, Quality Assurance and accreditation, Associate Professor of Anatomy & Medical Education





Akef Obeidat, MD, PhD

 Vice dean, Quality Assurance and accreditation, college of medicine, Alfaisal University 

+966 1 2157637 

Email: aobeidat@alfaisal.edu



Citizenship: Canadian

Present academic rank and position:-


            2014-Present               Vice Dean for Quality Assurance and Accreditation


            2012-Present               Associate Professor of Anatomy and Medical Education                

                                                 College of Medicine, Alfaisal University,   Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  1. University Education         



Post-doctoral fellow

Supervisor: Dr. David Park

Neuroscience Research Institute

Faculty of Medicine, Ottawa University

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


     1995 -1998:

PhD (Neuroscience, Anatomy and Cell Biology)

Dissertation:  Assessing acute neuronal damage induced by           

O2/glucose deprivation in hippocampal brain slices by measuring intrinsic optical signals.

Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Queen’s University,  Kingston, Ontario, Canada


Promotion to Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Queen’s University,Kingston, Ontario, Canada


M. Sc. Candidate

Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada


Rotating Internship training, Ministry of Health, Jordan


M. B. Ch. B (Medicine & General Surgery)

Al-Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq                                


  1. Appointments:


2014- present

Vice dean for Quality Assurance and Accreditation, College of Medicine, Alfaisal University,  Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2012- 2014

Director of Quality Assurance and Accreditation

Associate Professor of Anatomy and Medical Education

College of Medicine, Alfaisal University,  Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Director of academic affairs and Associate Professor of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Al-Imam Mohammad Bin Saud Islamic University,Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Director of Examination Centre, Consultant and Faculty member, Faculty of Medicine/ King Fahad Medical City,  Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Assistant Professor of Anatomy

Division of Clinical and Functional Anatomy

Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine/

Faculty of Medicine/ Ottawa University

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


General Practitioner and Public health officer

Municipality of greater Irbid, Jordan


Post-doctoral fellow

Supervisor: Dr. David Park

Neuroscience Research Institute

Faculty of Medicine, Ottawa University

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


   Lecturer and teaching assistant

   Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology,  Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada


   General Practitioner and Teaching Assistant

   University Health Centre & Department of Anatomy, Jordan University of Science and Technology

   Irbid, Jordan


  General Practitioner and public health educator

  Ministry of Health, Jordan



  1. Institutional/Departmental Administrative Responsibilities


  1. Alfaisal University

University level

  • Member of the University council (2014-present)
  • Member of  Graduate School Quality Assurance & Accreditation Committee (GS QAAC) (2022-present)
  • Member of the University strategic plan committee (2014-2017)
  • Member of the University Institutional accreditation and Quality assurance committee (2014-present)
  • Member of the University’s scholarship committee (2014-present)
  • Member of the graduation committee (2014-present)
  • Member of the University’s Academic Development Committee (2014-2015)


College of medicine

  • Vice Dean, Quality assurance and accreditation (2014-present)
  • Chairman of 2013-2018 college of medicine strategic plan committee
  • Member, college of medicine board (2014-present)
  • Chairman of Progress test Committee (2013-present)
  • Chairman of college of medicine annual report committee (2013-present)
  • Acting chairman of the Anatomy department
  • Director of the office of QA&A (2012/2013)
  • Founder and chairman of Undergraduate Medical Education Research Group (MERG); (2015-present)


  1. General Secretary, Riyadh branch of the Saudi Society for Medical Education (2012-15)
  2. Member, The Saudi Society for Medical Education (2016-present)
  3. Member of the scientific committee, Dr. Hamzah Al-Khouli CHAIR for Developing Medical Education in Saudi Arabia, (2010-2016)

College of Medicine/ Al-Imam Mohammad Bin Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • Director of academic affairs and Associate Professor of Anatomy(2011-2012)
  • Director of Pre-Clinical Phase and Associate Professor of Anatomy (2009-2011)
    • Member and rapporteur, The Supreme Committee for the Simulated Teaching Hospital and Clinical Skills Lab (2011-2012)
    • Chairman curriculum development committee (2011-2012)                 
    • Member of the curriculum development committee (2009-2011)
    • Member of Faculty Examination Committee, 2009-2011
    • Chair, Growth and Development block planning committee (2009/2010/2011)
    • Member, Human Body 1Course planning committee (2009/2010/2011)
    • Member, Human Body 2 Course planning committee (2009/2010/2011)
    • Member of Principles of Disease 1 block planning committee (2009/2010/2011)
    • Member of Molecular Basis of Disease block planning committee (2009/2010)
    • Member of Host defense block planning committee (2009/2010)
    • Member of Principles of Disease 2 block planning committee (2010/2011)
    • Member, Neural and Behavioral sciences Course planning committee (2010/2011)
    • Member, Musculoskeletal system and Integument Course planning committee (2010/2011)
    • Member, Gastrointestinal system Course planning committee (2011/2012)
    • Member, Endocrine system Course planning committee (2011/2012)


Faculty of Medicine/ King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • Founder and director of Examination centre (2006-2009)
  • Supervisor of Educational Laboratories (2006-2008)
  • Member of Phase I council (2006-2009)
  • Member of Phase II council (2006-2009)
  • Member of the curriculum development committee, 2007-2009
  • Exam Officer for all phase 2 (department of the basic medical sciences) examinations (2006-2009)
  • Member of Faculty Evaluation Committee (2006-2009)
  • Member of Educational Advisory committee (2006-2009)
  • Member of a committee to write the mandate of curriculum development committee
  • Member of the department of the basic medical sciences
  • Member of the department of Allied Health Sciences
  • Member of Ethics of Medical Practice course planning committee
  • Chair, Musculoskeletal system block planning committee (2006/2007)
  • Chair, Normal Human Course planning committee (2006/2007-2007/2008)
  • Member of Hemopoietic block planning committee (2006/2007-2007/2008)
  • Member of Gastrointestinal system block planning committee (2006/2007-2007/2008)
  • Member of Principles of Disease block planning committee (2006/2007)
  • Member of Respiratory system block planning committee (2006/2007-2007/2008))
  • Member of Immune system block planning committee (2006/2007-2007/2008)
  • Member of Urinary system block planning committee (2006/2007-2007/2008)
  • Member of Growth and Development block planning committee (2006/2007)
  • Member of Cardiovascular system block planning committee (2007/2008-2007/2008)
  • Member of Reproductive system block planning committee (2007/2008-2007/2008)
  • Member of Integrated Multisystem planning Committee (2007/2008)


University of Ottawa 

  1. Senate committee on teaching and Teaching Evaluation, subcommittee of the recognition of Teaching (3 year term ending July 2009)
  2. Faculty of Medicine/Ottawa University
  • Member of the Faculty Development Advisory Group, 2004-2006.
  • Member of Setting Directions "Commitment to Equity" Committee/ Implementation team.


North American review panel

 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins' product development team established the North American review panel in March 2004. As a member of this review panel, I reviewed the following text books:


  1. The Third edition of Essential Clinical Anatomy by Keith Moore.
  2. Clemente’s Anatomy Dissector by Dr. Carmine D. Clemente. 

Reviewer; JIMASE (Journal of the International Association of Medical Science Educators)

Reviewer; Anatomical Sciences Education

Reviewer: Medical Education


Honours and Awards



            2005                            Nominated for University of Ottawa President’s Award for service to the University through media and community relations.


            2005                            Nominated for the “Capital Educators' Awards of Excellence”**


           2004                    Bristol-Meyers Squibb Award for Excellence in Medical Education Teaching. This award is given to professors who demonstrate excellence in undergraduate medical education. Award winner is chosen by a secret ballot casting by all medical students (years 1-4).

            2004                            Selected as one of award winners for the Capital Educators' Awards of Excellence       (http://www.edugala.ca/)

   **An initiative of OCRI (the Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation), the awards recognize Ottawa educators who have made a difference in the lives of their students by acting as role models, instilling confidence and nurturing leadership. The Capital Educator's Awards recognize educators employed by a publicly funded elementary or secondary school, college or university located within the boundaries of the City of Ottawa.

More than 400 nominations are received from current and former students, professional colleagues, friends and family. From there, a panel of judges, representing the community, reviewed the publicly submitted nominations and selected 16 award recipients from 64 finalists.


            2003                Voted the honorary president of The Aesculapian Society*


            2003                nominated by a medical student at the University of Ottawa for  the Bristol-Meyers Squibb Award for Excellence in Medical                                                             Education Teaching.

            2003                 Nominated for the “Young Professor Award   /Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa.

            2003                Nominated for the “Award of Excellence         /Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa.

            2003                Nominated for the “Excellence in Mentoring Award  /Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa.



The Aesculapian Society is composed of undergraduate medical students at the University of Ottawa. It represents the students in dealings with the Faculty of Medicine, University authorities and other student organizations within and outside the University community.  It is the students' society, run by students, for students.

            1994-1998                   Queen’s University Graduate Award


            1993-1997                   Jordan University of Science &Technology Scholarship


            1996                            School of Graduate Studies & research Travel Award/ Queen’s University


            1995                            Special Dean’s Award/ Queen’s University


            1995                            School of Graduate Studies & research Travel Award/ Queen’s University


            1995                            The 2nd Society of Neuroscience of Africa International   Conference Travel Award


            1994                            School of Graduate Studies & research Travel  Award/ Queen’s University


            1987                            Top Ten Graduate (8th over 201 graduates) Al-Mustansiriyah  University, School of Medicine, Baghdad, Iraq


Popular Media Interviews and Profiles


  1. Anatomy of a successful medical teacher, by Zev Singer, Ottawa Citizen, City Section, Pages 1D and &D, Wednesday, June 23, 2004.



  1. Two profs win Capital Educators’ Award, Gazette: The voice of Canada’s University, ISSUE 17: June 15 | 2004



  1. Mini-Med teaches healthy respect, by Holly Lake, Ottawa Sun. Pages 18-19, December 12, 2004.


  1. How well do you know Dr. O? by H. Barrett Austin, The pelican (Aesculapian Society Newspaper). Page 4, May 2005.


  1. 28-minute Mini-Med lecture, 40 hours of preparation, Medical talks a hit with public, a challenge for physicians: There's a public thirst for basic scientific knowledge, and audiences are willing to focus and work hard to follow along ,by Tom Spears, Ottawa Citizen, Read Dark Matter, Tom Spears's blog of science quirks and snarks, October 23, 2005



  1. Good morning Saudi Arabia: A daily show on Saudi main channel (channel 1): I was the guest to talk about the future of higher education in the kingdom. December 26, 2009



Professional memberships and societies

  1. Society for Neuroscience
  2. The International Association of Medical Science Educators
  3. The American Association of Clinical Anatomists
  4. The American Association of Anatomists
  5. The Association of Medical Education in Europe

  Research Funding and Grants

Granted: University of Ottawa

1. 2006-2008

Center for University Teaching, Ottawa University teaching / learning grant program

Programming with digital images to improve gross anatomy Learning (phase two).

MT Hincke – PI, H Lescault, A Obeidat, A Jalali.


2. 2006-2008

Center for University Teaching, Ottawa University teaching / learning grant program

Development of digital radiology resources to be integrated in the 1st two years of medical curriculum: Phase two.

A. Obeidat, M.T. Hincke, A. Jalali, H. Lescault


3. 2005-2007

Center  for University Teaching, Ottawa University teaching / learning grant program

Programming with digital images to improve gross anatomy learning.

MT Hincke – PI, H Lescault, A Obeidat, Y Wassef.


4. 2004-2006    

Center  for University Teaching, Ottawa University teaching / learning grant program

Development of digital radiology resources to be integrated in the 1st two years of medical curriculum.

MT Hincke, A Obeidat, Y Wassef.


5. 2003-2005

Center for University Teaching, Ottawa University teaching / learning grant program

Programming with digital images to improve gross anatomy learning.

MT Hincke – PI, H Lescault, A Obeidat, Y Wassef


Alfaisal University


Internal research grant (IRG2014): Mental Arithmetic as a Potential Innovative non-pharmacological Therapy for ADHD Symptoms PI: Granted: 60 000 SAR)


  1. Publications

Papers in refereed journal (peer reviewed publications)



  1. Flipping a biochemistry class within a medical curriculum: Impacts on perception, engagement, and attainment. Hana. M. A. Fakhoury, Hanaa A. Fatoum, MHD Amer Aldeiry, Hawazen Alahmad, Joud Enabi, Sara Kayali, Yahya Bawahab, Emad M. Masuadi, Akef Obeidat, Colin James Lumsden. Biochem Mol Biol Educ. 2021;1–8.


  1. Prevalence and perceptions of e-cigarette use among medical students in a Saudi University. Eiad Habib, Mayar Helaly, Amani Elshaer, Dalia Sriwi, Mohammad Sharique Ahmad, Mohamed Iesar Mohamed, Akef Obeidat. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care (2020) 9 (6), 3070


  1. Assessment of Burnout in Medical Undergraduate Students in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

     Youssef Al-Tannir; Wedad Alnajjar; Syed Ahmad; Mustafa Al-Tannir; Fouad Yousuf; Akef Obeidat; Mohamad Al-Tannir. BMC Medical Education (2019) 19:34


  1. Ahmed Abu-Zaid, Basmah Altinawi, Abdulaziz M. Eshaq, Lynn Alkhatib, Judie Hoilat, Sana Kadan, Mai Alshammari, Aya Farfour, Akef Obeidat & Khaled Alkattan. Interest and perceived barriers toward careers in academic medicine among medical students at Alfaisal University – College of Medicine: A Saudi Arabian perspective, Medical Teacher. 2018 Sep; 40(sup1):S90-S95 (Published online: 02 May 2018).


  1. Al-Awwab Dabaliz, Samy Kaadan, M. Marwan Dabbagh, Abdulaziz Barakat, Mohammad Abrar Shareef, Mohamad Al-Tannir, Akef Obeidat, and Ayman Mohamed. Predictive validity of pre-admission assessments on medical student performance. Int J Med Educ. 2017; 8: 408–413.


  1. Mazen Almasry, Zeina Kayali, Rakan Alsaad, Ghada Alhayaza, Mohammad Sharique Ahmad, Akef Obeidat, and Ahmed Abu-Zaid. Perceptions of preclinical medical students towards extracurricular activities. Int J Med Educ. 2017; 8: 285–289.


  1. Hamzah Naji, Jumana Sarraj, Ibrahim Muhsen, Shouq Kherallah, Ahmed Qannita, Akef Obeidat, and Muhammad Raihan Sajid. Faculty perspective on competency based research education: A multi-center study from Saudi Arabia. Journal of Health Specialties. 2017; 5 (3), 129


  1. Ahmed Abu-Zaid, Leenh O. BaHammam, Talal M. Hijji, Ismail M. Shakir, Abdulaziz M. Eshaq, Mohammed Alawadi, Abdulrahman A. Al-Khateeb, Tehreem A. Khan, Akef Obeidat, and Khaled Alkattan. Extrinsic motives to encourage extracurricular research activities: a reminder call to medical schools in Saudi Arabia. Int J Med Educ. 2017; 8:99-100
  2. Muhammad R. Sajid, Abrar F. Laheji, Fayha Abothenain, Yezan Salam, Dina AlJayar, and Akef Obeidat. Can blended learning and the flipped classroom improve student learning and satisfaction in Saudi Arabia? Int. J Med Educ. 2016; 7: 281–285.


  1. Ahmed Yaqinuddin, Muhammad Faisal Ikram, Muhammad Zafar, Nivin Sharaf Eldin, Muhammad Atif Mazhar, Sadia Qazi, Aftab Ahmed Shaikh, Akef Obeidat, Khaled Al-Kattan, Paul Ganguly. The Integrated Clinical Anatomy Program at Alfaisal University: an innovative model of teaching clinically applied functional anatomy in a hybrid curriculum. Adv Physiol Educ 2016 Mar; 40(1):56-63


  1. Ahmed Abu-Zaid, Abdulhadi A Alamodi, Wael Alkattan, Khaled Alkattan, Akef S Obeidat. Dual-degree MBBS-PhD programs in Saudi Arabia: A call for implementation.

Med Teach 2016 Mar; 38 Suppl 1:S9-S11


  1.  Razan Kharraz, Reem Hamadah, Danah AlFawaz, Jalila Attasi, Akef S Obeidat, Wael Alkattan, Ahmed Abu-Zaid . Perceived barriers towards participation in undergraduate research activities among medical students at Alfaisal University-College of Medicine: A Saudi Arabian perspective. Med Teach 2016 Mar;38 Suppl 1:S12-8


  1.   Syeda Mina, Sowshan Mostafa, Haneen Thabit Albarqawi, Asma Alnajjar, Akef S Obeidat, Wael Alkattan, Ahmed Abu-Zaid. Perceived influential factors toward participation in undergraduate research activities among medical students at Alfaisal University-College of Medicine: A Saudi Arabian perspective. Med Teach 2016 Mar;38 Suppl 1:S31-6


  1. Lama AlFakhri, Jumana Sarraj, Shouq Kherallah, Khulood Kuhail, Akef Obeidat, Ahmed Abu-Zaid. Perceptions of pre-clerkship medical students and academic advisors about sleep deprivation and its relationship to academic performance: a cross-sectional perspective from Saudi Arabia. BMC Res Notes 2015; 1; 8:740.


  1. Nivin Sharaf Eldin, Akef Obeidat, Gilles Jadd, Mohamad Al-Tannir, Mahmoud Aly, Khaled AlKattan. Time management and GPA outcome: A Three Years Study among Medical Students in Riyadh, KSA. The International Journal of e-Healthcare Information Systems (IJe-HIS). 2015; Volume 2, Issues 1/2/3/4, ISSN: 2046-3332 (Online).


  1. Obeidat AS, Alhaqwi AI, Abdulghani HM. Reprioritizing current research trends in medical Education: a reflection on research activities in Saudi Arabia. Medical Teacher. April 2015;Vol. 37 Suppl 1:S5-8


  1. Ahmad I. Al-Shafei, Khalid A. Bin Abdulrahman, Khalid I. Al-Qumaizi, Waleed A. Al-Rashed, Osama A. Al-Khamees, Waleed M. Al-Shaqha, Akef Obeidat. Exciting new ideas in medical education emerged from SIMEC 2012. Medical Teacher April 2013, Vol. 35, No. s1: S1–S4.


  1. Salahuddin Khan, Akef Obeidat, Khalid-Al- Qumaizi. Research Ethics and Asian Culture: A Western Individual Autonomy or an Asian Shared Decision Making? Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, 2012; Vol. 22 (1)


  1. Faisal I. Mohammed, Akef S. Obeidat, Abdulaaziz F. Alkaabba, Nabil A. Bashir , and Ibrahim Al-Hoqail. Comparative study: Medical Physiology teaching in hybrid problem based learning (PBL) vs. integrated system teacher centered teaching. Educational Research and Review. 2011;  Vol. 6 (23), pp. 1063-1068


  1. Park, D.S., A. Obeidat, A. Giovani, L. A. Green. Cell cycle regulators in neuronal death evoked by excitotoxic stress: implications for neurodegeneration and its treatment. Neurobiology of Aging.2001; 21(6):771-81.


  1. Obeidat, A.S., C. R. Jarvis, and R .D .Andrew. Glutamate does not mediate acute neuronal damage following spreading depression induced by oxygen/glucose deprivation in the hippocampal slice. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Meta. 2000; 2:412-22


  1. Andrew, R. D., C .R. Jarvis A. S. Obeidat. Potential sources of intrinsic optical signals imaged in live brain slices. Methods 18; 1999, issue 2; 185-196.


  1. Obeidat, A.S. and R. D. Andrew. Spreading depression determines acute neuronal damage in the hippocampal slice during oxygen/glucose deprivation. Europ. J. Neuroscience,1998;  10(11): 3451-3461



Book Chapters


  1. Akef Obeidat, 2015. Evaluation and assessment of a curriculum: how do we do that? In: Ganguly, P. K (editor), Health and Disease; Curriculum for the 21st century medical students; Nova Publishers, New York, USA, 2015.
  2. Ayman Mohamed Awad Mohamed, Mohammed Marwan Dabbagh, Al-Awwab Mohammad Dabaliz, Abdulazeez Abdulmajeed Barakat, Elhaitham Khaled Ahmed, Akef Obeidat, 2015. Medical curriculum: students’ perspectives. In: Ganguly, P. K (editor), Health and Disease; Curriculum for the 21st century medical students; Nova Publishers, New York, USA, 2015.
  3. Akef Obeidat, 2013. Key issues in developing anatomy curriculum. In: Ganguly, P. K (editor), Education in Anatomical Sciences; Nova Publishers, New York, USA, 2013.



Peer reviewed papers presented at scientific conferences


  1. Razan Almesned, Mi Rim Kim, Abdulaziz Hussam Abed, Gulsan A. Karbani, Akef Obeidat and Anikó Szabó. “To-go” Should be considered one of the Best Practices for Microscopy Teaching and Learning. The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC 2018), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, April 1 – 5, 2018. Won the 2nd Faculty Prize Award in the category of Oral Short Communication at SIMEC 2018.


  1. Abdulaziz Hussam Abed, Mi Rim Kim, Razan Almesned, Gulsan A. Karbani, Akef Obeidat and Anikó Szabó. TBL and PBL Should be considered one of the Best Practices for Raising a Generation of Medical Doctors Who Can Think and Talk. The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC 2018), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, April 1 – 5, 2018. Won the 2nd Faculty Prize Award in the category of E-Poster at SIMEC 2018


  1. Rakan AlQabbani, Lamma Hassan, Raghed Almamlouk, Mohieddin AlBarazi, Ahmad Sarraj,  Akef Obeidat. SMILE: An Innovative Student Model to Instill Empathy and Health Advocacy Amongst Medical Students.  The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2017), Helsinki, Finland. August 26-30, 2017.


  1. Mohammad Sharique Ahmad, Zeina Kayali, Mazen Almasri, Ahmed Abuzaid, Ayman Awad, Akef Obeidat. The Implementation of a Peer to Peer Support Group System at Alfaisal University: Beyond the Stigma.  The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2017), Helsinki, Finland. August 26-30, 2017.



  1. Mohammed Alazmah, M. Marwan Dabbagh, Luluwah Alaitah, Abdullah Binobaid, Ahmed Yaqinuddin, Akef Obeidat. Running PBL and TBL Together: Students and Faculty Perspective.  The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2017), Helsinki, Finland. August 26-30, 2017.


  1. Bothayna Kamal, Rasha Alskaff, Hend Alhusami, Leena Mansoor, Manasik Abdu, Akef Obeidat. Medical Students' Perception of Inconveniences Associated with Computer-Based Examination.  The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2017), Helsinki, Finland. August 26-30, 2017.




  1. Hajar Adel Alreefi, Mohammad Sharique Ahmad, Bashair Alsomali, Ahmad Yaqinuddin, Akef Obeidat. The Benefit of a Shift: The implementation of an electronic-based assessment method at Alfaisal University College of Medicine.  The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2017), Helsinki, Finland. August 26-30, 2017.


  1. Eiad Habib, Mohamed Iesar Abdelaziz Mohamed, Amany Elshaer, Mayar Helaly, Dalia Sriwi, Akef Obeidat. Thriving in medical school: is it really in the genes?  The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2017), Helsinki, Finland. August 26-30, 2017.


  1. Mohamed Iesar Abdelaziz Mohamed, Eiad Ahmed Habib, Amany Elshaer, Mohammad Sharique Ahmad, Dalia Sriwi, Akef Obeidat. Studying High School basic sciences in English: does it translate into medical school excellence?  The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2017), Helsinki, Finland. August 26-30, 2017.


  1. Amany Elshaer, Mayar Helaly, Dalia Sriwi, Eiad Ahmed H Moha, Akef Obeidat. Attendance in Medical School: Should it be Mandatory?  The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2017), Helsinki, Finland. August 26-30, 2017.


  1. Lamma Hassan, Raghed Almamlouk, Rakan Qabbani, Karim Saltajai, Ahmed Sarraj, Akef Obeidat. Feedback on Examinations – Students’ Perspective. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2017), Helsinki, Finland. August 26-30, 2017.


  1. Ghada Alhayaza, Mazen Almasri, Zeina Kayali, Mohammad Sharique Ahmad, Ahmad Yaqinuddin, Akef Obeidat. Parallel Integration of Clinical Skills with Ongoing Organ System Blocks: Why it Works. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2017), Helsinki, Finland. August 26-30, 2017.


  1. Raghed AlMamlouk, Lamma Hassan, Kareem Saltaji, Rakan AlQabbani, Ahmad Sarraj, Akef Obeidat. Students’ perspective on mandatory non-medical electives in Alfaisal University. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2017), Helsinki, Finland. August 26-30, 2017.


  1. Soheib Mohammed, Omar Javed Baqal, Ismail Mohammed Shakir, Ahmed Ibrahim, Yusuf Ashraf Sattar, Akef Obeidat. Prevalence of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and its effect on the academic and study habits of medical students. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2017), Helsinki, Finland. August 26-30, 2017.





  1. Ayman Awad, Rakan Alsaad, Zeina Kayali, Mohammad Sharique Ahmad,

Mazen Almasri, Akef Obeidat. The Role of the Medical Students’ Association at Alfaisal University in the Mental Wellbeing of its Members. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2017), Helsinki, Finland. August 26-30, 2017.



  1. Omar Baqal, Soheib Mohammed, Ismail Shakir, Yusuf Sattar, Ahmed Ibrahim, Akef Obeidat. Video games and medical students’ playing habits, attitudes and perceived benefits and harms: A Saudi Arabian perspective. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2017), Helsinki, Finland. August 26-30, 2017.


  1. Hamzah Naji, Ahmed Qannita, Shouq Kherallah, Jumana Sarraj, Ibrahim Mehsen, and Akef Obeidat: Assessing Field-Specific Research Competencies Needed for Undergraduate Medical Students, Its Importance and Delivery: Mentors’ Perspective. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2016), Barcelona, Spain. August 27-31, 2016.


  1. Ahmed Jamal ElDeib, Omar Eldeib, Ayman Awad, Alhaitham Khalid and Akef Obeidat: Are The Educational Tools and Elements Used in Medical Textbooks Still Effective? A Student Perceptive. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2016), Barcelona, Spain. August 27-31, 2016.



  1. Omar Eldeib, Ahmed Eldeib, Ayman Awad, Wael AlSmadi, Alhaitham Khalid, and Akef Obeidat: Are Medical Textbooks Really Targeting the Domains and Subdomains of Learning? A Student Perspective. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2016), Barcelona, Spain. August 27-31, 2016.


  1. Mays Altahhan, Heba Musallam, Aisha Alharbi, Akef Obeidat and Santosh Kumar: Computer vs Paper Based Exam in Alfaisal University College of Medicine. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2016), Barcelona, Spain. August 27-31, 2016.



  1. M. Marwan Dabbagh*, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz Barakat, Mohammed Sharique Ahmad, and Akef Obeidat: Exploring the Level of Interest Among Undergraduate Medical Students in KSA to Pursue Family Medicine as a Specialty. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2016), Barcelona, Spain. August 27-31, 2016.




  1. Mohammed Kafaji, Nivin El Din, and Akef Obeidat: The Moderating effects of soft skills and social context on students performance in medical schools (oral presentation). EDULEARN 16 (8th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 4-6 July, 2016, Barcelona, Spain


  1. Abdulaziz Barakat, M. Marwan Dabbagh, Alawwab Dabaliz, Samy Kaadan, Ayman Awad, Mohammad Shareef, and Akef Obeidat: An Insight into the National Medical Admission Parameters and Predictability of Outcome: Where Do We Stand? The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC 2016), April 8 – 12, 2016, Alfaisal University, Riyadh,  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  1. M. Marwan Dabbagh, Abdulaziz Barakat, Samy Kaadan, Alawwab Dabaliz, Ayman Mohamed, and Akef Obeidat: Inter-Curricular Amalgamation Feasibility And Do-Ability: A Perspective. The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC 2016), April 8 – 12, 2016, Alfaisal University, Riyadh,  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  1. Mohammed Kafaji, Nivin A. El Din, and Akef Obeidat: Influence of Student Soft Skills on Academic Performance at Medical Schools. The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC 2016), April 8 – 12, 2016, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  1. Muhammad Raihan Sajid, Abrar F. Laheji, Fayha F. Abothenain, Yezan Y. Salam, Dina M. AlJayar, and Akef Obeidat: First application of blended learning and flipped classroom in an undergraduate medicine program in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC 2016), April 8 – 12, 2016, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  1. Haya Azouz, Alaa Aldalati, Imad Alabdulrazzak, Ahmed Abu-Zaid, Akef Obeidat: The impact of University Preparatory Program (UPP) on medical students performance: a pilot study. The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC 2016), April 8 – 12, 2016, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  1. Alaa Aldalati, Haya Azouz, Imad Alabdulrazzak, Ahmed Abu-Zaid, Akef Obeidat The efficacy of Saudi Standard Achievement Test in predicting medical students’ academic performance in pre-clinical years: a pilot study. The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC 2016), April 8 – 12, 2016, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  1. Mays Altahhan, Heba Musallam, Aisha Alharbi, Akef Obeidat, Santosh Kumar: Computer versus Paper Based Exam in Alfaisal University College of Medicine: A Comparative Study. The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC 2016), April 8 – 12, 2016, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



  1. Syed Otaiba Imran, Sarah Mohammed Aftab Uddin, Najwa Samantha, Mariam Ahmed Glal, Mohammad Sharique Ahmad, Akef Obeidat, and Santosh Kumar: The Effect of Medical and Nonmedical Parallel Courses on Medical Students’ GPAs and Academic Performance. The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC 2016), April 8 – 12, 2016, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  2. Lama AlFakhri, Jumana Sarraj, Shouq Kherallah, Khulood Kuhail, Akef Obeidat, and Ahmed Abu-Zaid: Perceptions of pre-clerkship medical students and academic advisors about sleep deprivation and its relationship to academic performance: a cross-sectional perspective from Saudi Arabia. The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC 2016), April 8 – 12, 2016, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  1. Nada Khalid Neel, Abdullah Khalid Neel, Akef Obeidat, and Santosh Kumar: Awareness and Prevalence of Obesity and Obesity related Diseases among Medical Students: A Self reported Cross-sectional Study. The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC 2016), April 8 – 12, 2016, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  1. M. Marwan Dabbagh, Abdulaziz Barakat, Samy Kaadan, Alawwab Dabaliz,  Mohammad Shareef,  Ayman Mohamed,  Akef Obeidat: Linguistic Ability and Medical Students Performance: an Influencing Factor or an Artifact?. The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC 2016), April 8 – 12, 2016, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  1. Abdulaziz Barakat Lin Tuleimat, Lynn Alkhatib, Mohammed Shareef, Akef Obeidat: The Use of Social Media in Medical Education. The Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC 2016), April 8 – 12, 2016, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  1. Shouq Kherallah, Ibrahim Muhsen, Jumana Sarraj, Hamzah Naji, Ahmed Qannita, Akef Obeidat: Students Associations' Roles in Enhancing Undergraduate Medical Education. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2015), Glasgow, September 5-9, 2015.


  1. Hamdi E Tamimi, Moaz Zwadi, Subahana Aboobucker, Gabrielle Lamkin, Ayman Awad Mohamed, Akef Obeidat, Yousuf Kharal: Motivation Among Alfaisal University Medical Students: A Stepping Stone to Individualized Medical Curriculum. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2015), Glasgow, September 5-9, 2015.


  1. Mohammed Marwan Dabbagh, Abdulazeez Barakat, Alawwab Dabaliz, Ayman Mohamed, Akef Obeidat: Framework of Unified Learning Outcomes" (FULO) and The International Progress Test. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2015), Glasgow, September 5-9, 2015.


  1. Subahana Aboobucker, Gabrielle Lamkin, Moaz Zwadi, Yousuf Kharal, Mohammad Shareef, Akef Obeidat, Hamdi E Tamimi: Factors affecting student's motivation to pursue medicine at Alfaisal University. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2015), Glasgow, September 5-9, 2015.


  1. Saara Mansoor, Rukia Kafaji, Ayman Awad, Mohammad Shareef, Mohamad AlTannir, Akef Obeidat: Analysis of Students' Perceptions on Adopting an Integrated Curriculum. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2015), Glasgow, September 5-9, 2015.


  1. Haya Azouz, Alaa Aldalati, Imad Alabdulrazzak, Ahmed Abu-Zaid, Akef Obeidat, Wael Al-Kattan: The Impact of University Preparatory Program (UPP) on Medical Students’ Performance: Evidence from Alfaisal University. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2015), Glasgow, September 5-9, 2015.


  1. Ahmed Eldeib, Omar Eldeib, Ayman Awad, Mohamed Shareef, Mohamed Altannir, Akef Obeidat, Elhaitham Ahmed: Evaluating the Perceived Effectiveness of Medical Textbooks in Improving the Students’ Satisfaction & Exam Performance. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2015), Glasgow, September 5-9, 2015.


  1. Ayman Awad, Abdulazeez Barakat, Elhaitham Ahmed, Mohammad Khalaf Mohamad Altannir, and Akef Obeidat: The Arab Medical Aspirations League (AMAL): An Innovative Student Initiative in Research Education. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2015), Glasgow, September 5-9, 2015.


  1. Jumana Sarraj, Ibrahim Muhsen, Hamzah Naji, Shouq Kherallah, Ahmed Qannita, Akef Obeidat: Undergraduate Medical Research Courses Adapting to the Demands of 21st Century. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2015), Glasgow, September 5-9, 2015.


  1. Omar Eldeib, Ayman Awad, Elhaitham Ahmed, Mohamed Shareef, Mohamed Altannir, Akef Obeidat: Evaluating the Perceived Effectiveness of How Medical textbooks are Currently Written and the Explanatory Tools Employed in Writing Them. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2015), Glasgow, September 5-9, 2015.


  1. Haya Azouz, Alaa Aldalati, Imad Alabdulrazzak, Mohammed Alowayed, Akef Obeidat, Ahmed Abu-Zaid, Wael Al Kattan; Does the Saudi General Aptitude Test (Qudorat) Predict Academic Performance (cGPA) among Pre- Clinical Medical Students? A Pilot Study from Alfaisal University, College of Medicine. The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2015), Glasgow, September 5-9, 2015.


  1. Haneen Salah, Ibrahim Muhsen, Hamzah Naji, Ahmed Abu-Zaid, Ayman Mohamed, Akef Obeidat, Fareeha Abdulwali: Medical Education Research Group (MERG); Innovative Approach to Encourage Undergraduate Research Participation . The Association for Medical Education in Europe Conference (AMEE 2015), Glasgow, September 5-9, 2015.


  1. Awad AM, Barakat A, Ahmed E, Khalaf MQ, Abdulbaki A, Alsheikh A, Obeidat A. The Arab medical aspirations league (Amal): an innovative student initiative in research education. 12th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) and 3rd international conference on faculty development in the health professions (ICFDHP), 4-8 February 2015, Singapore


  1. Abdulwali F, Alghamdi RH, Khan T, Mohamed A, AlTannir M, Obeidat A. The role of patient safety in medical curricula: a student perspective. 12th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) and 3rd international conference on faculty development in the health professions (ICFDHP), 4-8 February 2015, Singapore



  1. Eldeib A, Eldeib O, Albali N, Mohamed A, Ahmed E, AlTannir M, Obeidat A. Evaluating the effectiveness of current medical textbooks as undergraduate learning recourse- a student perspective. 12th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) and 3rd international conference on faculty development in the health professions (ICFDHP), 4-8 February 2015, Singapore


  1. Kherallah S, Muhsen I, Sarraj J, Naji H, Qannita A, AlTannir M, Bashir M, Abu-Zaid A, Yaqinuddin A, Obeidat A. Undergraduate medical research: evaluation of research-specific competencies. 12th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) and 3rd international conference on faculty development in the health professions (ICFDHP), 4-8 February 2015, Singapore


  1. Kafaji R, Mansoor S, Awad A, Khan T, Obeidat A, AlTannir M. Analysis of influence of students perception on adopting integrated curriculums. 12th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) and 3rd international conference on faculty development in the health professions (ICFDHP), 4-8 February 2015, Singapore


  1. Muhsen I, Sarraj J, Naji H, Qannita A, Kherallah S, AlTannir M, Bashir M, Abu-Zaid A, Yaqinuddin A, Obeidat A. Assessing research competencies needed for undergraduate medical students, its delivery and assessment; mentor’s perspective. 12th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) and 3rd international conference on faculty development in the health professions (ICFDHP), 4-8 February 2015, Singapore


  1. Akef Obeidat, Salahuddin Khan, Imran Siddiqui. Subjectivity: A Concern in the

Continuous Assessment of Students in a Hybrid PBL Based Curriculum. The 15th Ottawa Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9-13 March 2012


  1. Akef Obeidat, Faisal I. Mohammed, Ibrahim Al-Hoqail, Mohammed O. Al-Rukban, Hossam Hamdy. Combined Team Based Learning "TBL" and Problem Based Learning "PBL":  a new strategy in Medical Education. 2008 Association for Medical Education in Europe conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August 30- September 3, 2008


  1. Akef Obeidat, Mohammed O. Al-Rukban, Nabil A. Bashir, Faisal I. Mohammed. Assessing students in Problem Based Learning curriculum; the role of continuous assessment. The 1st Saudi International Conference on Medical Education; Medical Education "Current Status and Challenges", Faculty of Medicine/ King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 27-30 April, 2008,


  1. Nabil A. Bashir, Faisal Mohammed, and Akef Obeidat. Teaching Biochemistry in a Problem Based Learning (PBL) Curriculum at King Fahad Medical City Faculty of Medicine. The 1st Saudi International Conference on Medical Education; Medical Education "Current Status and Challenges", Faculty of Medicine/ King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 27-30 April, 2008,


  1. Nabil A. Bashir, Akef S. Obeidat, and Faisal I. Mohammad. Association of sex and age with total serum Homocysteine levels in diabetic patients with coronary heart disease. The 3rd Annual Research Day, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,  June 1st, 2008


  1. Rajaa A. Mirghani, Ibrahim Al-Hoqail, Raneem O. Salem, Akef Obeidat, Mohammed O. Al-Rukban, Fawzia A. Habib, Abdulmohsen H. Al-Zalabani & Aiman Zaher . Integration of Clinical Skills Training through Simulation in a PBL Undergraduate Medical Education. Association for Medical Education in Europe conference, Prague, Czech Republic, August 30- September 3, 2008


  1. Khalil M.A. Ph.D., Obeidat A., Al-Zalabani A. and Al-Rukban M. Integrating medical informatics into PBL-Based curriculum. 5th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC), Singapore, 24-27 January,  2008,


  1. Akef Obeidat, Abdulmohsen H. Al Zalabani, Aiman Zaher, Ali f. Al Amri. Elsayed A. Elzayat,   Faisal I. Mohammed, Fouad M. Badr, Ibrahim Al-Hoqail, Kheder Al-zahrani, Mohammed O. Al-Rukban. Tailored, community oriented, problem based curriculum at the Faculty of Medicine/King Fahad, Medical City. Association for Medical Education in Europe conference, Trondheim, Norway, August, 25-29, 2007


  1. Akef S. Obeidat, M.D., Ph.D., Henri Lescault, M.D., Ph.D., Youssef Wassef, M.D., Ali Jalali, M.D. Shannon Goodwin, Maxwell Hincke, Ph.D. (2006) Innovative and Interactive Technologies Used for Teaching Anatomical Sciences at the University of Ottawa, Canada.
    The Slice of Life 18th International Meeting for Medical Multimedia Developers and Educators, University of Lausanne-Switzerland, July 4-8, 2006


  1.  Akef Obeidat, Ali Jalali, Shannon Goodwin, Maxwell Hincke. Bringing life to a dead subject: Innovation in teaching the anatomical sciences to medical students. 6th Annual MERLOT International Conference (multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching), Ottawa Congress Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, August 8, 2006.



  1. Alireza Jalali, Rong Sun, Akef Obeidat, Maxwell Hincke, John Leddy. Anatomy Podcast: An innovative educational resource. 6th Annual MERLOT International Conference (multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) uOttawa Pre-Conference Event “uOttawa Reflections on the Design and Implementation of Technology Enabled Health and Medical Science Education”, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, August 8, 2006


  1. Hincke MT, Obeidat A, Jalali A. Teaching Anatomy in a laptop curriculum: blending the old with the new. Symposium on Teaching the Anatomical Sciences in the 21st Century, CFBS meeting, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, June 15 2006.


  1. Akef  S. Obeidat, Youssef Wassef, Mojgan Hassanlo, Abdulkader Al-Kenawi, Rebecca Peterson, Maxwell Hincke. Development of digital radiology resources to be integrated in the 1st two years of medical curriculum at the University of Ottawa.The 9th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, Los Angeles, CA, July, 15-19, 2005


  1. Akef S. Obeidat, Henri Lescault, Youssef Wassef, Deborah Lee, Tin Ngo Minh, Matthew Parkinson,  Tim Willett, Shannon Goodwin, Maxwell Hincke. Programming and rollover enhancement of digital images to improve gross anatomy learning in the medical curriculum at the University of Ottawa. The 9th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, Los Angeles, CA, July, 15-19, 2005


  1. Anderson, T., A .S. Obeidat, R. D. Andrew. Imaging spreading depression in metabolically compromised hippocampal slices. Soc .Neurosci. Abst. 24,853-4.  The Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Nov.7-12, 1998.


  1. Jarvis, C.J., A. S. Obeidat R. D. Andrew. Spreading depression mediates acute neuronal damage induced by oxygen/glucose deprivation in cortical slices. The First Annual Meeting for Basic and Clinical Research Trainees, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, May 27, 1998.


  1. Obeidat, A . S. and R .D. Andrew. Correlation of field recordings and intrinsic optical signals in hypoxic hippocampal slices. Soc. Neurosci . Abstr.22, 1424. The Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 16-21, 1996


  1. Obeidat, A. S. and R. D. Andrew. Hypoxia-induced damage in the hippocampal slice at 38oC but not 35oC as revealed by intrinsic optical signals. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.21, 215. The Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, November 11-16, 1995


  1. Obeidat, A. S. and R. D. Andrew. Imaging glutamate and hypoxia induced cell swelling in hippocampal slices. Soc. of Neurosci. of Africa Abstr. The Second SONA (Soc. of Neurosci. of Africa) International Conference, Marrakesh, Morocco, April 17-2, 1995


  1. Obeidat, A. S., J. R.Adams, R. D. Andrew. Imaging intrinsic optical signals associated with brief hypoxia/hypoglycemia in rat hippocampal slice. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.20, 180. The Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, November 13-18, 2004









A qualitative study exploring motivating factors for medical Students' involvement in extracurricular activities at Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Journal Article ,
A qualitative study exploring motivating factors for medical Students’ involvement in extracurricular activities at Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (2023).

Flipping a biochemistry class within a medical curriculum: Impacts on perception, engagement, and attainment

Journal Article ,
Flipping a biochemistry class within a medical curriculum: Impacts on perception, engagement, and attainment. (2021). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 49 (4), 625-632, 2021.

Attitudes of medical students towards choosing psychiatry as a career

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Attitudes of medical students towards choosing psychiatry as a career. (2021). BJPsych Open 7 (S1), S2-S3, 2021.

Prevalence and perceptions of e-cigarette use among medical students in a Saudi University

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Prevalence and perceptions of e-cigarette use among medical students in a Saudi University. (2020). Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 9 (6), 3070, 2020.

Predictors of nausea and vomiting risk factors and its relation to anesthesia in a teaching hospital

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Predictors of nausea and vomiting risk factors and its relation to anesthesia in a teaching hospital. (2019). Trends Med 19 (1), 1-5, 2019.

Assessment of burnout in medical undergraduate students in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Journal Article ,
Assessment of burnout in medical undergraduate students in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (2019). BMC Medical Education 19 (1), 1-8, 2019.

Interest and perceived barriers toward careers in academic medicine among medical students at Alfaisal University–College of Medicine: A Saudi Arabian perspective

Journal Article ,
Interest and perceived barriers toward careers in academic medicine among medical students at Alfaisal University–College of Medicine: A Saudi Arabian perspective. (2018). Medical Teacher 40 (sup1), S90-S95, 2018.

Predictive validity of pre-admission assessments on medical student performance

Journal Article ,
Predictive validity of pre-admission assessments on medical student performance. (2017). International Journal of Medical Education 8, 408, 2017.

Extrinsic motives to encourage extracurricular research activities: a reminder call to medical schools in Saudi Arabia

Journal Article ,
Extrinsic motives to encourage extracurricular research activities: a reminder call to medical schools in Saudi Arabia. (2017). International Journal of Medical Education 8, 99, 2017.

Faculty perspective on competency-based research education: A multi-centre study from Saudi Arabia

Journal Article ,
Faculty perspective on competency-based research education: A multi-centre study from Saudi Arabia. (2017). J Health Spec 5, 129-34, 2017.

Perceptions of preclinical medical students towards extracurricular activities

Journal Article ,
Perceptions of preclinical medical students towards extracurricular activities. (2017). International Journal of Medical Education 8, 285, 2017.

Dual-degree MBBS–PhD programs in Saudi Arabia: A call for implementation

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Dual-degree MBBS–PhD programs in Saudi Arabia: A call for implementation. (2016). Medical Teacher 38 (sup1), S9-S11, 2016.

Can blended learning and the flipped classroom improve student learning and satisfaction in Saudi Arabia?

Journal Article ,
Can blended learning and the flipped classroom improve student learning and satisfaction in Saudi Arabia?. (2016). International Journal of Medical Education 7, 281, 2016, 7, 281-285.

The integrated clinical anatomy program at Alfaisal University: an innovative model of teaching clinically applied functional anatomy in a hybrid curriculum

Journal Article ,
The integrated clinical anatomy program at Alfaisal University: an innovative model of teaching clinically applied functional anatomy in a hybrid curriculum. (2016). Advances in Physiology Education 40 (1), 56-63, 2016, 40(1), 56-63.

Perceived barriers towards participation in undergraduate research activities among medical students at Alfaisal University—College of Medicine: A Saudi Arabian perspective

Journal Article ,
Perceived barriers towards participation in undergraduate research activities among medical students at Alfaisal University—College of Medicine: A Saudi Arabian perspective. (2016). Medical Teacher 38 (sup1), S12-S18, 2016.

Perceived influential factors toward participation in undergraduate research activities among medical students at Alfaisal University—College of Medicine: A Saudi Arabian …

Journal Article ,
Perceived influential factors toward participation in undergraduate research activities among medical students at Alfaisal University—College of Medicine: A Saudi Arabian …. (2016). Medical Teacher 38 (sup1), S31-S36, 2016.

Perceptions of pre-clerkship medical students and academic advisors about sleep deprivation and its relationship to academic performance: a cross-sectional perspective from …

Journal Article ,
Perceptions of pre-clerkship medical students and academic advisors about sleep deprivation and its relationship to academic performance: a cross-sectional perspective from …. (2015). BMC Research Notes 8 (1), 1-9, 2015.

Reprioritizing current research trends in medical education: a reflection on research activities in Saudi Arabia

Journal Article ,
Reprioritizing current research trends in medical education: a reflection on research activities in Saudi Arabia. (2015). Medical Teacher 37 (sup1), S5-S8, 2015.


Conference Paper ,
UNDERGRADUATE MEDICAL RESEARCH: EVALUATION OF RESEARCH-SPECIFIC. (2015). 12th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) and 3rd International Conference on. Presented at the. Singapore. (Original work published)

The Arab Medical Aspirations League (AMAL) : An Innovative Student Initiative In Research

Conference Paper ,
The Arab Medical Aspirations League (AMAL) : An Innovative Student Initiative In Research. (2015). 12th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) and 3rd International Conference on. Presented at the. Singapore. (Original work published)

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Current Medical Textbooks as Undergraduate Learning Recourse- A

Conference Paper ,
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Current Medical Textbooks as Undergraduate Learning Recourse- A. (2015). 12th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) and 3rd International Conference on. Presented at the. Singapore. (Original work published)


Conference Paper ,
ANALYSIS OF INFLUENCE OF STUDENTS PERCEPTION ON ADOPTING INTEGRATED. (2015). 12th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) and 3rdInternational Conference. Presented at the. Singapore. (Original work published)


Conference Paper ,
ASSESSING RESEARCH COMPETENCIES NEEDED FOR UNDERGRADUATE MEDICAL. (2015). 12th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) and 3rd International Conference on. Presented at the. Singapore. (Original work published)


Conference Paper ,
THE ROLE OF PATIENT SAFETY IN MEDICAL CURRICULA: A STUDENT PERSPECTIVE. (2015). 12th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) and 3rdInternational Conference. Presented at the. Singapore. (Original work published)

Medical curriculum: students’ perspectives

Journal Article ,
Medical curriculum: students’ perspectives. (2015). Health and Disease; Curriculum for the 21st Century Medical Students, 2015.

Evaluation and assessment of a curriculum: how do we do that?

Journal Article ,
Evaluation and assessment of a curriculum: how do we do that?. (2015). Health and Disease; Curriculum for the 21st Century Medical Students, 2015.

Time management and GPA outcome: A Three Years Study among Medical Students in Riyadh, KSA.

Journal Article ,
Time management and GPA outcome: A Three Years Study among Medical Students in Riyadh, KSA. (2015). The International Journal of E-Healthcare Information Systems 2 (1 2 3 4), 2015.

Academic Performance and Study Pattern Styles among Medical Students in Saudi Arabia

Conference Paper ,
Academic Performance and Study Pattern Styles among Medical Students in Saudi Arabia. (2014). Saudi International Medical Education Conference 2014. Presented at the. AlQaseem/KSA. (Original work published)

Evaluation and Assessment of a Curriculum: How Do We Do That? in Health and Disease: Curriculum for the 21st Century Medical Students

Book ,
Evaluation and Assessment of a Curriculum: How Do We Do That? in Health and Disease: Curriculum for the 21st Century Medical Students. (2014). Nova science publishers.

Medical Curriculum: Students’ Perspectives in Health and Disease: Curriculum for the 21st Century Medical Students

Book ,
Medical Curriculum: Students’ Perspectives in Health and Disease: Curriculum for the 21st Century Medical Students. (2014). Nova Science publishers.

Reprioritizing current research trends in medical Education: a reflection on research activities in Saudi Arabia.

Journal Article ,
Reprioritizing current research trends in medical Education: a reflection on research activities in Saudi Arabia. (2014). Medical Teacher, in press.

Exciting new ideas in medical education emerged from SIMEC 2012

Journal Article ,
Exciting new ideas in medical education emerged from SIMEC 2012. (2013). Medical Teacher 35 (sup1), S1-S4, 2013, 35, S1–S4.

Key Issues in Developing Anatomy Curriculum: in Education in Anatomical Sciences

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Key Issues in Developing Anatomy Curriculum: in Education in Anatomical Sciences. (2013). Nova science publishers.

Key issues in developing anatomy curriculum

Journal Article ,
Key issues in developing anatomy curriculum. (2013). Education in Anatomical Sciences, 2013.

Education in Anatomical Sciences

Book ,
Education in Anatomical Sciences. (2013). Education in Anatomical Sciences.

Subjectivity: A Concern in the Continuous Assessment of Students in a Hybrid PBL Based Curriculum

Conference Paper ,
Subjectivity: A Concern in the Continuous Assessment of Students in a Hybrid PBL Based Curriculum. (2012). 15th Ottawa Conference. Presented at the. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Original work published)

Research Ethics and Asian Culture: A Western Individual Autonomy or an Asian Shared Decision Making

Journal Article ,
Research Ethics and Asian Culture: A Western Individual Autonomy or an Asian Shared Decision Making. (2012). Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, 22, 33-39.

Research Ethics and Asian Culture: A Western Individual Autonomy or an Asian Shared Decision Making?

Journal Article ,
Research Ethics and Asian Culture: A Western Individual Autonomy or an Asian Shared Decision Making?. (2012).

Comparative study: Medical Physiology teaching in hybrid problem based learning (PBL) vs. integrated system teacher centered teaching

Journal Article ,
Comparative study: Medical Physiology teaching in hybrid problem based learning (PBL) vs. integrated system teacher centered teaching. (2011). Educational Research and Review 6 (23), 1063-1068, 2011, 6, 1063–1068.

Cell cycle regulators in neuronal death evoked by excitotoxic stress: implications for neurodegeneration and its treatment

Journal Article ,
Cell cycle regulators in neuronal death evoked by excitotoxic stress: implications for neurodegeneration and its treatment. (2000). Neurobiology of Aging 21 (6), 771-781, 2000, 21, 771–781.

Glutamate Does Not Mediate Acute Neuronal Damage after Spreading Depression Induced by O2/Glucose Deprivation in the Hippocampal Slice

Journal Article ,
Glutamate Does Not Mediate Acute Neuronal Damage after Spreading Depression Induced by O2/Glucose Deprivation in the Hippocampal Slice. (2000). Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 20 (2), 412-422, 2000, 20, 412–422.

Assessing acute neuronal damage induced by O,/glucose deprivation in hippocampal braio slices by measuring intriasic optical signals

Thesis ,
Assessing acute neuronal damage induced by O,/glucose deprivation in hippocampal braio slices by measuring intriasic optical signals. (1999). Queen’s University.

Potential sources of intrinsic optical signals imaged in live brain slices

Journal Article ,
Potential sources of intrinsic optical signals imaged in live brain slices. (1999). Methods 18 (2), 185-196, 1999, 18, 185–196.

1 999

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1 999. (1999). Potential Sources of Intrinsic Optical Signals Imaged in Live Brain Slices …, 1999.

Spreading depression determines acute cellular damage in the hippocampal slice during oxygen/glucose deprivation

Journal Article ,
Spreading depression determines acute cellular damage in the hippocampal slice during oxygen/glucose deprivation. (1998). European Journal of Neuroscience 10 (11), 3451-3461, 1998, 10, 3451–3461.

Soft-Skills Mediation between Procrastination and Academic Performance for Medical Students

Journal Article ,
Soft-Skills Mediation between Procrastination and Academic Performance for Medical Students.


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