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Optimization of process parameters for surface roughness in ultrasonic machining of polycarbonate bullet proof glass and acrylic heat resistant glass by Taguchi and grey …. (2017). Advanced Engineering Forum 23, 21-44, 2017.
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Molecular detection of a begomovirus species on chaya (Cnidoscolus acontifolia) from Madhya Pradesh, India which is distantly related to Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus. (2017). Virol Mycol 6, 547-553, 2017.
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The Thailand Declaration of the International College of Nutrition; Can Functional Foods and Functional Crops Decrease the Risk of Chronic Diseases and Provide Wellness?. (2017). Preprints, 2017.
GarwinKim Sing,
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Experimental investigation and study the effect of hydro fluoric acid in ultrasonic machining of polycarbonate bullet proof UL-752 and acrylic heat resistant BS-476 glass. (2017). Advanced Engineering Forum 24, 24-39, 2017.
GarwinKim Sing,
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Incidence and adoption of gri framework for sustainable reporting by Indian organisations A preliminary analysis. (2017). ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research 7 …, 2017.
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