GarwinKim Sing,,
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Decreased expression of receptors on monocytes from cancer patients. (1981). South African Medical Journal 59 (19), 676-677, 1981.
GarwinKim Sing,,
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Population studies of jujube leaf-webbers on Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk. at Ludhiana (Punjab). (1981). Entomon, 1981.
GarwinKim Sing,,
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Design and thermal performance of a matrix solar air heater. (1981). Energy Conversion and Management 21 (4), 253-256, 1981.
GarwinKim Sing,,
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Design and development of bullock drawn potato digger. (1981). JIPA, Journal of the Indian Potato Association, 1981.
GarwinKim Sing,,
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Increased ability of human embryonic fibroblasts to accumulate Ca2+ due to cytomegalovirus infection. (1981). Cytobios 31 (122), 107-116, 1981.
GarwinKim Sing,,
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Weed control studies in sugarbeet. (1981). Proceedings of the Eighth Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference., 35-38, 1981.
GarwinKim Sing,,
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Productivity of wheat varieties as influenced by the time of sowing. (1981). Journal of Research-Punjab Agricultural University (India), 1981.
Mattheus F.A. Goosen,,
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Inactivation of thrombin by antithrombin III on a heparinized biomaterial. (1980). Thrombosis Research 20 (5-6), 543-554, 1980.
Mattheus F.A. Goosen,,
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Heparin and the inactivation of thrombin by antithrombin III. (1980). Thrombosis Research 17 (1-2), 293-294, 1980.