GarwinKim Sing,,
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A Partial Discussion on the Economics of Tourism: Indian Case. (1980). Tourism Recreation Research 5 (2), 27-28, 1980.
GarwinKim Sing,,
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A contribution to the stratigraphy of Little Andaman Island, Bay of Bengal. (1980). Proceedings VII Indian Colloquium on Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy 406, 420, 1980.
GarwinKim Sing,,
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Influence of brachytic-2 dwarfing gene on the expression of leaf area index and light transmission in maize [India]. (1980). Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 1980.
GarwinKim Sing,,
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A scanning electron microscope study of the sequential changes in morphology occuring in human fibroblasts placed in suspension culture. (1980). Cytobios 27 (105), 7-18, 1980.
GarwinKim Sing,,
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Social Medicine and Public Health: A Select Bibliography. (1980). Jawaharlal Nehru University Library, Documentation Section, 1980.