Michael K. Muchiri

Associate Professor, Department of Management


Associate Professor, Department of Management

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Dr Michael Muchiri is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management, College of Business, Alfaisal University.

Michael holds a PhD in Management from the University of New England, Australia. His PhD dissertation focused on transformational leader behaviors, social processes of leadership, and substitutes for leadership as predictors of employee commitment, efficacy, citizenship behaviors and performance outcomes within Australian local councils. 

Michael also holds a Master of Science degree specializing in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (awarded cum laude).



Michael’s primary research interests focus on positive forms of organizational leadership, employee thriving at work, workplace safety and employee well-being. His research has been published in internationally recognized outlets including: Journal of Organizational Behavior (ABS 4; Scimago Q1), Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (ABS 4; Scimago Q1), Journal of Business Ethics (ABS 3; Scimago Q1), and Personnel Review (ABS 2; Scimago Q1)


Michael also has several book chapters published by internationally recognized outlets including by the American Psychological Association (US) and Edward Elgar Publishing (UK)


Michael’s research has been presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meetings (US), Australian Psychological Society’s Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conferences, British Academy of Management Conferences, and Australasian Business Ethics Network. 


In 2012, 2014 and 2016, Michael was awarded Top Reviewer by the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, US. 


Michael is on the Editorial Board for Personnel Review (ABDC A, Scimago Q1) and Leadership & Organization Development Journal (Scimago Q1)


Michael has also received substantial research funds, including funding from the City of Melbourne Council (Victoria, Australia), Small Business Victoria (Victoria, Australia), and the Department of Local Government, Planning, Sports and Recreation (Queensland, Australia). 


Further, Michael has supervised to completion several PhD students in the field of Organizational Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Management, and Human Resource Management.


Prior to joining Alfaisal University, Michael held continuing academic positions at RMIT University (Australia) and CQ University (Australia), and was a Visiting Researcher at the University of Queensland (Australia). At RMIT University, Michael was the Inaugural Program Manager for the Master of Human Resource Management, and was an Assessor for the Australian Research Council.  



Leading conflict across multiple levels and cultures: A research agenda’. Paper presented during the 25th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management, July 11-14, 2012, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. ., Ayoko, O. ., & Ayoko, O. . (2012). Leading conflict across multiple levels and cultures: A research agenda’. Paper presented during the 25th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management, July 11-14, 2012, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Presented at the. (Original work published 2012)

Linking transformational leadership and authentic followership to commitment, citizenship behaviours and follower performance’. Paper presented during the African International Business and Management (AIBUMA) Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, July 12 -13 2012

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. . (2012). Linking transformational leadership and authentic followership to commitment, citizenship behaviours and follower performance’. Paper presented during the African International Business and Management (AIBUMA) Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, July 12 -13 2012. African International Business and Management (AIBUMA) Conference, Nairobi, Kenya. Presented at the. (Original work published 2012)

Examining the effects of transformational leadership in Indonesia and Australia'. In proceedings of the 12th Malaysia-Indonesia International Economics, Management and Accounting Conference (Borderless Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. ., & Meiliani, M. . (2011). Examining the effects of transformational leadership in Indonesia and Australia’. In proceedings of the 12th Malaysia-Indonesia International Economics, Management and Accounting Conference (Borderless Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses . Management and Accounting Conference (Borderless Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses in Southeast Asia), Bengkulu, Indonesia. Presented at the. (Original work published 2011)

Leading through social processes: some findings from public sector organisations

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. . (2011). Leading through social processes: some findings from public sector organisations. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. Presented at the. Wellington, New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. (Original work published 2011)

Linking demographic diversity to organisational outcomes: some preliminary findings, in the proceedings of the 25th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. . (2011). Linking demographic diversity to organisational outcomes: some preliminary findings, in the proceedings of the 25th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management . Presented at the. Wellington, New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. (Original work published 2011)

The role of leadership in managing individuals' career anchors: a theoretical perspective'. In proceedings of the 12th Malaysia-Indonesia International Economics, Management and Accounting Conference (Borderless Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for B

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. ., & Meiliani, M. . (2011). The role of leadership in managing individuals’ career anchors: a theoretical perspective’. In proceedings of the 12th Malaysia-Indonesia International Economics, Management and Accounting Conference (Borderless Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for B. Management and Accounting Conference (Borderless Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses in Southeast Asia), Bengkulu, Indonesia. Presented at the. (Original work published 2011)

An exploration of relationships among enhancing adaptability leadership, innovation competences and operational effectiveness: the role of trust and power". In proceedings of the 12th Malaysia-Indonesia International Economics, Management and Accounting C

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. ., Ferrer, M. ., Santa, R. ., & Meiliani, M. . (2011). An exploration of relationships among enhancing adaptability leadership, innovation competences and operational effectiveness: the role of trust and power". In proceedings of the 12th Malaysia-Indonesia International Economics, Management and Accounting C. Management and Accounting Conference (Borderless Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses in Southeast Asia), Bengkulu, Indonesia. Presented at the. (Original work published 2011)

Leadership in context: a review and research agenda for Sub-Saharan Africa, , Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 84 No. 3, pp. 440-452.

Journal ,
Muchiri, M. . (2011). Leadership in context: a review and research agenda for Sub-Saharan Africa, , Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 84 No. 3, pp. 440-452. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.2044-8325.2011.02018.x

Examining the effects of substitutes for leadership on performance outcomes, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 32 No. 8, pp. 817-836.

Journal ,
Muchiri, M. ., & Cooksey, R. . (2011). Examining the effects of substitutes for leadership on performance outcomes, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 32 No. 8, pp. 817-836. https://doi.org/10.1108/01437731111183757

Gender and managerial level perceptions of effective leadership', Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 32 No. 5, pp. 462-492.

Journal ,
Muchiri, M. ., Cooksey, R. ., Di Milia, L. ., & Walumbwa, F. . (2011). Gender and managerial level perceptions of effective leadership’, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 32 No. 5, pp. 462-492. https://doi.org/10.1108/01437731111146578

Leadership behaviours and entrepreneurial attitude as predictors of business outcomes within business incubators: a conceptual model'. In the proceedings of the 25th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (The Future of Work an

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. . (2011). Leadership behaviours and entrepreneurial attitude as predictors of business outcomes within business incubators: a conceptual model’. In the proceedings of the 25th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (The Future of Work an. Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (The Future of Work and Organisations), Wellington, New Zealand. Presented at the. (Original work published 2011)

Examining Key Factors when Attracting and Retaining Skilled and Professional Migrants to Regional Areas: The Case of the Australian Central Queensland Region. In International handbook of Academic Research and Training, proceedings of Intellectbase Intern

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. ., Ferrer, M. ., Medhekar, A. ., & Santa, R. . (2010). Examining Key Factors when Attracting and Retaining Skilled and Professional Migrants to Regional Areas: The Case of the Australian Central Queensland Region. In International handbook of Academic Research and Training, proceedings of Intellectbase Intern. International Handbook of Academic Research and Training. Presented at the. (Original work published 2010)

Societal culture as a moderator of the impact of leadership on organizational effectiveness: a conceptual model, paper presented during the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Annual Conference

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. . (2010). Societal culture as a moderator of the impact of leadership on organizational effectiveness: a conceptual model, paper presented during the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Annual Conference. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) . Presented at the. Adelaide, Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. (Original work published 2010)

Examining the impact of substitutes for leadership on organizational performance, paper presented during the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Annual Conference

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. ., & Cooksey, R. . (2010). Examining the impact of substitutes for leadership on organizational performance, paper presented during the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Annual Conference. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) . Presented at the. Adelaide, Australia: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. (Original work published 2010)

Using hierarchical item clustering to establish the dimensionality of the multifactor leadership questionnaire’. Paper accepted for presentation during the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Annual Conference to be held in Adelaide, Australi

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. ., & Cooksey, R. . (2010). Using hierarchical item clustering to establish the dimensionality of the multifactor leadership questionnaire’. Paper accepted for presentation during the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Annual Conference to be held in Adelaide, Australi. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Annual Conference to Be Held in Adelaide, Australia. Presented at the. (Original work published 2010)

Examining the impact of substitutes for leadership on organizational performance’. Paper accepted for presentation during the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Annual Conference to be held in Adelaide, Australia, 7-10 December 2010.

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. ., & Cooksey, R. . (2010). Examining the impact of substitutes for leadership on organizational performance’. Paper accepted for presentation during the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Annual Conference to be held in Adelaide, Australia, 7-10 December 2010. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Annual Conference to Be Held in Adelaide, Australia. Presented at the. (Original work published 2010)

‘Exploring the interplay between leadership and innovation competences and their influence on organisational outcomes’. Paper presented during the 11th CINet Conference, Zürich, Switzerland, 5-7 September 2010.

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. ., Ferrer, M. ., Santa, R. ., & Di Milia, L. . (2010). ‘Exploring the interplay between leadership and innovation competences and their influence on organisational outcomes’. Paper presented during the 11th CINet Conference, Zürich, Switzerland, 5-7 September 2010. CINet Conference, Zürich, Switzerland. Presented at the. (Original work published 2010)

Using hierarchical item clustering to establish the dimensionality of the multifactor leadership questionnaire. International Journal of Organisational Behaviour, Vol.15 No.1, pp. 1-14.

Journal ,
Muchiri, M. ., & Cooksey, R. . (2010). Using hierarchical item clustering to establish the dimensionality of the multifactor leadership questionnaire. International Journal of Organisational Behaviour, Vol.15 No.1, pp. 1-14.

‘Thematic analyses of employee perceptions of leadership: Further support for the construction of effective leadership within local councils of Australia’. Paper presented on 4th December 2009 during the annual ANZAM Conference, in Melbourne, Australia.

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. ., & Cooksey, R. . (2009). ‘Thematic analyses of employee perceptions of leadership: Further support for the construction of effective leadership within local councils of Australia’. Paper presented on 4th December 2009 during the annual ANZAM Conference, in Melbourne, Australia. ANZAM Conference, in Melbourne, Australia. Presented at the. (Original work published 2009)

Book review of "Managing training and development in South Africa (4th edn), by BJ Erasmus, PVZ Loedolff, T Mda and PS Nel 2006", Journal of Management & Organization, Vol. 15 No.1, pp.135-136.

Journal ,
Book review of "Managing training and development in South Africa (4th edn), by BJ Erasmus, PVZ Loedolff, T Mda and PS Nel 2006", Journal of Management & Organization, Vol. 15 No.1, pp.135-136. (2009).

‘Leadership viewed through double lenses: An examination of transformational leader behaviours and social processes of leadership and their impact on key organisational variables within Australian local councils’.

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. ., & Cooksey, R. . (2008). ‘Leadership viewed through double lenses: An examination of transformational leader behaviours and social processes of leadership and their impact on key organisational variables within Australian local councils’ . ANZAM Conference, in Auckland, New Zealand. Presented at the. (Original work published 2008)

‘Examining communities of interest to achieve ‘best-fit’ governance in Central Queensland’. Paper presented at the 2008 SEGRA Conference (18th- 20th August), in Albury NSW, Australia.

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. . (2008). ‘Examining communities of interest to achieve ‘best-fit’ governance in Central Queensland’. Paper presented at the 2008 SEGRA Conference (18th- 20th August), in Albury NSW, Australia. SEGRA Conference, in Albury NSW, Australia. Presented at the. (Original work published 2008)

Book review of "A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Leadership by Brad Jackson and Ken Parry 2008" Journal of Management & Organization, Vol. 14 No. 5, p. 594.

Journal ,
Muchiri, M. . (2008). Book review of "A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Leadership by Brad Jackson and Ken Parry 2008" Journal of Management & Organization, Vol. 14 No. 5, p. 594.

Characterizing sustainable regions through communities of interest: an opaque sociology? TASA / SAANZ Joint Conference 2007 - Dec 4 –7.

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. . (2007). Characterizing sustainable regions through communities of interest: an opaque sociology? TASA / SAANZ Joint Conference 2007 - Dec 4 –7. TASA SAANZ Joint Conference . Presented at the. (Original work published 2007)

Examining the leader’s characteristics and interactive behaviours and factors substituting for leadership in the determination of perceived organisational commitment, citizenship behaviours and efficacy’.

Conference Paper ,
Muchiri, M. . (2004). Examining the leader’s characteristics and interactive behaviours and factors substituting for leadership in the determination of perceived organisational commitment, citizenship behaviours and efficacy’. ANZAM PhD Colloquium at Monash University. Presented at the. (Original work published 2004)


No Presentation added


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MGT443 Comparative Management


This course provides a comprehensive foundation for understanding, interacting, and successfully managing today’s multinational and multicultural organizations. It covers a wide range of issues ranging from assessing the international environment, exploring various cultures and communication methods, international negotiations and decision making to the creation of a global management team and international strategy formulation and execution.  


Objectives: Saudi business is international business with corporate profits generated from abroad. Yet potential business revenues are lost every year because company managers ignore the expectations of people in foreign cultures, and the way that they do business. This course will address this challenge by expanding the student’s knowledge about employees, management, and organizational behavior to encompass the entire world. This course will provide a framework for understanding cross cultural differences and using such knowledge in developing country specific management practices and policies. Moreover, it will provide a guide for dealing with strategic issues associated with cross national environments, organizational design, and adaptation, as well as those concerns of social responsibility and ethical behavior. 

MGT383 Organizational Leadership

Course Description:

This course serves as an introduction to leadership theory and practice. It examines various aspects and types of leadership and helps to develop leadership skills. The course includes relevant readings, cases, lectures, class discussions, and a group project.  


Course Objective:

Teach theory of leadership and help students understand the strengths and weaknesses of different leadership styles and how to increase their efficacy and relevance in specific contexts. 

MGT370 HR Planning, Recruitment & Selection

Course Description:

This course presents the key organizational and managerial practices involved in Human Resource (HR) planning, recruitment, and selection. Topics covered include HR strategy, labor demand and supply, job analysis, methods and processes of recruitment, valid and reliable selection methods and processes.  


Course Objectives:

Students will learn about the various activities and techniques used for effective staffing in organizations; including analysis of needs, techniques, and procedures for forecasting staffing requirements, recruiting appropriately skilled candidates, and selecting employees. The course emphasizes understanding basic types of assessment tools and procedures for choosing new employees. Core concepts in measurement and validity are discussed. Important issues relating to organizational entry and employee orientation and socialization are also covered. 

MGT230 Organizational Behavior

Course Description: This course provides a comprehensive overview of the applied behavioral sciences to the study of people at work in organizations. It covers the fundamentals of individual and group behavior and topics such as motivation, power and politics, and conflict and negotiations. It will also provide students with some experiential opportunities to develop leadership skills.  


Course Objectives: The main purpose of this course is to acquaint with the theory and application of organizational behavior. The course demonstrates how people influence and are influenced by organizations. The fundamentals of individual and group behavior will be covered in this course as well as selected topics in motivation, leadership, communication, conflict, and organizational culture. The course will provide some experiential opportunities to develop leadership skills, while assessing the various factors that affect the role of individuals and group in the organizational context. 

MBA585 Leadership in Organizations: Principles and Practices

Course Description:

This course examines the theory and practice of leadership in different settings, from small groups to large, multinational corporations. We will study different types of leadership, such as authentic leadership, servant leadership, transformational leadership and adaptive leadership, and their relevance and adjustments in different cultures, business climates and practical situations. Based on lectures and business cases, students will learn to act as good leaders, engage in effective problem solving and prepare for their leadership roles and managerial responsibilities for the purpose of exercising a positive, beneficial impact on organizations, communities and society.


Course Objectives:

Develop a deep understanding of the principal leadership theories and help students develop leadership skills 

MBA541 HR Planning, Recruitment & Selection

Course Description:

This course examines the theory and practice of HR planning, recruitment and selection as it relates to successful strategic planning of organizational staffing needs in the workplace. We will study the processes and actions necessary for recruiting, selecting and integrating employees into the workforce. Based on lectures and business cases, students will learn strategic staffing concepts and methods and apply them to case studies across various industries, examine recruitment and selection tools for use in different contexts, interprete how professional selection practices can improve organizational outcomes, and critically analyse various ways to improve staffing processes in an ethical and a professional manner.


Course Objectives: At the end of this course, students will be able to analyse and evaluate the principles and models of strategic HR planning, recruitment and selection.  Students will also be able to develop action plans for managerial applications of effective strategic HR planning, recruitment and selection in the workplace, appropriate for maximizing stakeholder value.