KhaledAl Kattan,,
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Burnout in oncology: Magnitude, risk factors and screening among professionals from Middle East and North Africa (BOMENA study). (2021). Psycho‐Oncology 30 (5), 736-746, 2021.
KhaledAl Kattan,,
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The current global perspective of the knowledge-attitude-behavior of the general public towards the corona virus disease-19 pandemic: Systematic review and meta-analysis on 67 …. (2021). PloS One 16 (12), e0260240, 2021.
Hana FakhouryHajeer,,
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Investigating the role of functional polymorphism of maternal and neonatal vitamin D binding protein in the context of 25-hydroxyvitamin D cutoffs as determinants of maternal …. (2021). Nutrients 13 (9), 3082, 2021.
Hana FakhouryHajeer,,
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Gene Expression Profiling of Apoptotic Proteins in Circulating Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Type II Diabetes Mellitus and Modulation by Metformin. (2021). Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 14, 1129, 2021.
Ashley Laurence Carreras,,
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Procedural Justice in Group Decision Support. (2021). Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation, 815-835, 2021.
Ashley Laurence Carreras,,
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Hearing the Participants’ Voice: Recognizing the Dimensions of Procedural and Interactional Justice by Enabling Their Determinants. (2021). Group Decision and Negotiation 30 (4), 743-773, 2021.
Nidal Nasser,,
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A smart healthcare framework for detection and monitoring of COVID-19 using IoT and cloud computing. (2021). Neural Computing and Applications, 1-15, 2021.
AkefObeidat ,,
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Flipping a biochemistry class within a medical curriculum: Impacts on perception, engagement, and attainment. (2021). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 49 (4), 625-632, 2021.