3D Models as an Adjunct for Models in Studying Alzheimer’s Disease

Muhammad Faisal Ikram,, Journal Article, , 3D Models as an Adjunct for Models in Studying Alzheimer’s Disease. (2021). Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU, 2021.


DFTSA-Net: Deep Feature Transfer-Based Stacked Autoencoder Network for DME Diagnosis

Hassan Zohair Ahmed,, Journal Article, , DFTSA-Net: Deep Feature Transfer-Based Stacked Autoencoder Network for DME Diagnosis. (2021). Entropy 23 (10), 1251, 2021.


Streamers: The new wave of digital entrepreneurship? Extant corpus and research agenda

Welf Hermann Weiger,, Journal Article, , Streamers: The new wave of digital entrepreneurship? Extant corpus and research agenda. (2021). Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 46, 101027, 2021.


Trust me, I'm a bot–repercussions of chatbot disclosure in different service frontline settings

Welf Hermann Weiger,, Journal Article, , Trust me, I’m a bot–repercussions of chatbot disclosure in different service frontline settings. (2021). Journal of Service Management, 2021.


Resolving the chatbot disclosure dilemma: leveraging selective self-presentation to mitigate the negative effect of chatbot disclosure

Welf Hermann Weiger,, Journal Article, , Resolving the chatbot disclosure dilemma: leveraging selective self-presentation to mitigate the negative effect of chatbot disclosure. (2021). Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2916, 2021.


Content versus community focus in live streaming services: how to drive engagement in synchronous social media

Welf Hermann Weiger,, Journal Article, , Content versus community focus in live streaming services: how to drive engagement in synchronous social media. (2021). Journal of Service Management, 2021.


Multiobjective optimization of process variables in single-point incremental forming using grey relational analysis coupled with entropy weights

Atef Ghaleb,, Journal Article, , Multiobjective optimization of process variables in single-point incremental forming using grey relational analysis coupled with entropy weights. (2021). Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …, 2021.


Normative Static Grip Strength of Saudi Arabia’s Population and Influences of Numerous Factors on Grip Strength

Atef Ghaleb,, Journal Article, , Normative Static Grip Strength of Saudi Arabia’s Population and Influences of Numerous Factors on Grip Strength. (2021). Healthcare 9 (12), 1647, 2021.


Investigating the Immediate Influence of Moderate Pedal Exercises during an Assembly Work on Performance and Workload in Healthy Men

Atef Ghaleb,, Journal Article, , Investigating the Immediate Influence of Moderate Pedal Exercises during an Assembly Work on Performance and Workload in Healthy Men. (2021). Healthcare 9 (12), 1644, 2021.


Normative Static Grip Strength of Saudi Arabia’s Population and Influences of Numerous Factors on Grip Strength. Healthcare 2021, 9, 1647

Atef Ghaleb,, Journal Article, , Normative Static Grip Strength of Saudi Arabia’s Population and Influences of Numerous Factors on Grip Strength. Healthcare 2021, 9, 1647. (2021). S Note: MDPI Stays Neutral With Regard to Jurisdictional Claims in Published …, 2021.