Initialization of fractional order systems for the joint estimation of parameters and fractional differentiation orders

Mohamed A.Bahloul, Journal Article, , Initialization of fractional order systems for the joint estimation of parameters and fractional differentiation orders. (2022). 2022 American Control Conference (ACC), 3943-3948, 2022.


Detecting Buildings and Nonbuildings from Satellite Images Using U-Net.

WaleedMohammed Alsabhan, Journal Article, , Alsabhan, waleed ., Alotaiby, T. ., & Dudin, B. . (2022). Detecting Buildings and Nonbuildings from Satellite Images Using U-Net. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022. (Original work published 2022)


Role of Network Slicing in Software Defined Networking for 5G: Use Cases and Future Directions

Nidal Nasser, Journal Article, , Role of Network Slicing in Software Defined Networking for 5G: Use Cases and Future Directions. (2022). IEEE Wireless Communications 29 (1), 112-118, 2022.


Joint optimization of the marketing and operations functions

LotfiTadj, Journal Article, , Tadj, L. ., & Djemili, S. . (2022). Joint optimization of the marketing and operations functions. OPSEARCH 59 (2), 574-593, 2022, 59, 20 pages.


Automatic Building Extraction on Satellite Images Using Unet and ResNet50

WaleedMohammed Alsabhan, Journal Article, , Alsabhan, waleed ., & Alotaiby, T. . (2022). Automatic Building Extraction on Satellite Images Using Unet and ResNet50. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022.


A Blockchain-Based Fake Product Identification System

Nidal Nasser, Journal Article, , A Blockchain-Based Fake Product Identification System. (2022). 2022 5th Conference on Cloud and Internet of Things (CIoT), 48-52, 2022.


Optimal Repair Rate for a Repairable Machine with Nonlinear State Equation

LotfiTadj, Journal Article, , Al-Matar, N. ., & Tadj, L. . (2022). Optimal Repair Rate for a Repairable Machine with Nonlinear State Equation. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 18 (3), 393-401, 2022, 18, 9 pages.


DFTSA-Net: Deep Feature Transfer-Based Stacked Autoencoder Network for DME Diagnosis

HassanZohair Ahmed, Journal Article, , DFTSA-Net: Deep Feature Transfer-Based Stacked Autoencoder Network for DME Diagnosis. (2021). Entropy 23 (10), 1251, 2021.


Ear in the Sky: Terrestrial Mobile Jamming to Prevent Aerial Eavesdropping

Nidal Nasser, Journal Article, , Ear in the Sky: Terrestrial Mobile Jamming to Prevent Aerial Eavesdropping. (2021). 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 01-06, 2021.


Combining Machine Learning and Blind Estimation for Central Aortic Blood Pressure Reconstruction

Mohamed A.Bahloul, Journal Article, , Combining Machine Learning and Blind Estimation for Central Aortic Blood Pressure Reconstruction. (2021). 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2021.