Worlds apart but not alone: How wiki technologies influence productivity and decision‐making in student groups

Wesley Szuway Shu, Journal Article, , Worlds apart but not alone: How wiki technologies influence productivity and decision‐making in student groups. (2015). Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 13 (2), 221-246, 2015.


Optimising supermarket promotions of fast moving consumer goods using disaggregated sales data: A case study of Tesco and their small and medium sized suppliers

Sheraz Alam Malik, Journal Article, , Optimising supermarket promotions of fast moving consumer goods using disaggregated sales data: A case study of Tesco and their small and medium sized suppliers. (2015). PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2015.


Trustworthiness, awareness and environmental concern: An approach to evidence-based sustainability curriculum development, paper presented during the 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management,

Michael K. Muchiri, Conference Paper, , McMurray, A. ., Simmers, C. ., Mitchell, L. ., & Muchiri, M. . (2015). Trustworthiness, awareness and environmental concern: An approach to evidence-based sustainability curriculum development, paper presented during the 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management,. Academy of Management - US. Presented at the. Vancouver, BC, Canada.: Academy of Management. (Original work published 2015)


Understanding the links between Procedural Justice and Causal Mapping: outcomes of focus group workshops using facilitated Group Decision Software.

Ashley Laurence Carreras, Journal Article, , Understanding the links between Procedural Justice and Causal Mapping: outcomes of focus group workshops using facilitated Group Decision Software. (2015). Warsaw School of Economics Press., 2015.


Effects of Servant Leader Behaviours on Thriving, Efficacy Beliefs and Safety Climate

Michael K. Muchiri, Conference Paper, , Muchiri, M. . (2015). Effects of Servant Leader Behaviours on Thriving, Efficacy Beliefs and Safety Climate. APS 11th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference. Presented at the. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Psychological Society (Industrial and Organisational Psychology). (Original work published 2015)


{Islamic social business for sustainable development and subjective wellbeing}

Necati Aydin, Journal Article, , {Islamic social business for sustainable development and subjective wellbeing}. (2015). International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/IMEFM-09-2014-0097


Ethically Leading a Healthy and Committed Workforce: an exploratory study, presented during the APS 11th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference

Michael K. Muchiri, Conference Paper, , Muchiri, M. . (2015). Ethically Leading a Healthy and Committed Workforce: an exploratory study, presented during the APS 11th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference. APS 11th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference. Presented at the. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Psychological Society (Industrial and Organisational Psychology). (Original work published 2015)


Extreme IPO underpricing and the legal environment in wealthy emerging economies

Haitham Al-Zoubi, Journal Article, , Extreme IPO underpricing and the legal environment in wealthy emerging economies. (2015). Journal of Multinational Financial Management 31, 83-103, 2015.


{Redefining Islamic Economics as a New Economic Paradigm}

Necati Aydin, Journal Article, , {Redefining Islamic Economics as a New Economic Paradigm}. (2015). Islamic Economic Studies.


Examining the Effects of Gender and Occupational Stereotype on Perceptions of Service Quality in Different Cultures

Abdel Monim Shaltoni, Journal Article, , Examining the Effects of Gender and Occupational Stereotype on Perceptions of Service Quality in Different Cultures. (2014). Marketing Management Association Spring Conference, 127, 2014.