Returnee Directors and Corporate Fraud

Ernest Gyapong, Journal Article, , Usman, M. ., E, G. ., Agyei-Boapeah, H. ., & Yin, J. . (2025). Returnee Directors and Corporate Fraud. Review of Accounting Studies. (Original work published)


Do women directors influence CEO performance-induced turnover in China?

Ernest Gyapong, Journal, , F., U. ., E, G. ., Gull, A. ., Usman, M. ., Javed, M. ., & V., T. . (2025). Do women directors influence CEO performance-induced turnover in China?.


Effective leadership attributes during a crisis

Michael K. Muchiri, Conference Paper, , Samad, A. ., Muchiri, M. ., & Gamage, A. . (2024). Effective leadership attributes during a crisis. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) . Presented at the. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Wollongong, Australia. (Original work published 2024)


Leading from a distance: Nurturing trust in virtual and crisis environments

Michael K. Muchiri, Journal Article, , Gamage, A. ., Muchiri, M. ., Shahid, S. ., & Tanzil, R. . (2024). Leading from a distance: Nurturing trust in virtual and crisis environments. Business Process Management Journal, 34. https://doi.org/10.1108/BPMJ-01-2024-0049 (Original work published 2024)


Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole – How Technology Conspiracy Beliefs Emerge and Foster a Conspiracy Mindset

Welf Hermann Weiger, Journal Article, , Kraemer, T. ., Trang, S. ., Trenz, M. ., & Weiger, W. H. (2024). Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole – How Technology Conspiracy Beliefs Emerge and Foster a Conspiracy Mindset. Information Systems Research.


How and When Does Employee Creativity Relate to Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior? Unmasking the Negative Side of Organizational Creativity

Michael K. Muchiri, Journal Article, , Hameed, I. ., Arain, G. A., Hameed, I. ., Gamage, A. ., & Muchiri, M. . (2024). How and When Does Employee Creativity Relate to Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior? Unmasking the Negative Side of Organizational Creativity. Journal of Business Ethics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-024-05822-9 (Original work published 2024)


The Interaction Effect of Leadership Support on the EO - Innovative Performance Relationship

Robert Naji Zacca, Journal Article, , R., Z. ., Kafaji, M. ., & AM, S. . (2024). The Interaction Effect of Leadership Support on the EO - Innovative Performance Relationship. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.


Can Frontline Employees Help Consumers Improve Their Financial Planning Behavior? Implications From Triadic Analysis

Welf Hermann Weiger, Journal Article, , Siahtiri, V. ., Weiger, W. H., Tetteh-Afi, C. ., & Kraemer, T. . (2024). Can Frontline Employees Help Consumers Improve Their Financial Planning Behavior? Implications From Triadic Analysis. European Journal of Marketing.


Supply chain coordination in a dual sourcing system under the tailored base-surge policy

Younes Hamdouch, Journal Article, , Ghoudi, K. ., Hamdouch, Y. ., Boulaksil, Y. ., & Hamdan, S. . (2024). Supply chain coordination in a dual sourcing system under the tailored base-surge policy . European Journal of Operations Research, 317(2), 533-549.


Strategic Learning Capability and SME Performance Relationship: The Moderated-Mediation of Strategic Entrepreneurial Behavior and Environment Hostility

Robert Naji Zacca, Conference Proceedings, , R., Z. . (2024). Strategic Learning Capability and SME Performance Relationship: The Moderated-Mediation of Strategic Entrepreneurial Behavior and Environment Hostility.