Incremental Change Propagation from Software to Performance Models

TaghreedArafat Altamimi, Journal Article, , Incremental Change Propagation from Software to Performance Models. (2019). Carleton University, 2019.


An Architecture for Software Defined Drone Networks

Abd-ElhamidTaha, Journal Article, , An Architecture for Software Defined Drone Networks. (2019). ICC 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-5, 2019.


Dynamic Controller Placement in Software Defined Drone Networks

Abd-ElhamidTaha, Journal Article, , Dynamic Controller Placement in Software Defined Drone Networks. (2019). 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019.


Designing social robots at scales beyond the humanoid

TarekMokhtar, Journal Article, , Designing social robots at scales beyond the humanoid. (2019). Social Robots: Technological, Societal and Ethical Aspects of Human-Robot …, 2019.


Analyzing Critical Failures in a Production Process: Is Industrial IoT the Solution?(vol 2018, 6951318, 2018)

Atef Ghaleb, Journal Article, , Analyzing Critical Failures in a Production Process: Is Industrial IoT the Solution?(vol 2018, 6951318, 2018). (2019). WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING 2019, 2019.


ECG-Based Subject Identification Using Common Spatial Pattern and SVM

WaleedMohammed Alsabhan, Journal Article, , Alsabhan, waleed ., Alotaiby, T. ., Alshebeili, S. ., & Aljafar, L. . (2019). ECG-Based Subject Identification Using Common Spatial Pattern and SVM. Journal of Sensors, 2019.


Self-aware autonomous city: From sensing to planning

Nidal Nasser, Journal Article, , Self-aware autonomous city: From sensing to planning. (2019). IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (4), 33-39, 2019.


Effect of ambient oxygen content, safety shoe type, and lifting frequency on subject’s MAWL and physiological responses

Atef Ghaleb, Journal Article, , Effect of ambient oxygen content, safety shoe type, and lifting frequency on subject’s MAWL and physiological responses. (2019). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (21), 4172, 2019.


Corrigendum to “Analyzing Critical Failures in a Production Process: Is Industrial IoT the Solution?”

Atef Ghaleb, Journal Article, , Corrigendum to “Analyzing Critical Failures in a Production Process: Is Industrial IoT the Solution?”. (2019). Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing (Online) 2019, 2019.


Context classification for improved semantic understanding of mathematical formulae

Randa Abdulrahman Almomen , Thesis, , Almomen, R. . (2018). Context classification for improved semantic understanding of mathematical formulae (University of Birmingham). University of Birmingham, Birmingham. Retrieved from https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=B_gi7PMAAAAJ&citation_for_view=B_gi7PMAAAAJ:zYLM7Y9cAGgC (Original work published 2018)