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A cultural perspective on the effects of comprehension and slogan meaning types on attitude toward the advertisement and brand

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Analyses of unintended consequences of IAS 12 on deferred income taxes, China Accounting and Finance Review

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Reframing positive leadership within the context of Australian not-for-profit organisations. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. Vol. 31 No. 6, pp. 2465-2480.

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The key success factors to adopting lean practices: the case of South American manufacturing firms

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Does corporate sustainable development still promote corporate financial performance during global crises? Empirical Study from China

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Returnee directors and cost of debt, Journal of Business Research

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Dynamic interactions of actual stock returns with forecasted stock returns and investors’ risk aversion: empirical evidence interplaying the impact of Covid-19 pandemic

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Unethical leadership: Review, synthesis and directions for future research. Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 183, pp.511–550.

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