Welf Hermann Weiger

Assistant Professor, Chair of Marketing Department, Department of Marketing


Brief Biography

Welf H. Weiger is an Assistant Professor of Marketing and Chair of the the Marketing Department at Alfaisal University in Saudi Arabia. His research primarily focuses on social media marketing, customer engagement, gamification, and the use of artificial intelligence at the service frontline. His scholarly contributions have been featured in prominent publications including the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of International Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Business Research.



Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole – How Technology Conspiracy Beliefs Emerge and Foster a Conspiracy Mindset

Journal Article ,
Kraemer, T. ., Trang, S. ., Trenz, M. ., & Weiger, W. H. (2024). Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole – How Technology Conspiracy Beliefs Emerge and Foster a Conspiracy Mindset. Information Systems Research.

Can Frontline Employees Help Consumers Improve Their Financial Planning Behavior? Implications From Triadic Analysis

Journal Article ,
Siahtiri, V. ., Weiger, W. H., Tetteh-Afi, C. ., & Kraemer, T. . (2024). Can Frontline Employees Help Consumers Improve Their Financial Planning Behavior? Implications From Triadic Analysis. European Journal of Marketing.

Drivers of Electric Vehicle Adoption: The Moderating Role of Technological Innovativeness

Journal Article ,
AlYousef, M. B., Weiger, W. H., & Shaltoni, A. . (2023). Drivers of Electric Vehicle Adoption: The Moderating Role of Technological Innovativeness . Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review, forthcoming.

Engaging Business Customers Through Online Experiences in Different Cultures

Journal Article ,
Weiger, W. H. (2023). Engaging Business Customers Through Online Experiences in Different Cultures. Journal of International Marketing, 31(3).

The Technology-Behavioral Compensation Effect: Unintended Consequences of Health Technology Adoption

Journal Article ,
Wolf, T. ., Trang, S. ., Weiger, W. H., & Trenz, M. . (2023). The Technology-Behavioral Compensation Effect: Unintended Consequences of Health Technology Adoption. Journal of Information Technology.

Drivers of Electric Vehicle Adoption: The Moderating Role of Technological Innovativeness

Journal Article ,
AlYousef, M. B., Weiger, W. H., & Shaltoni, A. . (2023). Drivers of Electric Vehicle Adoption: The Moderating Role of Technological Innovativeness. Management & Sustainability: An Arab Review.

The invisible leash: when human brands hijack corporate brands' consumer relationships

Journal Article ,
Giertz, J. ., Hollebeek, L. D., Weiger, W. H., & Hammerschmidt, M. . (2022). The invisible leash: when human brands hijack corporate brands’ consumer relationships. Journal of Service Management, 33(3), 10.

AI and the Vulnerable

Journal Article ,
Meyer, N. ., Hammerschmidt, M. ., & Weiger, W. H. (2022). AI and the Vulnerable. Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems.

Content- versus community-focus in live streaming services: how to drive engagement in synchronous social media

Journal Article ,
Content- versus community-focus in live streaming services: how to drive engagement in synchronous social media. (2022). Journal of Service Management, 33(1).

The Invisible Leash: When Human Brands Hijack Corporate Brands’ Consumer Relationships

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The Invisible Leash: When Human Brands Hijack Corporate Brands’ Consumer Relationships. (2022). Journal of Service Management, forthcoming.

Deflected by the Tin Foil Hat? Word of Mouth, Conspiracy Beliefs, and the Adoption of Innovative Public Health Apps

Journal Article ,
Kraemer, T. ., Weiger, W. H., Trang, S. ., & Trenz, M. . (2022). Deflected by the Tin Foil Hat? Word of Mouth, Conspiracy Beliefs, and the Adoption of Innovative Public Health Apps. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 40(2), 20.

Users Taking the Blame? How Service Failure, Recovery, and Robot Design Affect User Attributions and Retention

Journal Article ,
Meyer, N. ., Schwede, M. ., Hammerschmidt, M. ., & Weiger, W. H. (2022). Users Taking the Blame? How Service Failure, Recovery, and Robot Design Affect User Attributions and Retention. Electronic Markets, 32, 14.

Claim success, but blame the bot? User reactions to service failure and recovery in interactions with humanoid service robots

Journal Article ,
Claim success, but blame the bot? User reactions to service failure and recovery in interactions with humanoid service robots. (2022). Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022.

Competition versus cooperation: How technology-facilitated social interdependence initiates the self-improvement chain

Journal Article ,
Competition versus cooperation: How technology-facilitated social interdependence initiates the self-improvement chain. (2021). International Journal of Research in Marketing 38 (2), 472-491, 2021, 37(4).

The perils of gamification: Does engaging with gamified services increase users’ willingness to disclose personal information?

Journal Article ,
The perils of gamification: Does engaging with gamified services increase users’ willingness to disclose personal information?. (2021). Computers in Human Behavior 116, 106644, 2021, 116, 1-14.

Video Content Streamers: The New Wave of Digital Entrepreneurship? A Review of Extant Corpus and Research Agenda,

Journal Article ,
Video Content Streamers: The New Wave of Digital Entrepreneurship? A Review of Extant Corpus and Research Agenda,. (2021). Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 46, 1-13.

Trust me, I'm a bot – repercussions of chatbot disclosure in different service frontline settings

Journal Article ,
Trust me, I’m a bot – repercussions of chatbot disclosure in different service frontline settings. (2021). Journal of Service Management, forthcoming.

That’s so Embarrassing! When not to Design for Social Presence in Human–Chatbot Interactions

Journal Article ,
That’s so Embarrassing! When not to Design for Social Presence in Human–Chatbot Interactions. (2021).

Streamers: The new wave of digital entrepreneurship? Extant corpus and research agenda

Journal Article ,
Streamers: The new wave of digital entrepreneurship? Extant corpus and research agenda. (2021). Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 46, 101027, 2021.

Trust me, I'm a bot–repercussions of chatbot disclosure in different service frontline settings

Journal Article ,
Trust me, I’m a bot–repercussions of chatbot disclosure in different service frontline settings. (2021). Journal of Service Management, 2021.

Resolving the chatbot disclosure dilemma: leveraging selective self-presentation to mitigate the negative effect of chatbot disclosure

Journal Article ,
Resolving the chatbot disclosure dilemma: leveraging selective self-presentation to mitigate the negative effect of chatbot disclosure. (2021). Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2916, 2021.

Content versus community focus in live streaming services: how to drive engagement in synchronous social media

Journal Article ,
Content versus community focus in live streaming services: how to drive engagement in synchronous social media. (2021). Journal of Service Management, 2021.

One app to trace them all? Examining app specifications for mass acceptance of contact-tracing apps

Journal Article ,
One app to trace them all? Examining app specifications for mass acceptance of contact-tracing apps. (2020). European Journal of Information Systems 29 (4), 415-428, 2020, 29(4), 415-428.

Understanding the what and how of successful social live streaming

Journal Article ,
Understanding the what and how of successful social live streaming. (2020). CEUR-WS, 2020.

Experiences that matter? The motivational experiences and business outcomes of gamified services

Journal Article ,
Experiences that matter? The motivational experiences and business outcomes of gamified services. (2020). Journal of Business Research 106, 353-364, 2020, 106(1), 353-364.

Experiences that matter? The motivational experiences and business outcomes of gamified services

Journal Article ,
Experiences that matter? The motivational experiences and business outcomes of gamified services. (2020). Journal of Business Research, 106(1), 353-364.

Toward a theory of spirals: the dynamic relationship between organizational pride and customer-oriented behavior

Journal Article ,
Toward a theory of spirals: the dynamic relationship between organizational pride and customer-oriented behavior. (2020). Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 48 (6), 1095-1115, 2020, 48(3), 1095–1115.

A Streamer’s Stream: The What and How of Successful Social Live Streaming

Conference Proceedings ,
A Streamer’s Stream: The What and How of Successful Social Live Streaming. (2020). San Diego, USA: American Marketing Association.

The Chatbot Disclosure Dilemma: Desirable and Undesirable Effects of Disclosing the Non-Human Identity of Chatbots.

Journal Article ,
The Chatbot Disclosure Dilemma: Desirable and Undesirable Effects of Disclosing the Non-Human Identity of Chatbots. (2020). ICIS, 1-18, 2020.

Who’s pulling the strings? The motivational paths from marketer actions to user engagement in social media

Journal Article ,
Who’s pulling the strings? The motivational paths from marketer actions to user engagement in social media. (2019). European Journal of Marketing, 2019, 53(9), 1808-1832.

Same Same but Different? The Predictive Power of Association Types in Brand Buzz for Investor Returns.

Journal Article ,
Same Same but Different? The Predictive Power of Association Types in Brand Buzz for Investor Returns. (2019). ICIS, 2019.

Same Same but Different? The Predictive Power of Association Types in Brand Buzz for Investor Returns,

Conference Proceedings ,
Same Same but Different? The Predictive Power of Association Types in Brand Buzz for Investor Returns,. (2019). Munich, Germany: Association for Information Systems.

How Marketer-generated Content in Social Media Impacts Sales Along the Sentiment Cycle

Conference Proceedings ,
How Marketer-generated Content in Social Media Impacts Sales Along the Sentiment Cycle. (2019). Rome, Italy: INFORMS.

Another Dark Side of Gamification? How and When Gamified Service Use Triggers Information Disclosure

Conference Proceedings ,
Another Dark Side of Gamification? How and When Gamified Service Use Triggers Information Disclosure. (2019). Levi, Finland.

Quantifying Investor Returns from Brand Buzz: The Interplay of Brand Buzz Aggregation and Dispersion Metrics

Conference Proceedings ,
Quantifying Investor Returns from Brand Buzz: The Interplay of Brand Buzz Aggregation and Dispersion Metrics. (2019). Fontainebleau, France.

Giving or receiving in social media: can content marketing simultaneously drive productive and consumptive engagement?

Journal Article ,
Giving or receiving in social media: can content marketing simultaneously drive productive and consumptive engagement?. (2019). Handbook of Research on Customer Engagement, 2019.

Another dark side of gamification? How and when gamified service use triggers information disclosure.

Journal Article ,
Another dark side of gamification? How and when gamified service use triggers information disclosure. (2019). GamiFIN, 142-153, 2019.

Gamified services: How gameful experiences drive customer commitment.

Journal Article ,
Gamified services: How gameful experiences drive customer commitment. (2018). GamiFIN, 75-82, 2018.

Don’t you dare push me: how persuasive social media tactics shape customer engagement

Journal Article ,
Don’t you dare push me: how persuasive social media tactics shape customer engagement. (2018). Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 3 (3), 364-378, 2018, 3(3), 364-378. (Original work published 2018)

Gamified Digital Services: How Gameful Experiences Drive Continued Service Usage

Journal Article ,
Gamified Digital Services: How Gameful Experiences Drive Continued Service Usage. (2018). Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 51, 1188-1196, 2018.

Stand by me: Escaping the webrooming dilemma through integrating product presentation technologies and product reviews

Conference Proceedings ,
Stand by me: Escaping the webrooming dilemma through integrating product presentation technologies and product reviews. (2018). American Marketing Association.

Leveraging marketer-generated appeals in online brand communities: an individual user-level analysis

Journal Article ,
Leveraging marketer-generated appeals in online brand communities: an individual user-level analysis. (2017). Journal of Service Management 28 (1), 2017, 28(1), 133-156.

User Engagement in Social Media: An Individual-level Perspective

Journal Article ,
User Engagement in Social Media: An Individual-level Perspective. (2017). Universität Göttingen, 2017.

Antecedents and Outcomes of Sustainable Innovation: A Meta-Analytic Path Model

Journal Article ,
Antecedents and Outcomes of Sustainable Innovation: A Meta-Analytic Path Model. (2017). Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 16518, 2017.

Should Marketers Pull the Strings? How to Shape the Impact of Persuasion on Consumer Engagement in Social Media

Conference Proceedings ,
Should Marketers Pull the Strings? How to Shape the Impact of Persuasion on Consumer Engagement in Social Media. (2017). Philadelphia, USA: Baker Retailing Center, The Wharton School.

Behavioral Engagement in Social Media: Measurement, Antecedents, and Purchase Consequences

Conference Proceedings ,
Behavioral Engagement in Social Media: Measurement, Antecedents, and Purchase Consequences. (2017). Los Angeles, USA: INFORMS.

Signals From the Echoverse ? The Informational Value of Brand Buzz Dispersion

Conference Proceedings ,
Signals From the Echoverse ? The Informational Value of Brand Buzz Dispersion. (2017). Orlando, USA: American Marketing Association.


Journal Article ,

Are we all brand managers? Understanding the facets and drivers of brand democratization

Journal Article ,
Are we all brand managers? Understanding the facets and drivers of brand democratization. (2012). Proceedings of the 41st EMAC Conference, Marketing to Citizens: Going Beyond …, 2012.

Any Chatter Matters: The Effects of Marketer-Generated Appeals on User Engagement and Brand Equity

Journal Article ,
Any Chatter Matters: The Effects of Marketer-Generated Appeals on User Engagement and Brand Equity.


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